My Big Fat Fabulous Life



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I don't watch it, not even sure we get it here and if we do we're probably behind. I have seen a few clips on holiday though. Didn't she once lose 100lbs? Thus proving she is perfectly capable of losing weight she's just not in a place where can/wants to right now.

    She did and reportedly developed bulimia in the process. I've never watched the show but it sounds like the people saying she's afraid of the process might be right on. I also wonder how heavily the show is edited to send whatever message the producers find convenient to push. It sounds like the haes controversy creates a lot of ratings for them.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    If the penny doesn't drop for her soon, it will be dropped for her, I fear. :(
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    She makes me sad the same way I see the morbidly obese lass in my office claim to be happy about her size when I can see the pain she is in moving and how she has to drag herself up a flight of stairs with the handrail and how she has to sit before she passes out becasr she's stood up for too long.

    You don't need to be sad for them. If they say they are happy they probably are. When you have been obese your entire life it feels like the norm and whatever inconveniences they have probably feel like minor annoyances. You need to have been a happy morbidly obese person to understand. I was one. Life was great. So what if stairs made me feel like my lungs were almost literally going to explode? A minor discomfort that lasts a couple of minutes. Sure beats the chronic achilles tendinitis I developed trying to get fit. It feels like more of an obstacle in the way of something I like to do (running) than obesity ever was.

    I have never seen the show because I don't do reality TV (too much drama for my taste) so I can't provide a real opinion about it. All I know is that if she is promoting being morbidly obese as healthy or blaming it on a certain disease she is dead wrong. My negative judgement stops there though. I don't believe what she is promoting would have any real impact because it feels more like preaching to the choir. Many obese people often want to lose weight for various reasons, and those who would gravitate towards her opinion often weren't planning to lose weight anyway. I sure as heck don't see a normal weight person listening to her then deliberately getting fat.

    I typically don't do reality to either, but this show caught my attention.
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I watched some of season 1. When it became apparent that it wasn't going to be a feel good "she beat it" kind of story, I had a hard time watching.

    She seems to be willing to make changes in season 2 (or 3?). I'm sure weight loss, and the identity association with the show (fat and fabulous), makes long term weight loss even more difficult.

    I wish her all the best.

    And yes, Babs is awesome!

    I also thought this was going to be an "I beat it" show and that's why it caught my attention but I see that is not the case.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I actually just watched an episode randomly. I've never seen it before. It was the episode shortly after she passed out because of her heart.

    She was talking about how she can do anything that "normal" people can do.

    She then went skiing. When she stood up, she almost immediately collapsed in pain and screaming. Her friends couldn't even pick her up. :neutral: the medics had to come.

    I'm sorry, but it was hard to watch.

    I'm a horrible person for saying this, but the ski video actually had me laughing really hard. Not because she was overweight and In pain, rather just the way she was falling. I used to do ski patrol when I was in college and I can't even begin to count all the times I have seen people do that. My co-workers and I would occasionally laugh because of it.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    slava977 wrote: »
    I've seen a few random episodes of this show in the past.. I actually have a different take on it although most of you will disagree with me. Here are some stats: "In the USA more than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese. More than 1 in 20 (6.3 percent) have extreme obesity." I think in some way Whitney gives hope to many people (primarily women) who are very heavy and yet unwilling/mentally unable to make the sacrifice of sticking to a strict diet... Yes, many people just don't have the willpower to make the necessary changes. And you know what? It's their lives, their bodies. They wake up every morning and need to go on with their day. They still need to find a way to feel okay and live. She is "proving" that you can live, dance, laugh, have a relationship, do various activities - and be a larger size. And it's okay. Some people will Never find the willpower to go from being obese to being normal weight. It's their choice. For instance, in one of the episodes Whitney organized a bunch of mostly heavily overweight women into a dance group. They got together to practice dance routines and then did a performance in front of a large group of people.. I thought this was wonderful. I do feel that she is making a positive contribution in her own way.

