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Running...Trail Critters!!!!

Posts: 1,199 Member
edited September 2024 in Chit-Chat
I ran across these two fellas on my recent trail run. They were within 1 minute of each other (as I ran).

I spotted the first one about 50 yards ahead, and knew what I was coming upon, but the second one was a last second surprise. Luckily, it was right around sundown and they weren't very active. I actually had to use a stick to move the big fella off the trail. He was really lazy.
A little tip I've learned after running desert trails for so many years.... keep an eye out for "sticks" ahead on the trail, as they can sometimes be snakes! That little tip has kept me from stepping over nearly a dozen of these guys over the years.

These are both Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes.

What kind of critters have you come across while running/ hiking?






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  • Posts: 486
    Whoaaa!! That would scare me, you're quite brave to run despite them being out there! I just see lots and lots of rabbits on my run. Can't complain as they are so adorable! During runs in prior years I've seen deer and black bears.
  • Posts: 41 Member
    Snakes (no rattlers--yet), turtles, frogs, armadillo (I was so excited to see my first real live one--usually I only see them on the side of the road), rabbits, deer and mountain goats!
  • Posts: 66
    OMG!!! I know we have Adders in the UK but I hope to God I never come across one while out hiking!!!
  • Posts: 240 Member
    OMG! I think I would have died! I see mostly rabbits and deer. Safe animals!
  • Posts: 1,645 Member
    Oh my! I would piss myself if I ran up on those! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Posts: 311
    Ohmygosh!! I only run outdoors *with* other people, and this is why. I've got that kind of luck...You know, I'm running--into my music, and I step on a snake. It bites me in a weird place on my leg. I have to fold myself up pretzel style, suck the venom out while calling 911 and my husband. I live, but they have to chop my leg off. Yeah, no thanks! :D
  • Posts: 224 Member
    UMM yuck. I think I'll stick to my chipmunks that I totally can't stand. My daughters love to yell at the chipmunks and then laugh at me. LOL
  • Posts: 41 Member
    Ohmygosh!! I only run outdoors *with* other people, and this is why. I've got that kind of luck...You know, I'm running--into my music, and I step on a snake. It bites me in a weird place on my leg. I have to fold myself up pretzel style, suck the venom out while calling 911 and my husband. I live, but they have to chop my leg off. Yeah, no thanks! :D

    Too funny! My running partner will not run trails except from first frost to around March / April because she is afraid of snakes.
  • Posts: 1,199 Member
    UMM yuck. I think I'll stick to my chipmunks that I totally can't stand. My daughters love to yell at the chipmunks and then laugh at me. LOL

    Yelling at the chipmunks..... too funny!!!
  • Posts: 498 Member
    Lets see. . . my trail check off list:

    timber rattlers
    pygmy rattlers
    black racers (I had one jump out at me in my garden last night)
    coral snakes (yes, the poisonous ones)
    tree frogs in porta potties (btw they love to hide in the toilet paper holders)
    spiders (when in South Florida, don't look up too hard, it can be REALLY scary)

    I think that about covers it all minus the birds, I have seen wild bald eagles and their nests here.
  • Posts: 498 Member
    Darn it forgot the wild boars and alligators! We literally stumbled on a 10 foot alligator hiking, luckily it was late afternoon in the winter.
  • Posts: 5,263 Member
    I would have died. Literally.
  • Posts: 60
    Lol you're all funny!! All I get are humans and stray dogs and cats... I love that some one posted about being worried for snakes, yet ran past a black bear...eek!!! Jealous of all your wildlife sightings!!
  • Posts: 665 Member
    OMG! I would swear off running if I encountered those! I can't stand them in my yard when I mow, and those are "harmless" garter snakes! (Heart palps don't seem "harmless" to me!)
    I just came back from hiking in Bruce Peninsula & we came across some rattlers. Needless to say, I went as far the opposite direction as I could! I hate them things. The only good snake is a dead snake...!
    I think I'll keep my walks on the t'mill, thank you very much! lol
  • Posts: 665 Member
    Lets see. . . my trail check off list:

    timber rattlers
    pygmy rattlers
    black racers (I had one jump out at me in my garden last night)
    coral snakes (yes, the poisonous ones)
    tree frogs in porta potties (btw they love to hide in the toilet paper holders)
    spiders (when in South Florida, don't look up too hard, it can be REALLY scary)

    I think that about covers it all minus the birds, I have seen wild bald eagles and their nests here.

    Holy crap! Where do you live??? I'm gonna be sure not to go there! lol
  • Posts: 708 Member
    Not running, but exploring an old ghost town in Nevada last weekend and we found ourselves face to face (literally) with a clutch/gaggle of snakes hiding out under a pile of old sheet metal. I say "face to face" because, while we climbed down the (only) stairs into the foundation of an old bank without noticing the snakes, we found them at exactly eye level (and about a foot away) on the way back up the crumbling stairs. Actually had my son take a picture (I was already up top) because he couldn't identify the snakes. Three cheers for technology, I reached down over the wall (about ten feet away), retrieved the camera, then used my tab to bring up a web page to match the pattern on the scales. So, while the snakes resembled rattlers, and they acted like rattlers (right down to shaking their tails and making a rattling noise), they turned out to be Bull snakes, which will imitate rattlers quite convincingly, which tends to get them killed by humans.

    My husband then calmly and smoothly walked past the snakes (as I said, no other way out), and then put a hand down and pulled our son up and over.

    It was exciting!

  • Posts: 1,199 Member
    Lets see. . . my trail check off list:

    timber rattlers
    pygmy rattlers
    black racers (I had one jump out at me in my garden last night)
    coral snakes (yes, the poisonous ones)
    tree frogs in porta potties (btw they love to hide in the toilet paper holders)
    spiders (when in South Florida, don't look up too hard, it can be REALLY scary)

    I think that about covers it all minus the birds, I have seen wild bald eagles and their nests here.

  • Posts: 498 Member
    I will admit the list covers a few years hiking and camping with our family and boy scout troop and all the animals were here in Florida. The bear was actually in Tennessee, but we DO have bears in Florida, I just have not come across one yet.

    The alligators are the biggest thing we really have to look out for. Like I said, we LITERALLY tripped on a 10 footer.
  • Posts: 1,083 Member
    Holy cow, they are big. I'm so glad I never need to deal with (knocking on wood) these on my runs. Hope NEVER.
  • Posts: 3,317 Member

    Oh wait.. never mind. It was just a stick...
  • Posts: 665 Member

    Oh wait.. never mind. It was just a stick...

    I like the way you think! LOL :noway:
  • Posts: 1,199 Member
    some of you peeps crack me up!
  • Posts: 287 Member
    Wow!! If I KNEW I was "coming up on THAT" 50 yds ahead, I would have gone the other way!! I scream when I see a lizard! :noway:
  • Posts: 224 Member
    Yes my daughters love to yell "CHIMPMUNK" Also Crazy Squirrels.
  • Posts: 498 Member

    Oh wait.. never mind. It was just a stick...

    Now that's what I call hiking.... wait, wouldn't that be hunting? :tongue: I know some people like that!
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