Diet and exercise and mental health

originalbelle2 Posts: 7 Member
So I'm half way through my second week at a healthier lifestyle. I have a few quite serious mental health conditions and I'm already feeling the benefits both physically and mentally. Does anyone else find being healthier helps any mental health issues?
I have bipolar type 2, borderline personality disorder, recurrent depressive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. I'd be grateful to hear from people in the same or similar situations, and to hear whether it is helped by your diet/exercise


  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    I am a PTSD "survivor". I'll likely carry that cross for the rest of my life. I have been prone to depression in the past, likely as a result of the PTSD. I'm totally unmedicated at this point, and in a really healthy place, both mentally and physically. Physically, that's still a work in progress, of course. Most notably, I feel less stress, less emotional fatigue, and less irritability. It's a good place to be!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    PTSD and bipolar 1 here. It's been a journey. I fully believe reducing/eliminating added sugar and eating more whole foods helps me. Regular exercise/group activities have helped me the most. And regular sleep (and working with my pdoc).
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    PTSD, bipolar 2, anxiety, agoraphobia, exercise induced anxiety (ah the irony). Exercise has done more for mood stabilisation than any medication did. And when I couldn't work out recently due to flu I actually had my most sever hypomanic episode in a while. Rediscovering exercise has been amazing for me, to the point I'm considering a personal trainer qualification.
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    Look at all of us PTSD-ers. Goodness.
  • Butterflywasted
    Butterflywasted Posts: 8 Member
    ptsd here. someone asked me how I got it once... told them from three Vietnam war... I was 22. people are idiots!
  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm Bipolar 1. I'm medicated which definitely helps a great amount. However, I definitely feel much much better with regular exercise and a decent nights sleep.

    The medication and exercise definitely keep me more balanced! :smiley:
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I have Asperger's and anxiety issues. Having a set routine with regard to my food, exercise, and sleep has worked wonders for me. I would have never imagined the changes would be as immense as they are. I'm glad people here are feeling the same effects.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    borderline personality disorder and major depressive disorder. medication helps, sleep helps, eating halfway decent helps, exercise helps. getting into lifting has actually helped a lot, not just because of the exercise itself but because I enjoy it so much and am so excited about the results I'll eventually see, and just having the routine of going to the gym a few days a week is a huge thing for me. having a reason to get up early and getting outside and going somewhere is incredibly helpful, especially since it's nearly all I do because I don't work since I can't hold down a job.
  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    I have anxiety and depression and exercise is really key but the diet has helped also. I'm glad it's helping you! Mental health is so important
  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    Yes, and the last 3 years have been the best of my life! After I began counseling for an eating disorder, I was able to see how OCD and severe depression were all interconnected. I have been able to use faith, exercise, medication, and the renewing of the mind, all to absolutely turn my life around.
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