Weight loss ugh

I need help horrible.. I have got to loose 30 lbs
I drink
1 8oz unsweetened tea
1 4oz coffee with a splash of fat free milk
Nothing but veggies and when I mean veggies
2 baby carrots-2 radish-2 thin slices of cucumber kinda thing
2 boils eggs
1 pice of grilled chicken
Water all day long...
With my hydroxycut hard core
And I go to the gym for a hr and hit it hard


  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hydroxycut, workouts and probably no more than 1000 cals per day. Sounds like an awesome plan - not! Sounds like the recipe for unsustainability and health risks.

    Read the stickies for some very good suggestions from MFPeeps who have succeeded in long term weight loss and maintenance. I'd post the links but I'm on my cell phone.

    ETA: back at my desk

    here is the ultimate of stickies, pretty much covering all the wisdom MFP has to offer...

  • angpowers
    angpowers Posts: 83 Member
    Uhm, no weight lost is worth all that nonsense.

    I'm not sure if you're asking an actual question?

    And I'm not trying to be nasty -- truly -- but thats just not enough food on the reg and let alone if you "hit it hard" at the gym for an hr.

    I agree with Calliope610 -- most people will direct you where to go or what to read etc -- but you probably won't hear what you want.
  • bdhigdon858
    bdhigdon858 Posts: 146 Member
    No your free to express your thoughts.
    I by no means have a problem with that.
    Theirs a catch 22 with my body I can not have no more sugar (unless it's natural) soda (not even diet or caffeine free) or any fake sugars (Splenda sweet n low Ect Ect)
    I had kidney failure at the age of 28 & that came with huge kidney stone removal. After baby #2 10 mths ago..
    Both my doctors put me on this diet Monday so yeah I want to here what everyone thinks...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You are making this way harder than it needs to be. All you need to do to lose weight is to create a simple calorie deficit. By this, all I mean is that you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. It's a little more complicated in that you can't have any sugar, but the concept remains the same. Is there some medical imperative that you lose the weight quickly? Because otherwise, 30 lbs is really not all that much. The best thing for most people is just to plug their numbers into MFP and eat whatever they want (barring medical restrictions such as yours with sugar), and eat the number of calories that it says.
  • bdhigdon858
    bdhigdon858 Posts: 146 Member
    I have 2 mths to lose it OR
    I haft to have my right knee replaced-lose my left kidney and my upper back fusion...
    I ate & drank whatever I wanted went to the gym for a Hr hit 28 and my body just said nope not today so last few yrs have been a pain to say the least...
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    edited June 2016
    Do your doctors know you are using hydroxcut - a "drug" that can cause rhabdomyolysis which can lead to serious health problems such as kidney failure? Doesn't sound advisable for a patient with a history of kidney failure.

    But I have a feeling you have already made up your mind and any further discussions regarding the advisability of this "diet" would be a waste of time and breath.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    edited June 2016
    Drop the hydroxcut. Rest of diet can be ok.
    1 egg and veggies for breakfast
    1 egg and veggies for lunch
    dinner lean chicken breast and salad

    lots of water, unsweetened tea and your 4 oz coffee with some skim milk

    Bet you could make that about 1200 calories a day.
  • bdhigdon858
    bdhigdon858 Posts: 146 Member
    Yeah both my doctors said I can only use hydroxy cut for 1 week and he took my bottle.. Gave me a weeks worth. Then I get weighed weekly. If the weight don't come off with their idea then they will haft to come up w a diff idea I guess...
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    Have you considered "Keto", it a real food way of eating close to what you suggest but no added sugar. It is proven to loose weight real quick. There is a book by Dr Stephen Finney and Dr. Jeff Voleck PHD that gives the art and science around why it works and how it works. Just a suggestion.
  • angpowers
    angpowers Posts: 83 Member
    Man Danielle, I am SO SORRY to hear about your health.
    No doubt this is stressful and in a way, devastating.

    I wish there was something I could do to help you. I know I will be praying for you because this just sounds like a mess.

    Please please love on yourself and know that all you can do is your best. I always take the approach "when I know better, I do better." But all you can do is earnestly try and then allow God to do the rest.