All Things In Moderation

Not dieting but creating a new way of eating that doesn't exclude anything. Protein packed breakfasts, veggie full lunches and well rounded dinners. Stay on track 80% of the time and feel good about the occasional glass of wine or dessert. Let's share recipes and ways to stay on track while living in the real world.


  • beatonchat
    beatonchat Posts: 24 Member
    That is phenomenal! Do you have any words of wisdom for someone, me, just starting out?
  • beatonchat
    beatonchat Posts: 24 Member
    OK, your right, no doughnut's! Although it really won't derail you if you have a half a doughnut once a year or even twice. That's my point about everything in moderation. What is moderate is different for each food. I can't have cake in my house because I can't just have one small slice but that doesn't mean I won't have a little at a birthday party.
  • beatonchat
    beatonchat Posts: 24 Member
    Here is a great breakfast recipe with eggs, veggies and whole grains that is quick and easy to make ahead and have on hand for the whole week:
    Check it out and let me know what you think. Have a healthy day!
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Nice job. This method has seen me through 43lbs so far.
  • beatonchat
    beatonchat Posts: 24 Member
    You guys are inspiring me sooo much! I've lost 6 pounds so far since May 24 and am finding this method really works for me. I completely agree with Franc127, if I deny myself something I'm craving then I'll eventually binge on it.
  • beatonchat
    beatonchat Posts: 24 Member
    Good morning! Starting my morning with turmeric and ginger tea. It helps with inflammation and digestion. I've heard that lemon water is also good first thing in the morning to help jump start your metabolism. Anyone doing that? What are the results?
  • tanyabnrd795
    tanyabnrd795 Posts: 25 Member
    How much tumeric are you adding to your tea?
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Everything but doughnuts.
    Certain foods cannot be in my house.

    Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Costco bakery cookies are the only two things that I seem to have little control over myself over. I don't know why, I have defeated Nutella, M&Ms, chips, pizza, fries, etc, but those two items, I can sit and eat and eat and eat and just never be satisfied. I really don't get what they put in those things that just trigger the 'you have to eat this even if it means you die of stomach rupture' response in my brain.

    I think the only way I could ever successfully complete a 10k calorie challenge would be by going to Costco, buying a box of CTC (7650 cals w/milk) and a box of 18 Costco bakery cookies (3780).

    Though I have about banned CTC from the house, I do occasionally still buy the Costco cookies for Friday night sessions. I don't eat the whole box in one sitting. My husband would never give me the chance as we fight like feral street dogs over them, with our kid running in to take one when she sees her chance.
  • beatonchat
    beatonchat Posts: 24 Member
    I do 1tsp of ground turmeric and 1/2tsp ground ginger with a pinch of black pepper (the pepper helps your body metabolize the turmeric), I adda 1/2 cup boiling water to dissolve and then some cold so I can drink it. When I started doing this I was also adding some honey and milk (coconut milk is good too) to make it more palatable but I cut those out as I don't need the extra calories and I no longer mind the spiciness. I love the way it makes my stomach feel.
  • beatonchat
    beatonchat Posts: 24 Member
    edited June 2016
    WinoGelato this is such a great perspective! This totally resonates with me and I plan to use it going forward.
  • beatonchat
    beatonchat Posts: 24 Member
    So Tuesday night is my households Pizza and Movie night. I had a big salad and two slices of Supreme pizza on thin crust. That was enough and I didn't find myself wanting the leftovers next day. What did stand out to me was how bloated I felt yesterday and that my stomach was upset the whole day. I am becoming so much more aware of how certain foods make my body feel and it is making it easier to stay away from those foods that used to be a staple in my diet that were so bad for me.
  • tanyabnrd795
    tanyabnrd795 Posts: 25 Member
    The tea sounds soothing. I had purchased A large container at the health food store, then didn't know what to do with it.
    I am making a cup tonight.!
  • rakowskidp
    rakowskidp Posts: 231 Member
    beatonchat wrote: »
    So Tuesday night is my households Pizza and Movie night. I had a big salad and two slices of Supreme pizza on thin crust. That was enough and I didn't find myself wanting the leftovers next day. What did stand out to me was how bloated I felt yesterday and that my stomach was upset the whole day. I am becoming so much more aware of how certain foods make my body feel and it is making it easier to stay away from those foods that used to be a staple in my diet that were so bad for me.
    This was such an important revelation!

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Meh, I don't want to eat everything.
  • beatonchat
    beatonchat Posts: 24 Member
    rakowskidp, revelation is the perfect word to describe how I felt realizing I knew exactly why I didn't feel great! It is amazing how my taste buds have changed, too. Things that used to be bland are now bursting with flavors I just never paid attention to before and sweets that I used to love are overpoweringly sugary now. I am grateful for this change as it means my body is coming out of the stupor I had it in and I'm enjoying the foods that are good for me.
    I will never like Eggplant, though! :p
  • supersimonesquirrel
    supersimonesquirrel Posts: 74 Member
    This is the best way of eating for me. I used to eat way too much chocolate - think I must have been addicted to it. now I eat my favorite fruits (currently cherries and strawberries). If I want a chocolately dessert then I have quark mixed with light hot choc powder. Tastes like cheesecake filling and its great for after working out due to the protein content. I would have had it tonight but the shop sold out - boo hoo :neutral: