What keeps you MOTIVATED in this?

deyondrah96 Posts: 1 Member
Yeah you maybe on a diet to maintain your food income, but what really keeps you strongly motivated in your fight too loose weight? !
Answer :it jus feels good to feel lighter and healthier!


  • rlf6x2
    rlf6x2 Posts: 34 Member
    My children
  • Tricia7188
    Tricia7188 Posts: 135 Member
    The continued boost to my self confidence. And having worked in a hospital for a short time earlier this year, I want to do everything in my power to keep myself out of there.

    Also worth noting, I have kind of changed how I think about "losing weight". I don't really need "motivation" anymore. I just accept and embrace that this is how my life is and will be basically forever, i am thankful Im in a situation that I can make these changes, i do the best I can everyday making better choices and embrace the journey! That's helped me alot. Don't fight the process seeing it negatively. Put a positive spin on things and it gets easier. It's not always easy but no use making it hell on yourself!
  • mecoconleche
    mecoconleche Posts: 86 Member
    That my stomach is almost perfectly aligned with my chest
  • 2metraninja
    2metraninja Posts: 17 Member
    EJJKMc6 wrote: »
    #1 Wanna be healthy
    #2 Wanna look hot (sorry, just keepin it real y'all) ha ha


    As a friend of mine use to joke: "We were young and handsome. And we are no longer much young, so we have to put efforts towards more good- looking" :)
  • ScaleIsLying
    ScaleIsLying Posts: 13 Member
    I want to be healthy for my kids and for me. I have a demanding work schedule. I handle my day much better when I am lighter and in better shape.
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    Sports! Out of shape and rugby don't mix. Plus this December when I got back home I wanna make some jaws drop and some hearts faint. o:)
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    EJJKMc6 wrote: »
    #1 Wanna be healthy
    #2 Wanna look hot (sorry, just keepin it real y'all) ha ha

    ^^ This
  • kate141987
    kate141987 Posts: 513 Member
    Hoping one day il fit back into most of my clothes and being able to run if I have to without feeling unfit
  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    Because it is what I do!
    I lost it for a few years but I took it back.
  • Juandedios0909
    Juandedios0909 Posts: 182 Member
    Watching everyone here being successful on their daily workouts and food logging makes me feel like trash and a slacker :star: ... So I do it too plus I want to look good/ feel good during summer
  • louann_jude
    louann_jude Posts: 307 Member
    Because it's comforting to me. When I started not long after my life was flipped out of control. So the way for me to control my world was to control what I ate and did. Also I saw to many family members dying young, in their 50's. Since I am close to 40 that was so scary to me. And I don't want my obesity to cause me to leave this world before I should.
  • kdtesoriero
    kdtesoriero Posts: 141 Member
    I feel so good after working out. I find if I can't get into the gym within 24 hours of my last workout my mood changes. I feel motivated when I step on the scale and it goes down, or when someone comments about my weight loss, or when I try on new clothes and I go down a size. I also feel motivated when I notice my weight loss in weird parts of my body, like my hands or ankles.
  • lauralawless917
    lauralawless917 Posts: 40 Member
    I've been trying harder for the last couple of months or so, so I'm relatively still new to this. It is sometimes still uncomfortable to exercise and sometimes it hurts. For this reason, I have asked myself the same question. And I have several answers:

    1. Before starting, I hurt constantly. My bones and body ached, and I couldn't even sleep well at night. Now, when I exercise, the pain is only for the duration of the workout. At other times, I'm pain free. I sleep better and breathe better. I have more stamina to do other things I want to do.

    2. Like others have mentioned, I've watched other members of my family suffer through illnesses that probably could be prevented by healthier eating and exercise. Or at the very least managed better.

    3. I don't want to die too soon. I want to see grandchildren in my future. Live long enough so they remember they had a grandmother.

    4. It gives me more confidence overall. Even though I've only lost a small amount so far, I can feel it, in the way my clothes fit, in the way I walk, in my whole mindset and outlook. I'm less depressed and feel stronger.

    For all these reasons, and more, I'll keep plugging on.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    EJJKMc6 wrote: »
    #1 Wanna be healthy
    #2 Wanna look hot (sorry, just keepin it real y'all) ha ha

    ^^^ this
    I ❤ me and my family
    Not perfect but we keep trying
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Yeah you maybe on a diet to maintain your food income, but what really keeps you strongly motivated in your fight too loose weight? !
    Answer :it jus feels good to feel lighter and healthier!

    Right now the summer weather is keeping me motivated. I like being able to wear shorts and tank tops and not feeling so bloated and fat. I still have 25 lbs to lose but the amount I've lost so far has made a huge difference in my confidence this season!
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Having a husband who is 10 years younger than I am is a gigantic motivator. I know that he loves me regardless, but I would prefer to be his fit, hot wife that is 10y older, versus his matronly, fat wife who is 10 years older.

    Also, I want to be a great example for my daughters, who are 18 and 22 currently.
  • WA_mama2
    WA_mama2 Posts: 140 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Having a husband who is 10 years younger than I am is a gigantic motivator. .

    Haha, mine is 9 years older. It's 90% for my kids, and 10% wanting to be his trophy wife. LOL
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Not dying.
  • saranne1015
    saranne1015 Posts: 180 Member
    edited June 2016
    I've always been the heavy one in my family. My sister is very petite and adorable, my brother was a soldier. It's always been difficult to see myself as as good as them, especially with them telling me that I wasn't. Losing weight has made me feel better about myself. Most importantly, though it has shown me and others that I have self control, which is actually something I've never believed. Now that I see that I CAN do it, I'm way more motivated to try.