In need of jawbone up app friends

jennyn84 Posts: 10 Member
edited June 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I have been on my fitness pal before, but have recently returned given my self a good kick up the bum and need to be good with food and exercise. I don't know anyone who has the jawbone up app and wondered if anyone would be interested in adding me as a friend so I have some motivation and alittle healthy completion :) I'm not sure how you add new friends wether it be by name or email address.
Jenny xx


  • Smurfe04
    Smurfe04 Posts: 54 Member
    I use the Up app. You can search by name or send an invite through email. Email seems to work better. For example, if you search my name Steven Murphy you will see like 15 different Steven Murphy's btw, I am the one with the hat and glasses LOL feel free to add me if you find me.
  • Nicolakear
    Nicolakear Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I'm on Jawbone Up Move and looking for new friends :smiley: both feel free to add - I'm Nicola Kear
  • janeve58
    janeve58 Posts: 9 Member
    Steven and Nicola I just invited you on Jawbone. Jenny, I can't find you
  • SaraP73
    SaraP73 Posts: 6 Member
    I am also looking for friends for encouragement. Please added as a friend.
  • Vonnarh1979
    Vonnarh1979 Posts: 56 Member
    I need up friends too!
    My user name is Yvonne Hancock
  • drbcru
    drbcru Posts: 85 Member
    Drbcru - I've used UP for over 2 yrs if you'd like to add me