Ready to slim down! Three stone yikes!

Anybody else done the same thing? Got in a relationship and before you knew it ballooned in size? I have. A healthy 12 stone up to nearly 16! It's time to shake it off. Who's with me? Help,encouragement and advice much appreciated x


  • keiransefton
    keiransefton Posts: 11 Member
    Same I'm went from 14 to 19 now at 18 so stone lost in 3 months
  • StacyWebber1
    StacyWebber1 Posts: 3 Member
    Well, I got in a relationship about 20 years ago. Eight kids later, it's time to get healthy so that I can keep up and continue to hike and ski. It is hard to stay motivated, some days you're like, maybe being fat is better than doing this.
  • fayemlove
    fayemlove Posts: 4 Member
    Being fat most definitely would be easier!! I always get a pang of guilt though looking at my old dresses and through old pictures. Then comes the thoughts 'why did I let it go this far!' well not anymore. Bought a rowing machine yesterday let's see how it goes xxx
  • keiransefton
    keiransefton Posts: 11 Member
    Well I'm a waiter yesterday I did just over 19000 steps
  • magicpickles
    magicpickles Posts: 286 Member

    I guess a relationship can go two ways...

    you order all your favourite foods together, relax on the couch eating junk food, get really comfortable around each other and let yourself go a little bit


    you exercise together, have lots of sex, cook together, try to look your best for the other person

    I know which way I'd rather go, but I'd probably sabotage both of us to be honest.
  • fayemlove
    fayemlove Posts: 4 Member
    We actually do both thank you very much. This weight has creeped on steadily over four years. Still a sexy size 14! Unfortunately the weighing scales don't break it down to muscle!