who here eats clean and .....



  • KetoDebbie912
    KetoDebbie912 Posts: 105 Member
    we were really good at doing this a few years ago, the last couple years not so much :/ but my question: do any of you go through cleansings? like a detox, or one of those other things that clean out your system and get rid of the stuff that really shouldnt be lingering there? lol... i've always been curious about those and if they really work.

    I did a 28 day detox. It shouldn't really be called a detox, since it's unlike the 'cleanses' you normally hear about. It was basically a month of eating clean and ditching the foods that cause cravings and stomach issues, like sugar, alcohol, dairy, grains and caffeine. After 28 days you slowly add in each item to see how your body reacts. I never felt better and I didn't I feel deprived in any way. I ate clean, whole foods with juice fresh organic juice. I felt full, energized and even got rid of my chronic acid reflux.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    I have recently been very interested in moving torward clean eating. I've found it challenging especially with side dishes at dinner. Does anyone have any suggestions, other than brown rice? Thanks!

    oh heck ya! quinoa is a delicious grain and it's loaded with protein. I don't do a lot of starchy carbs to begin with. I'd love a big ol' pile of mashed potatoes, and they'd be 'clean' since they are straight from the ground, but I have found I just don't need the bulk like I thought I used to.

    I usually will grill some veggies, or steam them, or sautee them. Maybe have a salad on the side instead, loaded with colorful peppers and tasty fresh minced garlic.

    Whole grain pasta is available and they've made huge strides in that stuff in recent years. Whole grain pasta used to be disgusting, lol. I don't think that is the case anymore.

    Sweet potatoes mashed up with some agave nectar, cinnamon, and raisins. Nom nom nom nom nom!

    The solution to clean beer? Develop a taste for wine, LMAO!

    For a vast list of clean eating sides, check out this link:


    Another awesome clean eating recipe resource:

  • sivan723
    sivan723 Posts: 4
    Well, I've kept Kosher most of my life.......but just started adding "healthy" to it. lol :tongue:
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    My husband and I have recently become interested in clean eating, raw eating and organic. I've always considered ourselves in a healthy lifestyle category but after researching and digging around and talking to people who have done it all their lives, it really opened our eyes to what food really is and the complete effects it has on our bodies and lifestyle. It's AMAZING and I've fallen in love with the whole thing!! Reading these posts just motivate me to eat cleaner, to raise animals and grow a garden! So any additional information will be of great use!! Thanks for posting this thread! :D
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Can you guys give me a daily menu of what you would eat? I just don't see how I would meet my calorie goals? I do eat mostly good but definately room for improvement.

    It's easy to meet your caloric needs by consuming healthy fats, such as nut butters, avocado, olive oil, etc. The key to clean eating is to balance your nutrition. Our bodies weren't meant to be stuffed full of refined grains and fried foods. It's entirely possible to eat clean and still rack up the calories :) Beans and lentils can bring in a load of calories while providing lots of protein.

    The method of eating is 5-6 small meals each day, consisting of 300-400 calories each. It's easy peasy to rack up just 300-400 calories at each feeding, and by the time you reach the end of the day, you've totaled between 1800-2400 calories of clean, REAL food. Mmm, makes me hungry just thinking about it, LOL
  • I am really enjoying 'clean eating'.
    It was not as hard for me as I thought it might be.
    I love to cook but was getting into a bad habit of buying processed & convenience & canned foods.
    I love to bake too but have cut that out for now ( at least until I have a healthier relationship with those kinds of foods ).
    When I switched a little at a time at first and then switched totally over it was like I felt "cleaner" and lighter. It literally felt like my body was going through a kind of detoxing.
    A couple times I gave in and had a piece of pretty birthday cake or a piece of one of those giant chocolate chip cookies. I regretted that b/c I literally felt sluggish and yucky for like 2 days. A couple times of that and you don't want to slip back into those bad habits.
    Sugar doesn't agree with me anymore and that is amazing to me since I used to survive on the stuff.
    No wonder I wasn't out moving then...( makes sense now ! )

    Water is my drink of choice now ( sure wasn't 4 mos ago! ). That was a huge change for me.

    I love all fruits & veggies and we have always raised our own meat. I am not a picky eater and I don't have any vices ( coffee, tea, alcohol, soda, smoking ) that I have had to give up...so I am truly blessed in that respect.

    I love to look at Food Diaries for ideas and share 'clean' recipes.

