Workout Plan For Weightloss

Hey Everyone!
Ok, so I need to lose about 20 pounds. I'm currently at 163 and would like to get down around 145. I've seen a million different kinds of workout plans but I'm not sure which one I should be doing. I'd like to do something that is a 6-8 week program. Thanks for any advice/help!


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    What kind of workouts do you enjoy? A calorie deficit is for weight loss. Exercise is mainly fitness but can help create a deficit. Personally, resistance based training has had the largest impact on my body visual, but cardio should be a part too to support cardiovascular health.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Put the fork down plan. All you need to lose weight is to eat at a calorie deficit.

    If you want to retain muscle, build endurance, improve health, look good naked and earn a few extra calories to eat, then get sweaty! Fitness Blender is my favourite and they offer an 8 week schedule. But you need to monitor your intake for it to "work".
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I would suggest you focus on diet first - you can't outrun a bad diet - and exercise to get stronger and faster. And have fun! The best training program is one you'll actually be doing :wink:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Getting a handle of food portions & logging is going to be at least 80% of the battle. It takes far longer to burn 250 calories than it does to scarf down 250 calories.

    Look at exercise as more of a health & fitness benefit. Exercising just to lose weight, makes it a temporary lifestyle change. That was my mentality & I gained the weight back.

    Cardio - for endurance, heart & lung health.

    Strength training - helps you retain a larger % of lean muscle while eating at a deficit, good for bone health. This "shapes" your weight loss result.

    Whatever program you choose, find something you enjoy. This will make you more consistent and likely to continue it in the future.
  • cillingworth1024
    cillingworth1024 Posts: 3 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    What kind of workouts do you enjoy? A calorie deficit is for weight loss. Exercise is mainly fitness but can help create a deficit. Personally, resistance based training has had the largest impact on my body visual, but cardio should be a part too to support cardiovascular health.

    I love to run. I did Cross Country and Track all through middle/high school. I've seen a lot about interval training and things like that. I've been tracking my food and running for six weeks. I've lost about 8 pounds but over the last 10ish days I feel like I've hit a major plateau. By the looks of it I need to focuse more on a calorie deficit. I was just hoping someone had used a program that really seemed to help along with watching calorie intake.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    psulemon wrote: »
    What kind of workouts do you enjoy? A calorie deficit is for weight loss. Exercise is mainly fitness but can help create a deficit. Personally, resistance based training has had the largest impact on my body visual, but cardio should be a part too to support cardiovascular health.

    I love to run. I did Cross Country and Track all through middle/high school. I've seen a lot about interval training and things like that. I've been tracking my food and running for six weeks. I've lost about 8 pounds but over the last 10ish days I feel like I've hit a major plateau. By the looks of it I need to focuse more on a calorie deficit. I was just hoping someone had used a program that really seemed to help along with watching calorie intake.

    Keep doing what you are doing. Plateaus occur at 4-6 weeks. If you want to focus on your body composition, I would incorporate resistance training, which includes body weight, functional fitness or a weight training program like StrongCurves
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    What kind of workouts do you enjoy? A calorie deficit is for weight loss. Exercise is mainly fitness but can help create a deficit. Personally, resistance based training has had the largest impact on my body visual, but cardio should be a part too to support cardiovascular health.

    I love to run. I did Cross Country and Track all through middle/high school. I've seen a lot about interval training and things like that. I've been tracking my food and running for six weeks. I've lost about 8 pounds but over the last 10ish days I feel like I've hit a major plateau. By the looks of it I need to focuse more on a calorie deficit. I was just hoping someone had used a program that really seemed to help along with watching calorie intake.

    Need to add that it sounds like you need to reign in your expectations too. You're not going to maintain a loss of almost 2lbs per day for very long. Without knowing how much you have to're not plateauing after 10 days. You're at a point where it may take 2 months + to lose 8 lbs now.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    What kind of workouts do you enjoy? A calorie deficit is for weight loss. Exercise is mainly fitness but can help create a deficit. Personally, resistance based training has had the largest impact on my body visual, but cardio should be a part too to support cardiovascular health.

    I love to run. I did Cross Country and Track all through middle/high school. I've seen a lot about interval training and things like that. I've been tracking my food and running for six weeks. I've lost about 8 pounds but over the last 10ish days I feel like I've hit a major plateau. By the looks of it I need to focuse more on a calorie deficit. I was just hoping someone had used a program that really seemed to help along with watching calorie intake.

    8 pounds in 10 days (!?). Mostly water. With 20 pounds to lose expect weekly weight loss to be in the neighborhood of 1/2 to 1 pound. No plateau, just weight loss slowing down to normal. Weight loss will not be linear.

    All exercise helps you become more fit. Using exercise to dramatically increase your deficit will help you lose weight faster.....but the price is lean muscle loss (along with some fat too). This isn't healthy weight loss, which is why MFP gives you exercise calories keep the deficit on track.
  • HarshitLadva44
    HarshitLadva44 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    Ok, so I need to lose about 20 pounds. I'm currently at 163 and would like to get down around 145. I've seen a million different kinds of workout plans but I'm not sure which one I should be doing. I'd like to do something that is a 6-8 week program. Thanks for any advice/help!

