Question from a Newbie (5K)



  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Hi folks. Quick summary. 6'1" 60 year old male. Started diet and fast walking about 6 weeks ago. Doing 3 miles e/night; dropped weight from 257 to 225 and dropped my times from a 20.5 min per mile pace when I started to a PR today of 14:12 per mile for the 3 miles in 89 degree heat on blacktop roads. So here's the question:

    What pace do I need to reach to be able to enter my 1st 5k run/walk? Something on a local level. I don't want to embarrass myself and I don't want to clog up the course. Basically I'm at a 43 min pace now for 5k; I'm thinking even in my age group I need to get that under a 35 min time to not be a burden to other runners?

    Any thoughts welcomed and Blessings! JT

    Once you start running races you will find that runners do not judge you. You never have to feel embarrassed no matter what your time. Each race has a few folks that are there to win, but the majority are there for fun.

    Go for it.
  • prairieprayerpartners
    prairieprayerpartners Posts: 16 Member
    I was pushing it tonight. 3.10 mi | 39:26 | 12:43 min/mi "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

  • edixon127
    edixon127 Posts: 103 Member
    The fun thing about races is there's lots of people at different skill levels! I ran my first 5k in about 35 minutes and finished in the top half of the race. When you get out to do your first race you'll probably see a few people who are clearly there to win, but the average runner is just there to have a great time and run their best race. You'll do great whether you run a 5k now or wait until you've gotten your pace down!
  • prairieprayerpartners
    prairieprayerpartners Posts: 16 Member
    edixon127 - Yep; in my mind when I can do 3 straight training runs at the 35-36 minute range, I will be ready. Was basically @ 39.5 tonight and man, I 'm feeling it. But not at all displeased! Thanks for the encouragement. I think a 5k local event about an hour away on 8/13 is my target.

  • edixon127
    edixon127 Posts: 103 Member
    edixon127 - Yep; in my mind when I can do 3 straight training runs at the 35-36 minute range, I will be ready. Was basically @ 39.5 tonight and man, I 'm feeling it. But not at all displeased! Thanks for the encouragement. I think a 5k local event about an hour away on 8/13 is my target.

    You'll do great! Best of luck to you!
  • WordWhisperer
    WordWhisperer Posts: 33 Member
    I am always the last to finish. I tell myself it's going to make for a much more dramatic story someday.

    Not going to lie, it sucks finishing after they've already taken the finish line down, but it is better than not finishing.

    For comparison, my dead last finishes have been anything from 68 minutes to 99 minutes (my first).

    You will be surprised how "not last" you are.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You will not be a burden to anyone. At age 59 I was last in my first 5k. I had shin splints and it took me 1:20!! People were cheering me on at the finish. Most events will keep the finish open for the last person. I've done several 10ks and 5ks in the 2 yrs since and plan to run all of this years same event. Just keep to the right so people can pass you.
  • prairieprayerpartners
    prairieprayerpartners Posts: 16 Member
    edited June 2016
    WordWhisperer wrote: "I tell myself it's going to make for a much more dramatic story someday."

    It will! What a great attitude!

  • fattothinmum
    fattothinmum Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks for all the input folks. I think I'm going to have to do this.

    43mins 5k is nothing to sneeze at. Everyone there is doing the same thing. Just doing their best. Lots and lots of runners started slower than you fir their first race. Most new runner people I know, push more on a race day, including me, and end up sore. Try not to do that. I keep telling myself not to.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Just an update since I posted this originally in June. Ran my 1st 5k on August 13. Flat course; 40:26. Did another on 10/1. Rolling terrain including 3 hills (in & out course so got the hills both ways) and finished in 39:56. I've now dropped 60 lbs. from 258 to 198. (13 to go) GOD IS GOOD!

    Congrats, on both the weight loss and the 5K! Sounds like your hard work is paying off. Very inspiring!
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    edited October 2016