"Husband's suck" "I blame my husband" Etc....



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    While it takes two to get pregnant, only one of us gains weight. How is that fair? I'll tell you, loosing pregnancy weight THREE times really sucks. I'll blame him if I want. ;)
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I was on birth control. Husband wasn't.
    Obviously 100% Husband's fault I got fat.
    :wink: :laugh:
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    While it takes two to get pregnant, only one of us gains weight. How is that fair? I'll tell you, loosing pregnancy weight THREE times really sucks. I'll blame him if I want. ;)

    Haha! I JUST lost all my baby weight last week. Can't even tell you how good that felt. Not sure if I want to do it again. But if I do, it's worth it =D
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    Love it! I tell my close friends that jokingly... but i know its my choice.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Love it! I tell my close friends that jokingly... but i know its my choice.

    lol! I can understand that =D
  • lynnie07
    lynnie07 Posts: 52
    You go girl! Blaming others for putting something in your mouth or not staying active well, let's say that no one will abuse you more than you abuse yourself so start taking the blame for your choices. We all make a conscience decision to accept, to change, to eat, to be inactive. If you want people especially your husband to love and support you, shouldn't it first start from you. Take accountability for your actions. We as women tend to stop caring for ourselves once we are married or have a life partner. We tend to want to please him so we stop going to the gym to accommodate him and to spend more time with him. We eat what he wants because he doesn't like veggies or what food you like. Look at why you got this way and really it's because you cheated yourself, no one else and no not even your husband did it, it's YOU.
  • exercisesucks
    WOO HOO!!!!!!
  • exercisesucks
    Stop complaining about the dang baby weight and your kid is 14 years old. Love it!

  • exercisesucks
    I agree completely. Granted, I gained my weight technically because of my husband, but not because I felt it was his fault, it was because mentally, he made me feel great no matter how I looked, so I lost sense of my health. When I wanted to begin a healthy life style, I told my husband that he could join me if he wanted, but if he didn't, I still was, and that I needed to do this myself. Husbands tend to get a bad rep, but all in all, you are responsible for yourself.

    No, you gained your weight technically because you didnt eat right or exercise. Technically, he didnt force feed you crap or prevent you from moving. You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul!
  • exercisesucks
    Personally I don't blame my husband because I am overweight and he is really supportive of me. But, who are you to tell someone how to feel and what they should and shouldn't post about their husbands. If it does not break forum rules and it makes them feel better. So be it! Why are you letting what other's say about their husbands affect how you feel?

    Because she has the same freedom to express herself as you do! I am a United States Marine! We all have the right to say how we feel whether we agree or not. So let us not get into the whole "who are you to tell someone rap. FYI the constitution said we could. Happy Independence Day!!!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Personally I don't blame my husband because I am overweight and he is really supportive of me. But, who are you to tell someone how to feel and what they should and shouldn't post about their husbands. If it does not break forum rules and it makes them feel better. So be it! Why are you letting what other's say about their husbands affect how you feel?

    Because she has the same freedom to express herself as you do! I am a United States Marine! We all have the right to say how we feel whether we agree or not. So let us not get into the whole "who are you to tell someone rap. FYI the constitution said we could. Happy Independence Day!!!

    Totally agree with this, and the OP. And Happy Independence to you, too! :)
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I agree completely. Granted, I gained my weight technically because of my husband, but not because I felt it was his fault, it was because mentally, he made me feel great no matter how I looked, so I lost sense of my health. When I wanted to begin a healthy life style, I told my husband that he could join me if he wanted, but if he didn't, I still was, and that I needed to do this myself. Husbands tend to get a bad rep, but all in all, you are responsible for yourself.

    No, you gained your weight technically because you didnt eat right or exercise. Technically, he didnt force feed you crap or prevent you from moving. You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul!

    Exactly. My husband loved me just as much when I was 15 pounds heavier. He always made me feel great, but I knew I didn't *look* great so I took control over my health and fitness and have steadily lost weight. I never blamed him in the slightest way for the extra weight that I was carrying around. Now when he tells me I look amazing, I'm actually starting to believe him.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    Geez; I wish I had all this wisdom at 22 and was married for what? a year or two? LOL

    Not trying to rain on your parade, but sometimes husbands/wives/significant others DO suck...esp if you've been with them for awhile. People make mistakes, people are ****ty to one another even if they do love each other, etc.

    I agree w/ the previous poster...some people just need a place to vent.

    This is the gospel truth. I obviously haven't read some of the posts the OP is referencing (though I have read at least one) but I can't fathom why she is so fired up about somebody else's marriage. Neither venting about nor deifying your SO is required to use the site.
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    lol I agree.... but also know sometimes it's more of a mental thing with women that are caused by crappy people surrounding their lives... and yet again I will always go back to it's all about choices... you can choose to do this or choose not to.... and thats on you.... :)
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    wow ive never blamed my husband he has his moments when he can be a total butt hole but they are rare lol, i cook him burger and fries since he brings home the bacon and i make myself a healthy dish if i wanna loose the weight im gonna have to put in the work thats just the way it is, im doing it for me any how i chose to eat at every buffet in VA while i was pregnant, if he was a jerk all the time and never supportive well i wouldnt be with him because i love myself to much to let someone else make me feel like crap i can do a pretty good job of that myself.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    what kind of jerk offers their alcoholic friend a drink? the same one that brings dunkin donuts home to someone with a weakness for food! blaming someone for it and suggesting they could be more helpful are different too! this whole thing just CRACKS me up!!!! I wish I had so much time on my hands to worry about everyone else so much =D =D
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    i feel bad for women who dont feel like they get enough support from their significant others.

    it makes me really thankful that mine is so supportive and wonderful. it really does make all the difference having someone on your team while trying to lose weight.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    this thread is just as much as a waste as the ones that put all their business out there in a forum.

    i don't see how this helps the situation? i guess venting.. oh.. wait a minute.. that's what they were doing.. hmm.

    it's a neverending cycle. i've only been on mfp forums for a little bit and this is getting old.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Personally I don't blame my husband because I am overweight and he is really supportive of me. But, who are you to tell someone how to feel and what they should and shouldn't post about their husbands. If it does not break forum rules and it makes them feel better. So be it! Why are you letting what other's say about their husbands affect how you feel?

    Because she has the same freedom to express herself as you do! I am a United States Marine! We all have the right to say how we feel whether we agree or not. So let us not get into the whole "who are you to tell someone rap. FYI the constitution said we could. Happy Independence Day!!!

    What does being a United States Marine have to do with any of this topic? I didn't say she couldn't, what I said who was she to tell. She don't know all peoples situation. Last I heard this is for SUPPORT. In weightloss and many other areas of our lives because they do infact affect our weightloss. Never did I once say she didn't have the freedom to speak her opinion. I just believe that we don't all live in this great and fabulous world where we have friends that we can tell our problems to or a husband willing to consider our feeling.So I say once again who is the OP to be telling people they shouldn't use this or any other public forum to vent frustration about their spouse.

    The same could be said that a public forum is no place to vent how you feel people should or should not feel or react to their husband or spouse.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I was on birth control. Husband wasn't.
    Obviously 100% Husband's fault I got fat.
    :wink: :laugh:

    You made me smile:tongue: