Want to be healthy for a change!!

Good Morning. I am 38 years old, a single mother of 1, a special ed teacher, a sister, a daughter, and an insecure woman. I have been making promises to myself about my health for years. These promises included eating whatever I wanted and conciously making a choice to be bulemic after the birth of my daughter for several years. They included daily diet promises that ended at noon. They included daily fitness routines that almost never occurred. They included promises to quit smoking - failing daily. Mostly, my life has consisted of never doing right by my own healt.h...Ever!!

I want to be energetic again. I want to be confident again. I want to be an example to my daughter. I want to respect myself. Since I stopped my bulimic behavior about a year ago (okay, I still throw up sometimes, but it's rare now) I have gained 30 pounds and am hovering around 155. I don't exercise. I eat mostly fast food and garbage - fries and burgers are my weakness. I go to bed by 9:00. Basically, I have become incredibly lazy, incredibly unmotivated, and incredibly unhealthy.

I need to be held accountable, and frankly, I don't have a lot of friends. My life revolves around my daughter, my family, and my job as a teacher. I'm not complaining at all. This is the life I've chosen. I just hope that this will help me to be more accountable to myself. I want to live life right and be healthy for a change!! I want a reason to look at myself and be proud of what I'm doing for me agian.

So this is a start. If I don't break this promise like every other, you'll hear from me again. Good luck to us all!!


  • ljparks
    Good Morning. I am 38 years old, a single mother of 1, a special ed teacher, a sister, a daughter, and an insecure woman. I have been making promises to myself about my health for years. These promises included eating whatever I wanted and conciously making a choice to be bulemic after the birth of my daughter for several years. They included daily diet promises that ended at noon. They included daily fitness routines that almost never occurred. They included promises to quit smoking - failing daily. Mostly, my life has consisted of never doing right by my own healt.h...Ever!!

    I want to be energetic again. I want to be confident again. I want to be an example to my daughter. I want to respect myself. Since I stopped my bulimic behavior about a year ago (okay, I still throw up sometimes, but it's rare now) I have gained 30 pounds and am hovering around 155. I don't exercise. I eat mostly fast food and garbage - fries and burgers are my weakness. I go to bed by 9:00. Basically, I have become incredibly lazy, incredibly unmotivated, and incredibly unhealthy.

    I need to be held accountable, and frankly, I don't have a lot of friends. My life revolves around my daughter, my family, and my job as a teacher. I'm not complaining at all. This is the life I've chosen. I just hope that this will help me to be more accountable to myself. I want to live life right and be healthy for a change!! I want a reason to look at myself and be proud of what I'm doing for me agian.

    So this is a start. If I don't break this promise like every other, you'll hear from me again. Good luck to us all!!
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    You are strong. Don't doubt that. If this is what you want, you can achieve it.
  • cjbranson
    cjbranson Posts: 121
    The first step is to take responsibility for your life and it sounds like you have. Stick with it, have faith in yourself, and reach out to others just as you've done here. Good luck to you and stay strong!
  • ljparks
    Thank you!!
  • ljparks
    Thank you!
  • ljparks
    Thank you!
  • KLS10
    KLS10 Posts: 127
    ya good for you! My step mom was bulimic when I was little, and she constantly talked about how fat she was , even though she wasn't.. and what do you know? I started when I was really young cuz I thought I would be fat if I didn't. I am recovered and doing awesome, so good job on starting fresh and teaching your daughter a healthy way to live.
  • breakinfree
    I'm 38 too - and I just joined today! YOU CAN DO IT! You just need some support and encouragement. That's why I joined today. I need to lose 40 lbs and I know exercise will get it off, but like you - I spend my life in service to others (husband, kids, clients, dog.......) well today is the first day of the rest of our lives! Let's do this! I'm going to the gym tonight .....moment by moment, victory by victory, we will gain control of our lives and free!!!! I hope you post tomorrow to let me know how your evening went - you're going to do great!
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    You can do this! Ive lost around 50 pounds and have been struggling but Im back on track DAY 1.... It isnt easy but I AM GONNA DO THIS! I have another 30+pounds to lose right now! 150 here I come.

    Starting Weight: 234
    Current Weight: 189
    Goal Weight: 150
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    A friend told me about this site and it is the best thing I ever could have done was join here, I tell all my friends about it when they ask me how I am losing weight. I have been here since Decemeber 31st, but I officially started on New Years Day and I have already lost 13 pounds, but it not just that, I have way more energy than I did before I started. Good luck on your weight loss journey, you can do this.