Snowmobiling anyone???

I just came back from a weekend trip to the mountains. My boyfriend and I went snowmobiling! We rode about 7 hours with about a 30 minute break up and back. The only other stop was my one small wreck! I felt muscles I didn't know I had the next morning, and come to find on here that I burned about 1729 calories!!!!! OMG!!!! Can't wait til next weekend!!!!!


  • christk
    christk Posts: 15
    I just came back from a weekend trip to the mountains. My boyfriend and I went snowmobiling! We rode about 7 hours with about a 30 minute break up and back. The only other stop was my one small wreck! I felt muscles I didn't know I had the next morning, and come to find on here that I burned about 1729 calories!!!!! OMG!!!! Can't wait til next weekend!!!!!
  • jelee18
    jelee18 Posts: 46
    That's awesome!! My boyfriend and I do alot of quading. We're looking for a snowmobile now. Great to know!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Glad you had fun, Chris!

    I snowmobiled in CO a few years back. I thought it was just a slow motorcycle type of ride. Our guide "Wiley" Thought it was funny to go fast........ I mean bone jarring fast!

    I had the time of my life! Good thing I went before I injured my neck, because I would of been in the ER after that day!!

  • christk
    christk Posts: 15
    We do the quads when there is no snow...I am curious to know about that calorie burn?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Well I burned 1379 calories standing in line 7 hours to vote...soooooo
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    and that was from my HRM!
  • christk
    christk Posts: 15
    My boyfriend thinks breaking the speed of sound is funny too!!!! He was really hard to keep up with!! But it was great fun, and I love being outside! The mountains are beautiful too!
  • christk
    christk Posts: 15
    OH MY! See voting can be fun!!!!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I didn't know that snowmobiling can burn calories maybe i will give into my husband and get a couple. :tongue: Hey does that mean when you ride a 4-wheeler you can burn calories too?? :bigsmile:
  • christk
    christk Posts: 15
    I didn't know that snowmobiling can burn calories maybe i will give into my husband and get a couple. :tongue: Hey does that mean when you ride a 4-wheeler you can burn calories too?? :bigsmile:
  • christk
    christk Posts: 15
    I hope so. We use the 4-wheelers when there is no snow! This might be a good one to let the hubby have his way on! We have a great time, it's something we enjoy together, and now that I see it's exercise too....waaahhooooo!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I was telling my husband about the calories you burn and how sore you were and he said well yea you have to control them. Maybe if we get those I can get something that I want. :wink: