Coffee vs tea

So I have found that when i drink coffee in the morning I want it with a little sweetness which equals sugar and creamer. The sugar then makes me crave more food good or bad (just hungrier) So i switched to tea which i can take with out extras added. I miss my coffee though. My husband found me a White chocolate black tea that has zero (yes 0) calories. Its not quite coffee but it a good substitute. Any other suggestions/ options welcome?


  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    Learn to drink it black. I did that last time I tried to lose weight without myfitnesspal and I never went back. Maybe try buying better coffee (assuming you drink folgers or the like on a day to day basis). Nothing wrong with folgers per say but, i find that a decent cup of coffee brewed in a french press is pretty tasty without the need to add sweeteners. I find a tin of coffee for less than $10 at Trader Joes and it lasts quite awhile
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    I buy and grind my coffee and drink it black a lot. But when I want it with sweetness I found that using some of my "pure protein vanilla shake" as a creamer did it for me. Alternatively, I buy lactose-free milk for a family member and I don't like it for a glass of milk, because it tastes too sweet - but it's great in iced coffee. Neither of those activates my appetite. Maybe one would work for you!
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Matcha tea has more caffeine in it and has healthy benefits.
  • Linzon
    Linzon Posts: 294 Member
    When I'm low on calories but still want some coffee I add some cinnamon to black coffee. Not quite sweet but adds a great flavour! Sadly tea does not do it for me.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    Linzon wrote: »
    When I'm low on calories but still want some coffee I add some cinnamon to black coffee. Not quite sweet but adds a great flavour! Sadly tea does not do it for me.

    I just add some honey to tea. Good for throat too
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    I usually just make room for the calories and use vanilla or caramel almond milk creamer in my coffee. Though, the sweetness doesn't really make me crave other foods. Maybe try less sugar, or a sugar substitute and chew gum after if you begin to crave something else?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I switched to black coffee cold turkey. Honestly? I don't even miss the cream and sugar.
  • rph2t
    rph2t Posts: 34 Member
    I drink both tea and coffee. Tea every day, coffee every few days. I find the coffee becomes a sort of treat, and even if I add milk and sugar, 100 calories or so is not bad at all for a treat. Maybe once every two weeks I'll go and get a good vanilla latte, which comes in at quite a few calories, so just avoid coffee shops and you should be pretty ok. I've tried black coffee, but I just enjoy it so much more with a sugar cube and a generous splash of milk, not to mention black is more upsetting on my stomach..

    As far as tea recommendations, if you're into bags, Tazo is great. Their green tea, Earl Grey, and wild sweet orange are fairly amazing, and don't even need sugar, really, especially the orange. I like to add lemon to the green and Earl, but that doesn't affect your calorie count too much. Make sure you let it steep for AT LEAST 3 minutes. You need it to be strong enough to appreciate the flavors, otherwise you might as well drink hot water. Tazo also has the added benefit of being available in every grocery store I've ever stepped foot in, at least here in the US.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I switched to black coffee cold turkey. Honestly? I don't even miss the cream and sugar.

    Me neither in fact I think it tastes worse. It was 90+ degrees to he other day and I felt like walking to Starbucks. Saw the cold brew with dash of milk in the ordering menu and was like wtf is this?
  • Linzon
    Linzon Posts: 294 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    Linzon wrote: »
    When I'm low on calories but still want some coffee I add some cinnamon to black coffee. Not quite sweet but adds a great flavour! Sadly tea does not do it for me.

    I just add some honey to tea. Good for throat too

    I do drink a lot of tea too, mostly herbal, but when it's coffee time nothing else will do ;)
  • scoii
    scoii Posts: 160 Member
    Decent coffee tastes better black. Whether it's a caffertiere or good instant.

    All depends where you live. When I lived in the USA I really struggled, Coffee there is generally poor in most places, a large filter pot of generic brown caffinated liquid does not equal coffee.

    If youre in Europe it's much easier to get something that is ruined by adding milk or more than a quarter spoon or sugar.

    After a week you won't go back.
  • loobe1066
    loobe1066 Posts: 206 Member
    I am a tea drinker but do love my vanilla latte. Why not learn to drink coffee without sugar ☕️
  • suzilla53
    suzilla53 Posts: 65 Member
    I also recommend drinking it black. You will need a good coffee. I home roast my own using a hot air popcorn popper- takes 10 minutes to roast fresh coffee for 10 days. It's sweeter and less bitter, makes Starbucks taste terrible.
  • hazeleyes_mustang
    hazeleyes_mustang Posts: 2 Member
    I was not a coffee drinker in general. When I started trying to lose weight last year I gave black coffee a try. It took my a week or two to adapt to the taste. Fast forward a year and I ONLY drink black coffee. When any SWEETNER is added I gag at the nasty taste it leaves.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Have you tried cutting the sugar out of your coffee?

    I never thought I'd do it, but once i just stopped with the sugar it only took a week for me to adapt.
  • TanyaHooton
    TanyaHooton Posts: 249 Member
    I have learned to drink it black, but before I did, I would add honey sometimes but be careful with the calories there, and with carbs if you are watching them.

    What I've done yo keep sugar out but keep flavor is just add cream but spice it up with cinnamon or vanilla extract, peppermint extract, cocoa. There's lots of ideas...pureed pumpkin, coconut, actual melted chocolate bars. You can blend it in a blender to get it smooth and even. It'll take a bit of experimentation but eventually I found that all I need is a bit of cream and a dash of cinnamon, and I don't miss the bottled sugary stuff at all.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    Artificial sweeteners (splenda, equal etc.) are great at adding sweetness without calories. Maybe try it and see if you get the same food cravings?

    Other than that, i'd suggest finding a good instant blend and drinking it black. I recently discovered I now love coffee (couldn't stand it before) and I was having 3-4 sugars in mine until I found a blend that works for me - it's a mild blend (Nescafe gold original) and because it's not bitter to begin with, I don't need to add sugar or milk.
  • EmilyHughes801
    EmilyHughes801 Posts: 63 Member
    I hear adding coconut oil to your coffee can make it taste better and boost the metabolism. Never got around to trying it myself yet. Maybe add cinnamon to your coffee.
  • VisofSer
    VisofSer Posts: 130 Member
    Try this for a sweetener:

    Sweetleaf Stevia Extract Clear Liquid

    I generally despise sweeetners and find I get reactions to them but stevia works for me. This is amazing and 2-4 drops are as good as a teaspoon of sugar. While I enjoy coffee black and bitter, this is nice at times as well. Also I strongly recommend as has been stating adding cinnamon or nutmeg or some effectively non calorie spice. I also suggest avoiding instant coffee which has its place, but I have never found one that tastes half as nice black as a decent filter or espresso.