baking HELP !!!

hello my Peoples i would love sme tips or same help on baking i would love to know what other people do when they bake for people have not got a weight prob
i always have to bake for my parnter always he loves his baking . now i dnt eat it during the week bec iknow its his food and yea like he needs it more than me he wants to get big yes in my family im trying to lose weight and hes trying to get begger so hard for me but sorry going off topic the only time i eat it is when im baking i love the dough its so yummie or il tell my self aw better try it if it taste good but thats it its only when baking it i buy my self weight watchers cookies and other low fat snacks for me but i love sweets and 90 % of the time i start eating my baking lol so yea was woundering if theres tips not to pick at the baking while im making it or wanting to test it thanks heaps guys would so help me alot oooo and add me to the more friends the better support i have xoxoxoxo


  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    chew some gum :D might help... that's all I can think of
  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    Chew gum, have other healthy snacks on the side that you can pick up instead or bake something he enjoys, but you don't (that way there is no temptation)
  • yolandita
    yolandita Posts: 23 Member
    Hey, starrt making sugar free goods that taste just as good so it won't be as bad. I personally enjoy walmart's sugar free macadameia cookies, mmm, so chewy and good. Also, if i need a chocolate fix, I'll buy a publix chocolate sugar free cake from the bakery. Oh soooo good, this cake taste better than the cake with sugar. No joke, my fam was so surprised when they had it, that it was sugar free, and top this, I lept the sugar free part a secret & sprung it on them after they were nose deep in it. They were so shocked; it was the rave of the family picnic.
  • LiveBrightly
    Make him bake his own fattening treats. If he is supportive of you, he wouldn't be expecting you to bake for him if you are working towards a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, try blindfolding yourself so you don't have to see all the "yummy-goodness". I bet he'd volunteer to bake for himself after that...

    Or, only cook healthy treats. If you haven't tried baking the Devil's Food Cake/Pumplin Mix brownies... you should try it. I make the mini-muffins so I can eat three of them, instead of one big one.

    Devil's Food Cake/Pumplin Mix Brownies
    1 box devil’s food cake mix
    1 (15 oz) can solid pack pumpkin

    Mix the two ingredients together. Don't add anything else that may be mentioned on the box, such as eggs, oil, or water. The mixture will be very thick and you will be tempted to add in other things to make the batter smoother. DO NOT DO THIS AS IT WILL RUIN EVERYTHING! Place batter into muffin tins (or mini muffin tins) lined with paper, or sprayed with non-stick spray. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Makes 12 regular or 36 mini muffins.

    (1 Muffin, or 3 minis - 180 calories, 2.5g fat, 37 carbs, 2.5g, fiber, 2.5g protein - 3 WW points)
