thought I would lose more by now any low carbers out there?

Okay a friend turned me on to this site. This is my first post. So hope i am doing it right. Not sure if there is a section for people following a certain plan. This will be my 4th time losing weight. I know, quite depressing. I have always done it with lots of exercise and just cutting back. I only ate when I was hungry. Trained my self to eat to live not live to eat. I didnt' starve, and had things I wanted. Lets say if I was having bday cake that day or going out to eat. I exercised more. Or ate less for the "bigger" meal.

For whatever reason that gets old after awhile. It's a lot of thinking and preparation all the time on what I am going to eat, when am I going to work ect... I have ADD so, I tend to obsess on something for awhile. Then it gets to be too much.

This time I really want to make it even simplier so I can do this forever, and not gain it back. I am not even sure counting calories is for me. But I am going to try it. I am trying to cut back on carbs for now. I have only had bread 1 in two weeks. I cut out pop and sweet tea (except for sweetned with sweetner). I have had no pasta, no potatoes, no rice. Really my main carb fruit. I cannot give up fruit. I will not give up fruit. lol I gave up cereal (cheerios, special K) and oatmeal. At least I did for now, thinking once I lost some I would have these once a week or so. Anyway. I lost 3 flipping pounds in 2 weeks. I had lost maybe two more and like the day I cheated and had a burger and shake. (didn't even finish it all) I gained like 2 back.

I have friend who have dropped major weight cutting carbs and I lost 3lbs. I know I need to exercise more. I am coming off a back injurty so trying to be careful. Not able to push exercise daily yet. But honestly I know myself if i have to exericse daily I won't be doing this forever. lol I don't particuarly like it. I really thougth cutting back a major food group would help. I am not stuffing myself with fats either . Any suggestions?

I know this is long and rambling so if you made it this far thanks. I would love any suggestions or any low carbers out there what was your expierence. thanks.


  • tinallen863
    tinallen863 Posts: 50 Member
    Some people are more resistant to weight loss even on low carb diets, like me. I plateaued and had outrageous cravings for sweets. I went Zero Carb 123 days ago. Weight loss resumed. Sweet tooth vanished. Appetite decreased. Energy elevated. Depression lifted. I even require less sleep. If you are serious about health and weight loss, check out "Eat meat drink water" and do the 30 day trial. You'll be amazed.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    There are probably several low carb groups, but here is one and it's pretty active:
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    mrsbcarson wrote: »
    Really my main carb fruit. I cannot give up fruit. I will not give up fruit.

    Unfortunately fruit is quite high in carbs, so it is not really possible to go 'Low Carb' and still eat quite a bit of fruit (or indeed much at all). What you are doing is cutting out the processed foods that anyone following a healthy eating plan should. It would be wrong to consider yourself 'Low Carb' and expect the results a 'Low Carb' diet gives.


  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    You are cutting out refined carbs. Not all carbs. There is a difference. If it's something you can do long term and your happy, then do it. If you're a diabetic then watch the fruits.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    3 lbs in two weeks is fantastic, but maybe I'm not understanding correctly? Unless you have a considerable amount of weight to lose, you should aim to lose @ 1 lb per week. Calories are what determines whether you lose weight or not, but some people find low carb helps them stick to their calorie goal. Make sure you are logging accurately and consistently.

    But I think this is an expectations issue. The weight is not going to just drop off of you in a couple of weeks. Focus on a realistic goal, and find a way you can eat for life, so you don't end up gaining it back and having to start round 5. Good luck!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Necro thread, OP has never returned
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Whoopsie :blush: LOL