    Try bodyweight fitness. While calorie deficit is the bottomline for weight loss , BWF makes sure that you don't loose muscle mass and have a sexy bod to flaunt when all that fat melts away. All the Best !

    A very wholesome routine is available free of cost at
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    TeaBea wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    What kind of workouts do you enjoy? A calorie deficit is for weight loss. Exercise is mainly fitness but can help create a deficit. Personally, resistance based training has had the largest impact on my body visual, but cardio should be a part too to support cardiovascular health.

    I love to run. I did Cross Country and Track all through middle/high school. I've seen a lot about interval training and things like that. I've been tracking my food and running for six weeks. I've lost about 8 pounds but over the last 10ish days I feel like I've hit a major plateau. By the looks of it I need to focuse more on a calorie deficit. I was just hoping someone had used a program that really seemed to help along with watching calorie intake.

    8 pounds in 10 days (!?). Mostly water. With 20 pounds to lose expect weekly weight loss to be in the neighborhood of 1/2 to 1 pound. No plateau, just weight loss slowing down to normal. Weight loss will not be linear.

    All exercise helps you become more fit. Using exercise to dramatically increase your deficit will help you lose weight faster.....but the price is lean muscle loss (along with some fat too). This isn't healthy weight loss, which is why MFP gives you exercise calories keep the deficit on track.

    I believe she lost 8 lbs the first 4.5 weeks and nothing the last 10 days.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    What kind of workouts do you enjoy? A calorie deficit is for weight loss. Exercise is mainly fitness but can help create a deficit. Personally, resistance based training has had the largest impact on my body visual, but cardio should be a part too to support cardiovascular health.

    I love to run. I did Cross Country and Track all through middle/high school. I've seen a lot about interval training and things like that. I've been tracking my food and running for six weeks. I've lost about 8 pounds but over the last 10ish days I feel like I've hit a major plateau. By the looks of it I need to focuse more on a calorie deficit. I was just hoping someone had used a program that really seemed to help along with watching calorie intake.

    8 pounds in 10 days (!?). Mostly water. With 20 pounds to lose expect weekly weight loss to be in the neighborhood of 1/2 to 1 pound. No plateau, just weight loss slowing down to normal. Weight loss will not be linear.

    All exercise helps you become more fit. Using exercise to dramatically increase your deficit will help you lose weight faster.....but the price is lean muscle loss (along with some fat too). This isn't healthy weight loss, which is why MFP gives you exercise calories keep the deficit on track.

    I believe she lost 8 lbs the first 4.5 weeks and nothing the last 10 days.

    Phew! I misread.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    What kind of workouts do you enjoy? A calorie deficit is for weight loss. Exercise is mainly fitness but can help create a deficit. Personally, resistance based training has had the largest impact on my body visual, but cardio should be a part too to support cardiovascular health.

    I love to run. I did Cross Country and Track all through middle/high school. I've seen a lot about interval training and things like that. I've been tracking my food and running for six weeks. I've lost about 8 pounds but over the last 10ish days I feel like I've hit a major plateau. By the looks of it I need to focuse more on a calorie deficit. I was just hoping someone had used a program that really seemed to help along with watching calorie intake.

    8 pounds in 10 days (!?). Mostly water. With 20 pounds to lose expect weekly weight loss to be in the neighborhood of 1/2 to 1 pound. No plateau, just weight loss slowing down to normal. Weight loss will not be linear.

    All exercise helps you become more fit. Using exercise to dramatically increase your deficit will help you lose weight faster.....but the price is lean muscle loss (along with some fat too). This isn't healthy weight loss, which is why MFP gives you exercise calories keep the deficit on track.

    I believe she lost 8 lbs the first 4.5 weeks and nothing the last 10 days.
    TeaBea wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    What kind of workouts do you enjoy? A calorie deficit is for weight loss. Exercise is mainly fitness but can help create a deficit. Personally, resistance based training has had the largest impact on my body visual, but cardio should be a part too to support cardiovascular health.

    I love to run. I did Cross Country and Track all through middle/high school. I've seen a lot about interval training and things like that. I've been tracking my food and running for six weeks. I've lost about 8 pounds but over the last 10ish days I feel like I've hit a major plateau. By the looks of it I need to focuse more on a calorie deficit. I was just hoping someone had used a program that really seemed to help along with watching calorie intake.

    8 pounds in 10 days (!?). Mostly water. With 20 pounds to lose expect weekly weight loss to be in the neighborhood of 1/2 to 1 pound. No plateau, just weight loss slowing down to normal. Weight loss will not be linear.

    All exercise helps you become more fit. Using exercise to dramatically increase your deficit will help you lose weight faster.....but the price is lean muscle loss (along with some fat too). This isn't healthy weight loss, which is why MFP gives you exercise calories keep the deficit on track.

    I believe she lost 8 lbs the first 4.5 weeks and nothing the last 10 days.

    Phew! I misread.

    Yep, did I
  • cillingworth1024
    cillingworth1024 Posts: 3 Member
    Sorry for confusing everyone! It was about 8 pounds in 5 weeks. I haven't counted exact days but it's been almost 2 weeks since I've seen any difference. Definitely not expecting to lose all the extra pounds by working out once :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    There are a lot of things that can affect weight, so give it another 2-3 weeks before you make any adjustments to your calories.