
Ever since I started my diet and exercise I have been feeling very nauseas. I'm eating fine, 3 meals a day and a few glasses of water a day, yet I still feel like I'm going to vomit (i haven't yet though). It's very difficult to do this if it's going to make me feel miserable everyday. But I really don't want to quit. What do you think it is? And what can I do tell help it?



  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    It could be how much you're eating. Your calories look realllllllly low
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Maybe a food allergy of some kind? I would definitely ask your doctor though to be sure.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    It could be how much you're eating. Your calories look realllllllly low

    Yeah, I just saw that...

    EAT!!! PLEASE!!! I would try to get at least 1200 a day!!!
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    Yeah wow, please eat more! Maybe get some more fresh fruit and veg in there! Eat 1200 MINIMUM. I really hope you feel better :/
  • arkenny
    arkenny Posts: 125
    Its because your not eating enough..... you need to make sure you are getting enough to keep your body going.... you might start going into "starvation mode" and then your body will retain any and all calories and fat you take in because it needs it to function. try getting more veggies etc into your diet and protein.... there are lots of healthy low calorie foods ..... and drink lots of water!
  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    You're totally not eating enough, and what you are eating is a lot of processed foods (which you should stay away from). If you go below 1200, you're body is going to work against you, because you've put it in survival mode: feed it and treat it well. You may drop pounds faster, but you'll pile all the weight back on eventually, so don't sabotage yourself.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Only 3 meals a day????? For me I snack every 2 hours, except at night when I am sleeping. I try to keep all snacks healthy ( I consider a Special K bar healthy!!) and I never fee l sick. You definitely need at least 1200 cals a day with or without exercise!!!!
  • brandihutchinson
    You definitely need to eat more! I get very nauseous when I'm hungry. It's starts out as hunger pains and turns into nausea quick.
  • wanttogetskinny
    You need to NET 1200 a day minimum (calories eaten - calories burned = 1200). You are NOT eating enough, and could hurt yourself in the long run as your metabolism slows down a lot. You aren't giving your body enough fuel for a 'non workout day'....but if you are exercising as well you need to eat even more, to fuel your body.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Eat more. Don't skip meals. Have snacks in between larger meals.
  • outwiththeoldinwiththenew
    Girlfriend you need to eat some food. The nausea is from drops in blood sugar most likely because you aren't eating enough. You also will not lose weight this way and if you do it will 1. not be permanant and 2. be muscle. Please eat more and eat healty...its all about balance your body needs all of it carbs, fat, protien to operate properly and healthily. Also, I know the feeling of wanting to lose weight so fast but studies prove that the slower you lose and actually change LIFESTYLE (not diet) you are more likely to keep it off. Take care of yourself.
  • abcerc
    abcerc Posts: 58
    I did the same thing when I started. You want to make sure you are getting AT LEAST 1200 cal. I felt terrible, and sick- with no energy. I was eating around 800 cals thinking that if I ate less, I would lose weight faster. It didn't work- I actually ended up losing only 2 pounds during the month of May (when I started). I decided to up my calories, and the weight it coming off. I eat between 1200 - 1400 each day. I hope you feel better quickly! Hang in there.
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Yep- You need to eat more. I know you are thinking you are doing your body a favor by eating less...but you are not. In order to lose you need to eat... I know it sounds back-asswards, but its true. Eat, eat, and eat more.... and when you think you have had enough eat again. Eat until your cals are close to the RED ZONE.

    Happy Eating.... and Eating.... and Eating :)
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Hey there! I have a daughter 18! Ya know, you only have 40 or so to lose and with your beautiful dedication and energy it will come off! Let's do it smartly :bigsmile:

    Eat to at least 1200 or perhaps more since you have youth on your side! Then get out and exercise in whatever form you like. I still turn on the music and just dance at 52 and I'll bet you would to if no one was watching tee hee!

    Reset your goals to just 1/2 or 1 pound loss per week, you really don't need to do it any faster AND the bonus is that if you lose slow, you will keep it off!

    So, best of luck, hang in there and rethink how you are going about this. You're at the right place for lots of support and information!

  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    You're totally not eating enough, and what you are eating is a lot of processed foods (which you should stay away from). If you go below 1200, you're body is going to work against you, because you've put it in survival mode: feed it and treat it well. You may drop pounds faster, but you'll pile all the weight back on eventually, so don't sabotage yourself.

    This ^ I definitely get nauseous when I don't eat enough, as well as when I only eat processed/sugary/super fatty foods. So, you've got a double whammy going on, at least if you're anything like me. You can do this - try to get some more healthy stuff in there :)
  • hotziggy20052
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate the answers. I will definitely start eating more :)