MFP group 'LOSE 1 POUND A WEEK 2016' looking for new memebers



  • Megarachnid
    Megarachnid Posts: 120 Member
    Hi I've been using Myfitnesspal on my ipad and did not realize that there was a community which I discovered when I used the desktop version today. Anyhoo, I've lost a bunch of weight on my own, but I've totally stalled for the last few months and would love some accountability. I will join, if there is still room. Thanks :)
  • jacqueline116325mfp
    jacqueline116325mfp Posts: 6 Member
    I'd like to join too thx
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Still looking for active members.
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    Yeah, I'm all about healthy weight loss and working in a group of people so I'm in!
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Here is a list of our current challenges
    Week 38 Challenges (Sep 19 - Sep 25)

    To new team members. Look over the challenges and try one for starters. Once you get the hang of it, feel free to enter as many as you wish. If you have any question, please post them on the challenge thread or on your team's chat thread.

    1. Exercise - Hold It - Warrior Pose/Arm Lift - There are two holds- warrior pose and arm lifts. Each has 3 levels. Two minute maximum. If you can hold the position for the full 120 seconds, its time to move up to the next level. Three day maximum as exercises are meant to be done on alternate days. Bonus Point for beating a previous personal best (and moving up a level will always beat a previous level, no matter the time).
    2. Nutrition - Get your ZZZ's Challenge - The challenge here is to get between the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Less than seven hours or more than nine hours of sleep will be considered a miss on the goal. Points will be awarded for each day but you can record your results either every day or at the end of the week.
    3. Misc - Random Acts - Each day you are challenged to do one random "kind" thing for another. The kind things you do must be random and you cannot earn points for doing the same thing each day. You should also try to do things that are unexpected and not just "volunteer" acts that you might already be a part of. Participation points will be awarded for each day that you complete a random act of kindness.
    4. Core - is ongoing. Your core is a complex series of muscles, extending far beyond your abs, including everything besides your arms and legs. It is incorporated in almost every movement of the human body. A strong, flexible core underpins almost everything you do.
    5. Active Minutes - is ongoing. Count your active minutes with an activity tracker or manually. Any activity that makes you sweat, even a little bit, can be counted manually. The only catch for manual tracking... you have to be active at least a full ten minutes to get credit for those first ten minutes. Points will be awarded for daily participation and for the number of active minutes generated. There will be additional Bonus Points for personal bests and your first week will always be a personal best!
    6. Miles - is ongoing. Miles can be accumulated by walking, jogging, running, cycling (indoor or out), swimming etc. Activity Trackers or Pedometer steps can also be converted. Points for daily participation, miles logged, and additional Bonus Points for beating your personal best. Remember first timers, you will automatically get a personal best on your first week!
    7. Workout - is ongoing. You set your weekly target for working out on Monday in either work outs per week or total time per week. Then, at the end of the week post whether you made it or not. Points awarded for daily participation and a Bonus Point for meeting your weekly workout goals. Didn't meet your workout goal? Post that too and still get credit for your particiation. The best part of this challenge is that all the other exercise challenges qualify for points in this challenge! Consider this a double point challenge!!
    8. Calorie - is ongoing. Be at or under your daily calorie goal. People's goals can vary daily based on activity level and calories earned from exercise. This challenge won't be based strictly on the number of calories because we want people to eat in a balanced and healthy way. This challenge is a "made it" or "didn't make it" style of challenge, BUT, you'll still need to post your goal and your calories to qualify for "made it". "Made it" everyday for the entire week? Fantastic! You just earned a Bonus Point for the week! If you "didn't make it" all is not lost. You'll still earn participation points if you post that too.
    9. xK - is ongoing. Have you wanted to train for a 5K, a 10K, a half (13.1K) or even a full (26.2K) marathon? Have you wanted to run or walk a 5K race? Now is the time start ANY of these training programs. Get participation points for Couch to 5K, Couch to 10K, 13.1K, a full 26.2K training program, or running in a virtual 5K race. The best part is that while you will be getting a participation point for each day that you train, you will also be putting miles toward the miles challenge. Track your 5K times on the spreadsheet and earn an additional Bonus Points each week for beating your previous personal best times.