New here and looking for support. Need to lose 50lbs



  • AnUnlikelyFluff
    AnUnlikelyFluff Posts: 3 Member
    If you need more buddies I am also looking to lose like 75lbs. I also got the fat girl talk from my doctor, I too love love love food it was the one security thing I had growing up. If you ever need to just rant about wanting food or whatever I'm around too! :)
  • efoleo
    efoleo Posts: 143 Member
    Sounds exactly like me. Struggled with overeating all my life. Looking to lose at lwast 50 pounds and just generally make better Choices ....need to cut all the sugar. Desperate for mutual accountability. Will try to add everyone if y"all don't mind. Just had third child and my will power is really lacking.
  • JimBuckler
    JimBuckler Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Heather,
    You can chalk me up as well, if you so desire. I need to lose the same 50! I'm just starting out, but loving the burn. Maybe we can help each other. I'm willing to give it a shot. If you're in, please add me! :O)
  • hanlonbrandie
    hanlonbrandie Posts: 4 Member
    Hi to all.. I just signed up. I am looking to loose about 60 pounds. I could use some friends and motivation. I just retired from the army last year due to injuries that I had been struggling with for several years. Long story short my injuries have put me off of my feet. I am preparing for my second surgery next month and have another after that. I have slowly gained 60 pounds over the course of three or so years. There is not a lot of exercises that I can do right now so I am turning to looking at my diet and hoping this site will help me.
  • madhattedmadness
    madhattedmadness Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Heather! I am in the exact same boat! I am looking to lose about 120 lbs though. Only down 8.8! It's hard and i find the biggest issue for me is "cheat" days. I try to either live without them or subsititute for healther yummy choices.
    I always tell people that this time I am going to do it and I have a bit but would gain it and more back. I guess I am just trying to get in to the mind set that I realize a lot of unhealthy foods give me stomach problems so I am eliminating them. I also have a very important even to go to in 3 months so.... that helps for motivation!
    Maybe set a goal for yourself, like a nice outfit or something!
    Keep up the great work :)

    Feel free to add me if you want! :)
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    hlynch24 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm Heather :)
    I've struggled with my weight my whole life. It's my thing. I get on the band wagon for a few weeks and when I see no progress I give up. I love eating. For the past twenty-some years it's been my security. When I think about what I'd like to do after work or on the weekend it's to make my favorite food and pick out a show or movie and make a day of it. However, it's not my health 's favorite thing to do. I got the fat girl talk from my Dr this week and the time has come to where I need to make some serious changes. So, I'm getting back on my bandwagon and going to give it all I've got.

    Go you! Join my weekly weigh in group if you wish we will support you to get to a healthier you.
  • lauralawless917
    lauralawless917 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in. I need to lose about 80lbs. Feel free to add me, and we'll support each other along the way.
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    I'm in. I need to lose about 80lbs. Feel free to add me, and we'll support each other along the way.

    Feel free to join the weekly weigh in group!
  • cannibalhunger
    cannibalhunger Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm here for the support of others and myself on this weight loss journey,feel free to add me and good luck!
  • Galadrial60
    Galadrial60 Posts: 19 Member
    HI..and you GO, gorgeous!

    I am trying to lose 50 pounds in a year. That may not seem impressive, but I am after a gradual, sustainable loss that I can then adapt as a lifestyle change. No offense to those who don't face the large loss challenge...but they really don't get it. Add me if you like...I am a whiz bang cook, and am working on recipes to lower cals and fats, and would love to share!

  • GuruBoy
    GuruBoy Posts: 17 Member
    Same here...50 is the goal. Gradual is the way to go. Portion control and eating delish foods is my plan...also daily exercise for me...hope you're getting some of that too!
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    Anyone on this thread needs some more friends and support..count me in! This is a great site. I started back on March 1st..I weighed in at 308# on Feb 29th and my last weigh-in (Monday the 12th) I was at 255#. If you're lookin to lose fitty can be done!

    I'll offer whatever support and encouragement I can!!!ewbywwbpgqca.jpg
  • Deblyh
    Deblyh Posts: 14 Member
    On this weight loss journey too. Love to have new motivational friends so add me if you need one too
  • Zowsie
    Zowsie Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me (anyone) I've just restarted my weightloss journey. After loosing 40lbs a few years ago I've gained all the weight back and some
  • Zowsie
    Zowsie Posts: 3 Member
    Zowsie wrote: »
    Feel free to add me (anyone) I've just restarted my weightloss journey. After loosing 40lbs a few years ago I've gained all the weight back and some
    Hmmmmm my messages seem to be getting cut off? Aiming to loose 60lbs now
  • dmbkss03
    dmbkss03 Posts: 20 Member
    Add me!! I've been up and down for 2 years, time to cut out the *kitten* :/ I need to lose 25lbs. Let's do this :)
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Hi Heather! I also started out wanting to lose 50 lbs back at the end of January of this year. I've lost 25 lbs so far. I hit a plateau a couple months ago and haven't budged in a while. I need to lose that last 25 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. I don't update my diary much lately since I do Weight Watchers too. But I try to get on here often.
  • BlondeTheHardWay
    BlondeTheHardWay Posts: 48 Member
    Anyone else needing to lose 50+ pounds can add me. We need all the support we can get. Let's do this!!!!!
  • Tarbe73
    Tarbe73 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, My name is Tara. I have used this before with success. I just have gotten complacent. I need to lose 30 pounds to feel like myself again. I haven't seen her in a long time. I saw some old pictures of myself and realized I was wallowing in denial. I don't want to have to go back to teaching in the Fall this size. I want to be able to get back into all those clothes I have hanging in the closet. I hate going shopping these days as reality *kitten* slaps me in the face. I could use a buddy. I'd like to join the gang here.

  • Tarbe73
    Tarbe73 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me Heather. :)