Anyone want to start the 30 shred tomorrow?



  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    yeah i'm in the sore club too! i'm more used to running and cycling but level 1 certainly worked parts of me that havent been worked in a long time! can really feel it in my arms, shoulders and butt! lol. but i'll push on through it and pray that things get easier in a few days. at least its only 27 mins at a time. thats helping me get through it coz as much as it hurts its over quick enough.
  • bmwells1
    bmwells1 Posts: 10
    OK, so day 3 down and only 27 more to go. Today was not so fun. I found that I was huffing and sore in the the first cardio set. On a good note I did one more girlie push-up that I had the past 2 days. AND I did finish strong with the last cardio session.

    This thread is great. I also look forward to posting here daily to get motivation. Also I did weigh myself on monday and will post weekly. I also took pictures and measurements so I will share when this is over. My husband is also doing the 30 DS, which of course he doesn't need to. He is 5' 11" and weight 175, but is out of shape and wants to tone up. So since he is doing it that also motivates me. I did laugh at him though because he said afer the workout that he wanted to puke and I said ok well thats Jillians phrase: Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going! He laughed, but I am sure he didn't think it was to funny.

    Have a good day all!
  • slheflinVA
    slheflinVA Posts: 47 Member
    Level 1 Day 1 yesterday...

    Waist - 32"
    Hips - 38.5"
    Thigh - 23"

    I cannot wait to see these numbers go down!! I probably won't get to do it tonight since I won't get home until late, so day 2 will probably be tomorrow, but I may force myself anyway...
  • jackrokal
    jackrokal Posts: 18
    Just finished Day 3 and OMG I swear I can feel my body getting stronger already!! The first strength round was soo much easier today then yesterday :)
  • BrookeMax
    BrookeMax Posts: 46
    Finished day 3 as well! I really feel better and stronger!! Knowing I can get on this thread and reading all of your comments makes it so fun and motivating for me. So excited to have day 3 done! YAY!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    i'm about to hit day 3 of level 1. i have a feeling its gonna hurt coz the first 2 days have left me aching. still gonna do it though and hope my body adapts sooner rather than later. at least i know the pain means its working!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    day 3 sorted. strangely (or maybe not) i dont feel as sore now. :-). although i'll see what tomorrow brings.

    still struggle with the proper push ups though. very frustrating! find the cardio and abs sections generally ok.
    probably coz i've been running and cycling to try and lose weight over the last 12 months but havent been doing any weights etc. my body doesnt know whats hit it!

    3 down, 27 to go.........
  • almeria1
    almeria1 Posts: 25 Member
    does it really work??? i'm working with a personal trainer and i'm starting to get a little frustrated cause my weight is going up and not down! (well only 3 pounds)...
  • QueenHanifa
    QueenHanifa Posts: 180 Member
    I'd like to join in..I'm on day 3 level one Julian is a beast but I found today a lot easier..measurements
    upper thighs=14
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Well done guys! I didn't do a shred today, I opted for a kick *kitten* longer workout that left me in a pool of sweat. I will welcome Jillian tomorrow morning with a big hug lol
  • coffeye
    coffeye Posts: 20
    Day two completed and i am so sore. I suppose that means i am doing something right although i know that half way through the some of the exercises my arms start to shake and my posture goes am hoping as time goes by I will become stronger. I have done both sessions after i have gone out for a run and found that as my body is warmed up its easier to get going with the session.
  • jackrokal
    jackrokal Posts: 18
    Day 4 is done!!!!! I feel awesome :) I am not huffing and puffing as much and my form has gotten so much better Also, I can find myself going deeper into the movements!!!
  • BrookeMax
    BrookeMax Posts: 46
    Bring it on day 4!!!!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    ok... day 4 is in the making.. just turned it on and waiting for the previews to end... :))
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    Day 4 done for me too. Feel much better today compared to after day 2 and day 3.

    Just think, for anyone that did start on Monday, this time next week we'll be on day 1 of level 2!

    Bring it on.

    4 down, 26 to go.....
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Even though I didn't do day 3 I did a kick *kitten* workout yesterday but did a Shred today and found it much easier. Did full push ups without knees too!
    Great work everyone!!!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    will be hitting day 5 of level 1 as soon as i get home from work but i'm in for a testing weekend. out tonite for an ex staff reunion from my old place of work and then we've been invited to a bbq on saturday.

    i'm thinking light beers, vodka and diet coke for drinks and bring my own food to the bbq so i know what i'm eating. and maybe an extra bit of cardio over the weekend to make up for the inevitable calorie overload coming my way. have been really good all week this week but dont particularly want to ruin it all tonite and tomorrow. cant give up the social life though! :-)
  • jms11416
    jms11416 Posts: 25 Member
    I want to start the 30 day shred tomorrow and I would LOVE to have some people to do it with for support!! Let me know!! Thanks!

    what is the 30 day shred?
  • QueenHanifa
    QueenHanifa Posts: 180 Member
    Day 5 done!Bring it on ,it seems to be getting easier!
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    I'm alternating, after finding Shred so easy yesterday so done ball breaker workout today. Back with you tomorrow! Well done x
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