HELP I am not losing weight **TEARS UP**



  • rea1980
    rea1980 Posts: 93 Member
    Drink tons of water and eat back your exercise calories, if you set up MFP correctly with your weight and your goal each week it will build the deficit in for you. If you are not consuming enough calories your body will be in starvation mode.

    When you eat make sure every calorie counts. Don't eat those 100 calorie snacks, that is an empty 100 calories, eat a banana, a medium one is 105 calories and is full of nutrients. Just make sure those calories you are eating are ones that are good for you.

    Make sure you have breakfast everyday and try to eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. Doing this will tell your body, that you are at no risk of starving and so it is ok to burn stored calories. This is when your metabolism will start to go up. this doesn't happen overnight, you have to be patient.

    Change your workout routines. Our bodies adapt to become more efficient. If you do the same workout all the time your body will figure out how to do that process and not spend as much calories doing it. It is a great survival tactic of our bodies but not so great for weight loss. Also if you are not doing any resistence or weight training you should be doing some. Muscles burn calories. If you are only doing cardio 25% or so of your weight loss could be from muscle loss, this will make it harder to keep losing.
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    I NEVER weigh myself on any given day. I always do it the first thing in the morning, well - the SECOND thing. Because our weight fluctuates, and IMHO the fluctuation is a percentage of your total body weight - the more you weigh, the more fluctuation you have. This is especially frustrating when we are trying to hard to lose. And women, by virtue of being women - well, you folk fluctuate both in mood and weight - and oh, us poor men-folk ... PMS (Poor Man Syndrome, as in "Oh, that poor man). :tongue:

    So, what I do; and will always likely do - is take my lowest weight in any given week - and record that. We are looking for the downward trend - the daily fluctuations don't matter. What matters is that you are seeing a downward trend. If I go 2 weeks or more, and don't see at least 0.2 lbs loss - on any given day during that time ... then I get bummed.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Only worry if it stays that way for a week. My scale will say I gained 6 lbs in 5 minutes sometimes! Digital and spring loaded scales are not all that accurate or consistent. Get on your scale with a 5lb weight or something and check it.
  • SWEET31
    SWEET31 Posts: 40
    hi I dont eat my calories from exercise and Im doing the yoplait diet ,and I lost 7 pounds is the first time that I lose and maintain my new eating habits ,dont give up .......and maybe you are gaining muscle that why you gain 2 pounds....
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I find myself with the same issue so I dont personally weigh in everyday since our weight fluctuates day to day. Keep possitive!
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    wow, thanks for the outpour of support!!! It's so nice to know that other people go through this too. I am frustrated because i really did make an effort this week and i don't want to gain!

    but to answer some questions, my TOM is not coming - in fact, i just got over it. and i am NOT eating under 1200 calories, i set my goal at 1400 NET calories and have been sticking to that. i previously had my calories at 1200 and always went over by like 600 calories, so i changed it to 1400 and stuck to it.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    Judge your weight by how your clothes fit. I get pissed when I look at the scale and it goes up but then I remember how much I weighed and how much I lost (60 pounds). Look at your TOTAL weight loss as a VICTORY!!!

    Also, in order to gain 2 pounds, it means you have to eat and store 5000 calories in fat cells. 1 pound of fat is 2500 calories

    1 pound of fat is 3500 calories... not 2500 hundred. So she'd need to eat and store 7,000 calories. Highly doubt that happened.

    In reply to another poster, muscle does not weight more then fat. They weigh the same but muscle is more dense and compact then fat.

    To Op: Try drinking more water and changing up you're exercise. Also try eating only a little bit of your exercise calories and see if that helps.
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    Like others said~ about retaining water after strength training...i find it to be so true!.. i started exercising more than usual, finally made myself rest one day, did absolutely nothing!.. and lost 2 lbs. I want to lose so bad, that sometimes i tend to over do it and feel guilty if i don't exercise everyday. We have to let our body recover... it's better in the long run.
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks SOOOOO much everyone! I feel alot better after reading all of these comments and listening to everyone's advice. This is a learning process for me and this REALLY helps!!!

