Looking for a keto buddy

Just started on keto this week and so far so good. I would love to have someone on this journey with me to turn to as well as offer my support to them.


  • meliamama
    meliamama Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I want to get started too but SO overwhelmed! Do you have any advice?
  • lbettinger1
    lbettinger1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi... I've been on it since the end of February. So far, so good! I find it really easy to stick to. My diary is open if you want to take a look.
  • 2Bhealthier2
    2Bhealthier2 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi! I'm 5 weeks into it and enjoying it, not saying there are some down days. Feel free to add me, always looking for support and to give.
  • tboz08202016
    tboz08202016 Posts: 134 Member
    @jenhubbs95 can you help?
  • MiaTia68
    MiaTia68 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I started A ketogenic diet two weeks ago. So far I have lost st 9.5lb and loving it! Feel free to add me. :)
  • simplyluvNY
    simplyluvNY Posts: 28 Member
    What's keto?
  • 2Bhealthier2
    2Bhealthier2 Posts: 128 Member
    @simplyluvNY it's a High Fat, low carb way of eating.
  • simplyluvNY
    simplyluvNY Posts: 28 Member
    So Atkins?
    What kind of fats?
  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi There, I've just started "New Atkins" way of eating which (from my limited understanding!) follows similar principles to a keto diet. Feel free to add me
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the main low carber daily forum here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketofiles tend to hang out:

  • lotusinak
    lotusinak Posts: 4 Member
    I am so overwhelmed with information. I am now a keto-lifer at the recommendation of my oncologist for the treatment of breast cancer. With the diet, I will be doing vitamin C infusions, weekly.
    I am self educating with articles, blogs & comments. I am new to MFP as well. Lots to learn.
    I am looking for anyone willing to share their experiences, recipes & have any advice for me!