Did you all have a "breaking point" photo?

I sure did. This picture of me at Santiago Bernabeu, the stadium of Real Madrid, three weeks ago in Spain. This is not the way that a short lady like me wants to look.


What was everybody else's motivation for losing it? I already feel happier and motivated, and I re-started my journey 4 days ago.


  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    Seeing a couple pics of me from Mother's Day drove the point home, but it still took me another month to finally start doing anything about it. I was actually looking for a simple calorie counter app on my phone one day and found the MFP app, and started putting in my food for that day, and realized just how much I was overeating, so that was my real wake up call.
  • Shutterpillar
    We had a family shoot done to help out a friend who needed to build up her photography portfolio. In EVERY SINGLE picture I had muffin top and my face was beginning to get noticeably chubby. (double chin in most photos). it motivated me to get my butt in gear.
  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
    Our family celebrates just about anything! this past FEB we celebrated valentines day and everyone in the family looked cute. I was disgusted with my pictures.. :( & decided to make a change.
  • HisSweetPrncss
    I didnt really have a breaking point photo! When i went in for my planned c-section with my son I got on the scale and weighed 280!! I wanted to cry i know i was pregnant but couldnt beleive I let myself get back! Now its 14 months later and i am down to a 193!!! I am still not happy i want to be at 158!! So not much further but this site def has helped me in the last week i have lost 10lbs! Just tracking my weight and excerise is great!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    It was either this one or the one in my signature!


    I hadn't realized how much weight I was actually putting on. I was going through a really, REALLY rough time and turned to food for comfort.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I deleted the picture that was my breaking point!! It never occurred to me to keep it for comparison. But there definitely was a photo that made me decide to CHANGE this situation! I was sitting next to a friend and in the photo I could see that I was wider than him. I'm much shorter and have a small frame. Not good.
  • brown_eyed_girl_06
    Yes...looking at pictures of me from Christmas of last year. I realized how big I had gotten and now I look at those pictures and cringe that I let myself go like that. But I didn't know how bad it was until after I had started losing some weight.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    yep, and I labeled it "FAT" on my computer. It was a pic of my SIL and I at Thanksgiving. IDK if I have it still, but I'll look. Congrats on taking the first step and Good luck to you!
  • brown_eyed_girl_06
    I sure did. This picture of me at Santiago Bernabeu, the stadium of Real Madrid, three weeks ago in Spain. This is not the way that a short lady like me wants to look.


    What was everybody else's motivation for losing it? I already feel happier and motivated, and I re-started my journey 4 days ago.

    Our goals and stats are very similar...i am 5 ft. and started by journey at 167 and my goal is 125-130. We will see when I get closer!
  • Gottagetfit4me
    Gottagetfit4me Posts: 56 Member
    I don't know how to add pictures on here yet but one particular photo that was a wakeup call for me as well. It is a picture of me and one of my good friends that she posted on FB. I entered a comment under it that said “I guess that 5,000 calorie diet isn’t working for me” added by a “lol” but inside I was embarrassed and I was truly shocked at how I looked. I didn’t dare ask her to take it down because I didn’t want to be “on of those people” who complains about how I look.

    At the time I had no idea about how many calories I was consuming, never exercised and ate out 4/5 times a week. After seeing the picture I limited my eating out to 2/3 nights a week. That was the first step. Then a few weeks ago a friend of mine was playing on her phone and said “this site is great do you know how much calories you just consumed by eating those 3 slices of pizza and 5wings you ate?” I thought hhmm I have no idea and then courageously said “show me”. Ever since I joined this site and am headed in the right direction.
    It’s amazing what I have learned from the terrific people of MFP.com

    Thank you Sara B.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I did of me at 350lbs. It's in my pictures. It was my 31st birthday.
  • belrie
    belrie Posts: 14 Member

    this is me at 174.5 pounds, i'm the one in the greenish dress. my hair was ruined in the rain, so ignore that! the next day i uploaded my photos & this is one that didn't make it to facebook, but i'm going to swallow my pride to put it here for the sake of motivation. that was 24 pounds ago. :)
  • BustyTransformer
    BustyTransformer Posts: 45 Member
    In mid June of 2009, my family and I went to a local park to take in the nice weather. We took a lot of pictures and I was standing there thinking I probably looked good in them whilst holding in my stomach. I was horrified by what I saw. If any of you are my friends on here, it's the pic with the purple shirt and blue jeans. My face was completely round and so was everything else lol
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member

    this is me at 174.5 pounds, i'm the one in the greenish dress. my hair was ruined in the rain, so ignore that! the next day i uploaded my photos & this is one that didn't make it to facebook, but i'm going to swallow my pride to put it here for the sake of motivation. that was 24 pounds ago. :)
  • belrie
    belrie Posts: 14 Member
    haha thank you! i'm not the greatest with computers.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i had one. it's on my profile. it's the picture of me and my sis in law with "mustaches" funny picture but the size of my arms and belly horrified me.
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    It was from my friend's wedding about 2 weeks ago. She has an ED so obviously she's very slender and I just looked like a whale next to her. I definitely don't want to slim down to her size (because it's not healthy) but I do need to lose a lot to be at a healthy BMI.
  • BustyTransformer
    BustyTransformer Posts: 45 Member
    This is my pic BC836E1E-orig.jpg
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Yes, from my cousin's bridal shower in January. I looked HORRIBLE!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    haha thank you! i'm not the greatest with computers.

    no prob =)