    If it's their choice, and they're entitled to it, why would they need a tv show to justify it?
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    slava977 wrote: »
    I've seen a few random episodes of this show in the past.. I actually have a different take on it although most of you will disagree with me. Here are some stats: "In the USA more than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese. More than 1 in 20 (6.3 percent) have extreme obesity." I think in some way Whitney gives hope to many people (primarily women) who are very heavy and yet unwilling/mentally unable to make the sacrifice of sticking to a strict diet... Yes, many people just don't have the willpower to make the necessary changes. And you know what? It's their lives, their bodies. They wake up every morning and need to go on with their day. They still need to find a way to feel okay and live. She is "proving" that you can live, dance, laugh, have a relationship, do various activities - and be a larger size. And it's okay. Some people will Never find the willpower to go from being obese to being normal weight. It's their choice. For instance, in one of the episodes Whitney organized a bunch of mostly heavily overweight women into a dance group. They got together to practice dance routines and then did a performance in front of a large group of people.. I thought this was wonderful. I do feel that she is making a positive contribution in her own way.

    If it's their choice, and they're entitled to it, why would they need a tv show to justify it?

    They don't. They need a TV show to profit from it like any other controversy.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    80 lbs ago, I was fat and ok (not "happy," but ok) and technically in good health, but I was in pain and had no quality of life. That has to factor into the "health" equation, and if your favorite activity makes you pass out because of your weight, that's no quality of life.

    True and everyone deserves to be happy. I had no health problems when I was morbidly obese, but staying at that weight will lead to health problems eventually.

    Sorry but your threads confusing the hell out of me. If you yourself had no health issues when you were morbidly obese, why do you take issue with someone in the same scenario saying the same thing? Thin people won't be healthy forever either? Oh and even at a normal weight, due to the physical activity I choose, I sometimes have trouble walking up stairs and look like an old lady. Last night, I was indeed panicking that something was wrong, likely because I misguidedly completed a workout beside someone who'd clearly drenched themself in a cigarette prior and aggravated my asthma. Arghhhhh. And now I'm going off topic just like your post

    No, I wouldn't recommend morbid obesity, but if the lady's fine with it, I'm not getting the "she must be oh so delusional" comments.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    80 lbs ago, I was fat and ok (not "happy," but ok) and technically in good health, but I was in pain and had no quality of life. That has to factor into the "health" equation, and if your favorite activity makes you pass out because of your weight, that's no quality of life.

    True and everyone deserves to be happy. I had no health problems when I was morbidly obese, but staying at that weight will lead to health problems eventually.

    Sorry but your threads confusing the hell out of me. If you yourself had no health issues when you were morbidly obese, why do you take issue with someone in the same scenario saying the same thing? Thin people won't be healthy forever either? Oh and even at a normal weight, due to the physical activity I choose, I sometimes have trouble walking up stairs and look like an old lady. Last night, I was indeed panicking that something was wrong, likely because I misguidedly completed a workout beside someone who'd clearly drenched themself in a cigarette prior and aggravated my asthma. Arghhhhh. And now I'm going off topic just like your post

    No, I wouldn't recommend morbid obesity, but if the lady's fine with it, I'm not getting the "she must be oh so delusional" comments.

    I believe that poster is saying that you can be morbidly obese and feel fine for a while, but it'll catch up to you. It's not the same thing as being thin. The whole thing is that the amount of extra weight and fat put stress on the joints and heart, which will eventually cause pain.

    Thin people do not have this problem unless they have a family history of arthritis or another health condition.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    The "morbid" part, by definition means that it's reached a point where it's going to kill you without intervention.

    But it looks like (from the ads) that they're going to start addressing that issue, holding an intervention amongst other things.

    Hopefully while last season gave people hope that they can be happy, maybe this season will help people recover.
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    Last weeks show was heartbreaking. She wants to do activities that she did when she was thinner and she can't. I give her credit for trying but I would have never tried skiing at that weight. I think she looks like she has gained weight since last season. I was in the morbid obese category and had no health problems at all. None. It was only a matter of time before I got something. I wasn't going to let that happen!