Suggestions for "filling foods"?

I'd love some advice on how I can alter my eating habits - I'm weighing/calorie counting, but my afternoons are becoming difficult for me to avoid snacking.

I'm still about 8lbs off from my goal weight, where I'm going to reassess if I am happy with where I am (pre-3x kids pregnancy). I'm technically within a healthy BMI, but still have quite the belly. Very short, about 5'0", and a slight frame/short torso. I typically try to eat between 1200-1400 calories (higher end if I am exercising), because in my experience, if I eat more than that I maintain/gain (again, I'm short/petite).

I suspect my breakfast is part of my downfall - I literally eat frosted mini wheats. I have been eating those fairly consistently since pregnancy #1 because, well, it keeps me regular. I also have 3 little kids, so i can't turn my kitchen into the Food Network to do anything too fancy/ time consuming.

Anyway, all of that just to ask - any good ideas for breakfast and lunch that sustain me till dinner time? I typically stick to Skinnytaste recipes for dinner, and that's working well, but breakfast is at 7am, and I'm starving by noon, usually opt for a PBJ and then fight off urges (or succumb) till dinner.

I wouldn't mind doing a 5 small meal option, either, but whenever I do, it seems like my calories just skyrocket.

Thanks for any and all help <3


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh wow. I'd be starving with such a diet.

    Make batches of oatmeal that you can reheat, or eggs/eggs burritos. Make some crustless quiches on the week end that you can just reheat in the morning.

    For lunch have some protein and veggies. Or a salad. Or a wrap. PB&J has so many non filling calories...

  • akf2000
    akf2000 Posts: 278 Member
    oh you're the mum who walks with her 3 kids, I loved that post you made.

    I fill up on protein at breakfast and struggle to push my lunch down my gullet because I still feel so full.

    My top tip is egg white omlettes - ridiculously lo-cal and filling, it's basically a lifehack.
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    edited June 2016
    Fat, protein, and fiber are best for keeping you satiated. Fat seems to work the best for me. And as little sugar as possible. You could switch to unsweetened cereal (oatmeal, Cheerios), add some almonds for healthy fat, and add 1T of Chia seeds for the fiber.

    ETA: cheerios have sugar, but I suspect less than Frosted Mini Wheats!

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yeah egg whites are probably the most filling thing out there for the calories - just the thought of it makes me gag now though!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    my breakfast is a protein smoothie...44 grams of protein...keeps me fuller longer.
    egg muffins with ham and cheese

    snacks for me are usually cottage cheese or yogurt.
  • catestevam
    catestevam Posts: 27 Member
    Fruit is a good filler, and most are easy to carry around with you if need be. My favorites are banana (although higher calorie/sugar, it's the easiest to eat on the fly), blueberries, apple, clementines, and/or a sprig of grapes.

    I keep a container of quick oats in my cube with a 1/2 cup measuring cup. If I'm really feeling hungry, I'll make it in a mug with hot water ~120 calories, and it's pretty satisfying at least to me.
  • lemonlimelama
    lemonlimelama Posts: 7 Member
    You could always make hard boiled eggs ahead of time paired with some avocado, tomatoes, or other veggies or try a protein shake with a banana. Use a good brand with low sugar like Garden of Life. I tend to snack after coming home from work too. But I don't think it's always hunger but can be routine. It's that feeling where it's the end of the day and I just want to relax and give in to all temptations. Gotta find some mind hack to change that behavior.
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    edited June 2016
    I took a peek at your food diary. You could definitely stand to eat more fat and protein.
    Fruit is great, but don't eat it alone. Always have some slower-digesting fat and protein to balance it out. Helps keep your blood sugar more stable.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I'd change out PBJ at lunch for something else. That's more calorie dense than your mini wheats. And the peanut butter will counteract your fiber from breakfast. Try some veggies and protein instead.
  • torsab
    torsab Posts: 12 Member
    I make ahead: plain greek yogurt, chia seeds, frozen fruit (defrosts by morning in the refrigerator when you make the night before), and if I really feel I need it sweeter just a little bit of pure maple syrup or agave. It makes it easy for me to grab the Tupperware container out of the refrigerator as I'm running out the door to work in the morning ... I eat it between 7 and 7:30 and it holds me solidly until 11:30 or 12ish when I have lunch.

