Stuck in a rut

After 3 years of stress eating and adding 85 pounds I'm finally getting back on track. Ive lost 26 pounds so far, but seem to be at a stand still. Today I'm going to start walking and really track what goes into my body. Going to get the real me back! Excited!


  • Adr3nalyn3
    Adr3nalyn3 Posts: 7 Member
    Awesome! Welcome to MFP, and best of luck on your journey. You're gonna rock it out!

    Feel free to add me if you want some added support. :)
  • RanaSimon
    RanaSimon Posts: 73 Member
    Congrats on taking the next step (literally and figuratively)!

    I know a lot of people starting out walking are doing the C25K program. I haven't done it, but everyone I've seen who has loved it and had great results.

    Me personally, I've been working with a trainer who taught me intervals on the treadmill. All my cardio problems I've had since a kid were gone! Now I'm walking/jogging a 5K every weekend to develop a habit of it.

    If you're interested in some extra motivation and to track your progress, I have a group made up for walkers and runners. I labeled it for 5K participants, but really it's just for anyone that uses walking or running as part of their exercise routine. You're welcome to join if you'd like.