
Hi, I'm new to this site. I've been exercising and dieting but haven't lost any weight over the last few weeks. Hopefully keeping track of my calorie intake and exercise will get me there. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


  • Ahmed_B
    Ahmed_B Posts: 8 Member

    I am new to this too. Around 9 months ago I lost 16kg but put the same weight on again. So trying to eat differently to get a more permanent weight hopefully. From my experience, my tip would be, try not to rush losing weight. Set a realistic goal of 1 to 2 lbs loss a week. And that calorie intake is lower than the amount you burn. (This is all stuff you probably already know but just thought I'd share) :smile:
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Raptor2763 wrote: »
    Two words for the both of you: BELLA NUTRA. check 'em out. I'm down about 35 pounds since using their program (it's similar to Sommae, Paleo or Whole 30). Difference is their mentors tailor a program specifically for you. For example, I like working out, so my daily calorie intake is going to be higher relative to somebody who doesn't work out. My coach at BELLA NUTRA (Lisa Sandor) tailored a program that works for me - she used to be the Diet and Nutrition Coach for the Phoenix Suns, and her brother's a doctor, so they know what they're talking about. Anyway, 35 pounds later....voila ! i wouldn't suggest these people if their program didn't work. I'm about results, not promises. These people deliver -- big time.

    So unnecessary.

    OP, get a food scale and start weighing your solids and measuring your liquids.
  • Scorpio_Runner
    Scorpio_Runner Posts: 39 Member
    Chef_Barbell, I just ordered a scale on Amazon.
  • degenerationwhy
    degenerationwhy Posts: 31 Member
    The scale is your enemy. Pick a day and weigh yourself once a week or every two weeks on the same day wearing the same clothes. If you weigh yourself everyday you will just get frustrated watching your weight fluctuate everyday with your water weight etc. keep eating clean and working out and you will see results on your body rather than just numbers on a scale
  • Scorpio_Runner
    Scorpio_Runner Posts: 39 Member
    The scale is for weighing my food. ;)