    I have also done scrambled eggs made with almond milk and then peppers, onions, and mushrooms (sometimes a little bacon or turkey bacon). I'll use a split of "real eggs" and egg beaters ... but again make a bigger batch, container it out for the week and then it's a matter of 1 minute in the microwave. That holds me well too, it feels like a weekend treat (my dad used to make our eggs this way on special weekends when I was growing up - and almost every time I went to visit as an adult), and it's a nice low calorie investment for fullness
  • LERadicalDreamer
    LERadicalDreamer Posts: 61 Member
    All of you - thank you so much for these replies. They're incredibly helpful.

    I definitely agree on the protein and fat. I get discouraged because I always turn to Google for recipes, and you would think they assume I live in the kitchen of a five star restaurant with everyone they want me to keep on hand.
    akf2000 wrote: »
    Just chuck whatever you have into the omelette, 35g of cheese, veggies, your dog, anything, a lottery ticket, spring onion, whatever.

    I literally lol'd at this. And I agree, i'm going to just that. Might spare the cat, though i'm sure as usual he'll try and contribute some of his fur, the bum.
  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    Because of my job, (I'm on the road a lot) it used to be difficult to eat "right". Now that I'm trying to do better, breakfast seems to be the only "for sure" meal. So my questions is, should that be the meal where I consume to most calories? Sometimes, a homemade breakfast burrito could easily be400-500 calories.
  • AngelinaB_
    AngelinaB_ Posts: 563 Member
    I love a PBJ lunch, and it's pretty satisfying to me. Do it with 100% whole wheat bread and accompany it with a salad with lots of fiber (carrots), cherry tomatoes etc... if you want it to hold it more. Carrots and snap peas with 2-3 tbs of hummus is pretty satisfying for me for a pm snack and its less than 200 cal.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    ponycyndi wrote: »
    I'd change out PBJ at lunch for something else. That's more calorie dense than your mini wheats. And the peanut butter will counteract your fiber from breakfast. Try some veggies and protein instead.

    What does that even mean?

    Some things that help me:
    • crockpot/slow cooker. I use it ALL THE TIME! I can throw dinner in and while I'm at work, it's cooking. I have a large one and cook extra so that I can freeze individual portions for lunches.
    • Batch cook on the weekends. I can't do sandwiches for lunch, and I enjoy leftovers, so I eat a lot of warm meals for lunch. Some go tos are "italian stew" (essentially pasta sauce but with a ton of vegetables that I eat like a soup and don't add pasta), green chili stew, buffalo chicken dip (like the appetizer for football games, but I make it with more chicken so that it isn't runny), enchiladas. I round it out by throwing in some frozen veggies (usually green beans because my fiance and I both like them) and have an apple as well.
    • I keep shredded chicken on hand. I'll cook 10lbs at once in the crockpot, shred, and either mix immediately into meals or freeze in individual portions. I can use it on salads, make a chicken salad sandwich, pulled chicken sandwich, mix it into a can of soup or chili to give it an extra protein boost, etc.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    I love PB&J, but I don't eat it a ton because it's so calorie-dense. Cottage cheese and fruit or veggies is great and simple. Greek yogurt is good too.. plain with fresh berries is my favorite and easy. I also really like a couple hard boiled eggs mashed up with mustard and a little sriracha.
  • akf2000
    akf2000 Posts: 278 Member
    I also really like a couple hard boiled eggs mashed up with mustard and a little sriracha.

    I do this too! I call it Lazy Devilled Eggs.
  • LERadicalDreamer
    LERadicalDreamer Posts: 61 Member
    I love PB&J, but I don't eat it a ton because it's so calorie-dense. Cottage cheese and fruit or veggies is great and simple. Greek yogurt is good too.. plain with fresh berries is my favorite and easy. I also really like a couple hard boiled eggs mashed up with mustard and a little sriracha.

    This sounds like all sorts of amazing. I may try this for lunch.