    My family is a little slower in the transition but they are making it little by little and don't even know it...lol

    The meals every 3 hrs keep me from getting so hungry that I put anything in my mouth. When meal / snack time comes around, I can make a good choice b/c I don't have that gnawing hunger telling me to fill it with whatever is within reach.
    I love that about this way of eating. The clean choices are also high in protein so what I eat stays with me so much longer than the high sugary foods I was eating before. No more sugar high roller coaster.
    It also has helped b/c I am not grocery shopping when I am hungry.
    I am sleeping better. My Dh says I am snoring less since I lost some of the weight.
    Now...if I could only get him to snore less...
    I have more energy.
    I have stopped making excuses about exercising and have found all kinds of ways to get moving b/c I just feel better.
    I savor my meals and snacks more instead of 'numb-dumb eating'.
    Clothes are fitting better and I am going down in sizes.
    I eat off a small plate with a small spoon and chew my food now ( yes, the 25 + times recommended ).
    I recognize wanting to eat when I am emotional now and don't give into it ( knowing that I am still satisfied from the last meal or snack ) and distract myself with an activity / exercise.

    Eating a Fuji or Gala apple now with natural peanut butter is my GO -TO afternoon snack now. Better than any other snack I can think of. My kids had a chocolate Nutty Bar the other day and offered me half of theirs (sweet kids) but I was SO happy with my PB & apple that I wasn't even tempted...not in the least.
    I think that is AMAZING!

    Someone mentioned quinoa and I haven't tried this yet but I will have to look for it next time I am in the store.

    Keep on...keepin' on....
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    does anyone here who eats clean have an open diary. I'd like to try a month of clean eating and see how I feel, and i'd love recipe ideas!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am not a clean eating snob, but I try to keep things as whole and clean as possible without it controling my life. Most days I probably have at least one thing that is not "clean" but I eat enough natural whole foods to keep healthy.
  • k8tbug711
    k8tbug711 Posts: 1
    Ezekiel bread is in the freezer aisle at Safeways too!
  • I'm curious, what is the definition of clean eating? Is it the same as organic?

    It's not the same as organic. Clean eating involves eating only unprocessed food, like what you would find around the perimeter of the grocery store as opposed to prepackaged foods. No preservatives etc. There are many processed and unhealthy organic foods. Organic does not necessarily mean "clean" or "healthy," it just refers to the process by which the ingredients of the food were grown/fed.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I can't live without SOME junk food dammit!

    But I am trying, slowly, to make it a less and less regular thing, until finally it's like, a once a month treat or something.

    Not doing that well so far, but getting better maybe...
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    With regard to "Clean" beer - I may be biased, and I'm certainly streching the 'rules' of clean eating, but homebrew and many craft beers are technically 'clean' - Beer contains barley or wheat (sometimes rice), hops, and yeast. Although it's all boiled and fermented, there isn't anything unnatural in beer. Welllll, I guess alcohol is technically unnatural, but it's still naturally occuring! (beer was an accident - wild yeast and all that..)

    Really I could talk about beer all day and think it's a very important part of history and a balanced lifestyle. :D

    I've been eating in a moderately clean manner for about a year, also had a pretty long period of mostly clean eating about six years ago. Very little processed foods, and many foods coming from my own garden. As of today I joined a clean eating challenge on the forum, and I'm going to make it my goal to really cut out the processed foods completely this month. It's not something I want to 100% commit to all the time, but being more mindful of it in general is a good start and a good way to balance it out.
  • I have recently been very interested in moving torward clean eating. I've found it challenging especially with side dishes at dinner. Does anyone have any suggestions, other than brown rice? Thanks!

    Fresh steamed vegetables are great! Broccoli, carrots, green beans, grilled asparagus, squash and zuccini are all very filling, and you can eat huge portions since vegetables are so low in calories.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Totally agree with the hormone thing...we do organic when we can aswell..
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member

    Also, I've been looking for ezekiel bread forever and can't find it? Do you have to purchase it in a specialty store?

    Not sure where ya live, but if you live where there are Food Lion grocery stores, the nicer ones carry it over in the freezer section. Lowes Food and Kroger both carry it, as do Trader Joe's and Whole Foods :)

    Most stores keep it refrigerated. I think Trader Joe's is the only place I've seen it not in the fridge. I was wondering why on the way home from there today. LOL
    fred meyers has it too
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    I love the idea of clean eating however being a uni student usually i am pretty broke. Therefore i sometimes find it hard to eat cheap food which is considered healthy. I'm trying to be better at it but am finding it quite difficult
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    I am not a clean eating snob, but I try to keep things as whole and clean as possible without it controling my life. Most days I probably have at least one thing that is not "clean" but I eat enough natural whole foods to keep healthy.
    Me too. I feel like I eat pretty clean but definitely have better days some days than others. I still get chocolate cravings and slip up and eat out some. I have noticed though that when I eat fast food it just isn't as tasty as it used to be. My food diary is open but be warned I am simple and eat plain things.
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