Calling all fitness pal 'newbies'



  • tinax90
    tinax90 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new too and need all the help I can get. Let's help each other!!
  • AlecB62
    AlecB62 Posts: 264 Member
    coming up to a year for me, I've lost nearly 54 pounds in that time, have been maintaining for a couple of months after reaching my goal weight but have just decided to lose a little bit more.

    Feel free to add me I accept all friends requests
  • JimProctor
    JimProctor Posts: 5 Member
    New to the site... Could use some friends on here! Thanks and good luck everyone!
  • MariaCMcDonald
    MariaCMcDonald Posts: 31 Member
    Been absent for about a month; broke my foot but I'm on the mend and ready to get back on track.
  • Scorpio_Runner
    Scorpio_Runner Posts: 39 Member
    Today is my 1st day as well. I'm off work today so I have time to explore this site. Love it!!
  • Redeagle2Redeagle
    Redeagle2Redeagle Posts: 2 Member
    This is day two. I'm in this to conquer me!
  • Julia8574
    Julia8574 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm a newbie. Still trying to figure this all out. Have to admit I'm not a fitness tracker person...although I've used training schedules given to me by coaches in order to train for a particular event. I linked this to my new garmin.

    I'm not sure what to make my settings to be. I don't know that I am necessarily trying to lose/maintain/gain weight. I'm totally new to fitness tracking. I honestly bought a garmin for my daughter and got one for me so we can see how we do.

    I'm 41y/o 5'2" last weight (last wk at docs office) 114lb. I workout most days. Right now 2 days/wk w/ trainer (was coming back from 5mth hiatus on workout due to health issues), try to strenght train on extra day mid wk and do cardio at least 30min everyday. But I do have a desk job. I try to eat 80/20 clean diet and shoot for 1500-1600 calories/day.

    I was planning to train for a sprint triathlon (I've done 2 in the last 2yrs, I also did a half marathon, 15k, 10k and several 5ks. But my doc is making it hard for me to train for the event I want to do 9/11/16. I'm only allowed to choose one form of cardio at this point. I can continue w/ strength and core work.

    So I'm somewhat changing gears to work on definition and I'd love to get a 6pack. I don't know what this means as far as weight loss/maintenance/gain. I really don't worry about the scale, just how I feel and look in my clothes.

    So sorry for the long post, but wondering what setting I should choose and if anyone has any diet/workout suggestions for achieving my goal.

    Thanks so much.
  • V1kings5150
    V1kings5150 Posts: 12 Member
    I am looking for some friends. Anyone feel free to add me. PLEASE !!!!
  • pgfitmom
    pgfitmom Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! I am 'starting over'. But the app seems to have changed quite a bit... I feel like I'm a total newbie.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Playball549
    Playball549 Posts: 35 Member
    I am looking for more friends! Anyone can add me!
  • mollytb24
    mollytb24 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me too! I seriously need some motivation and I live in a house with 4 boys who just tell me I'm perfect the way I am. While that's super sweet of them, I need to lose 90 lbs. Although I'd be super happy if I lost at least 60
  • MariaCMcDonald
    MariaCMcDonald Posts: 31 Member
    @mollytb24 - you have similar goals like me; I too want to lose 90 but would be thrilled to lose 60. I can relate is what I'm saying.
  • MariaCMcDonald
    MariaCMcDonald Posts: 31 Member
    @AlecB62 - you are an excellent motivation....losing what you've lost and sticking with it for over a year...good for your!
  • joycejentges
    joycejentges Posts: 17 Member
    edited June 2016
    I need all the help I can get! 100 lbs overweight with a myriad of health issues. Right now my motivation is that if I don't lose about 20 lbs I won't be eligible for my employers healthy weight credit. Let's motivate each other!
  • Raymil82
    Raymil82 Posts: 17 Member
    It's my first day on here. Have 85 to lose! Eeek!
  • CopyLisa
    CopyLisa Posts: 5 Member
    I am back on it with a focus to lose weight and walk more. Feel free to add me so all of us can motivate each other!
  • NancyCaz61
    NancyCaz61 Posts: 136 Member
    New here today, jumping back on the wagon to lose 20lbs. Add me if you like :)
  • MariaCMcDonald
    MariaCMcDonald Posts: 31 Member
    Hope everyone had a good 4th of July Holiday. I enjoyed BBQ but did not overeat...stayed away from the bread and had my burger over a salad....and for all the other side dishes....I grabbed a spoon and allowed myself a heaping spoonful of everything so I got to taste it all in small portions. And for every light beer I drank I chased it down with a bottle of water. Back on track this week.
  • ArtthurCarlson
    ArtthurCarlson Posts: 32 Member
    Returning newbie here...I'd welcome any friend requests :)
  • ginaDDDD
    ginaDDDD Posts: 27 Member
    Day 4 for me here! I need friends too! Please add me
  • MariaCMcDonald
    MariaCMcDonald Posts: 31 Member
    Happy Friday, and stay on track for the weekend....
  • Tessa238
    Tessa238 Posts: 5 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey I'm new and need to sort myself out lol.. would love your support. Feel free to add me x
  • lloydhigginbotham
    lloydhigginbotham Posts: 11 Member
    I have had this app for a long time but never realized it had all these forums and community. Lets all be friends!
  • sdgbt
    sdgbt Posts: 19 Member
    New here and looking for friends and accountability buddies. If anyone else has issues with motivation, lets help each other out :)
  • pefal1
    pefal1 Posts: 43 Member
    You can do this! This app really helps you learn how many calories you consume that really aren't needed. By that I mean- That handful of chips you when you're not even hungry or even how many calories you consume in drinks. I have had some good results in just a month and a half. And I think you will too!
  • MariaCMcDonald
    MariaCMcDonald Posts: 31 Member
    It's national hot dog day; so that's what I'm having for dinner...with some home made potato salad
  • MariaCMcDonald
    MariaCMcDonald Posts: 31 Member
    We all have those 'trigger' foods that cause our demise. We choose not to keep them in the house because they wreck havoc on our will power. Mine are potato chips and ice cream....what are your trigger foods?
  • angelarae872
    angelarae872 Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning! I am new and looking for motivation and support. Please feel free to add me!
  • LisaBrown23
    LisaBrown23 Posts: 83 Member
    day 5 on here lost 3lbs so far
  • skeeter58332
    skeeter58332 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on Day 4. Got 100 lbs to lose and ready for a new and healthier me!