    Thanks!!!! XXOO
  • Balishdear
    Balishdear Posts: 60
    Well, if your hitting a plateau, I just read in the "fitness" mag that Jillian Michaels suggests taking a day off, so that your body gets rest, something like that. Its in the most recent fitness mag, I can't remember exactly what it said.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    This week I made sure to stay UNDER my calorie goal and I worked out for 5 days in a row! (Which, I never do!)

    I would bet anything that from increasing your activity level, you're retaining a little bit of water. When you start or increase exercise, you build muscle by tiny little tears, that hold water while they heal. You could also be holding water for a number of other reasons, but if you stay with your plan, eat right (lots of water, dairy, fruits, veggies, protein, fiber, etc.), and move more, the scale will move too.

    And if it doesn't, then I'd start taking measurements if you don't already, because scales lie. Sometimes you're getting smaller even when you weigh more, and measurements will tell you if that's happening.

    Judge your weight by how your clothes fit. I get pissed when I look at the scale and it goes up but then I remember how much I weighed and how much I lost (60 pounds). Look at your TOTAL weight loss as a VICTORY!!!

    Also, in order to gain 2 pounds, it means you have to eat and store 5000 calories in fat cells. 1 pound of fat is 2500 calories

    ^^That is good advice^^ I should do that, too. I gained 1.5 pounds since yesterday but: I went to the gym and ate some not-so-clean food last night (still in my calorie goal). You could have gained a little bit of muscle over the last five days? Or not lost because you're gaining muscle over time? I'm no expert, mind you, just speculating. Did you feel pretty good before you weighed in today?
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    The best advice I ever got on this site was to track my sodium. That made all the difference. If I go over, and then gain, I know why. It can be SO easy to go over too, especially if you're eating anything processed.

    Keep on keepin' on girl.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Lots of great suggestions already. Fluctuations ARE normal and usually related to water retention of some sort. No one can provide you with any real advice though since they can't see your journal.

    I just blogged about this, so maybe this will be helpful:
  • Ssocrrbabe
    Ssocrrbabe Posts: 51
    It sounds to me that if you are eating consistently under your net calories and working out 5 days, your body has gone into Starvation mode and is holding on to every fat calorie. Try reading the "Read me first NEWBIE" articles to get a better understanding of why you should eat at least some of your exercise calories back and make sure you eat your goal calorieis = net calories. Try this for a week and see what happens.
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    There is plenty of good advice already listed, so I won't repeat it. I do agree with tossing the scale and using a tape measure for better accuracy. Try to increase protein and watch the fat, sodium, and sugar levels. Eat at least half of your exercise calories back and see what happens.
  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    I'd like to echo the fact that not only does your body change day to day according to whether you're retaining more or less water, but the vast majority of bathroom scales just AREN'T THAT ACCURATE. Weigh yourself 5 times in a row, see what sort of range it gives you. The last scale I bought couldn't decide what I weighed within 20lbs! On either side! (useless crap, I returned it)

    One thing I haven't seen mentioned here is underlying medical reasons. You may be gluten intolerant, as that's a surprisingly common problem that prevents people from losing weight. Could be other reasons, too.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Eat your exercise calories!~!~!

    Change up your workouts.

    Change up the amount of protein, carbs and fats you eat.

    DRINK TONS OF WATER!~!~! Like 90 oz a day!~!~!

    most important.. stay positive, your body cant hold on to the weight forever if you keep doing the right thing, sometimes it just takes time to find what works for you.
  • jnb87
    jnb87 Posts: 4
    Dont get to upset, it could be water or an increase in muscle that is only just starting to show on the scales. keep at it :)
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    If you want to friend request me I can check out your food log. However, I will say this: I am the slowest lose in the world. I work out and eat clean, and lose a few pounds a month. However..... Those pounds never come back. It takes me a year to lose twenty pounds. But then those twenty pounds never come back.