Need some motivation!

Hi my name is Jenni. I've tried this before but fell off the wagon. I'm ashamed to say I weigh almost 350 pounds. I recently lost my dad to heart problems and don't want my 3 amazing kids to watch me die like that. This weight has to come off! I need someone to check on me, give me good weightloss tips or yummy recipes. Pear help me get healthy!


  • jejoas2128
    jejoas2128 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started and you are the first post I seen... Hopefully I can stay on the wagon lol.. Goid luck to you
  • girl_inflames
    girl_inflames Posts: 374 Member
    You can do it!! The hardest part is the beginning. Stick to logging your meals. Don't cut everything you like out of your diet, just don't eat sweets, carbs, pizza, etc. every day. Instead of watching TV for an hour - go on a treadmill or go for a walk around a nearby park. Little things really do wonders. I'm 40 pounds down this year. I believe in you! :smiley:
  • dwatson925
    dwatson925 Posts: 143 Member
    Here for you if you need a friend. On the same journey :smiley:
  • JamieAlison9
    JamieAlison9 Posts: 9 Member
    Risk of death. No really, that's all the motivation I need to live a healthy lifestyle. The older you get, the more health issues you have the more you weigh. Diabetes. Stroke. Heart attack. It is not worth it. No matter how delicious a meal is. Also in Hollywood you are type cast for fat roles. This does not mean you have to be a size 2 but 100 lbs overweight is obese, not thick, fluffy or whatever crazy adjective you want to use. Wishing you good luck!
  • magicpickles
    magicpickles Posts: 286 Member
    For me it was seeing how much weight I could lose in a certain amount of time. I realised there was 27 weeks left in the year, so I thought maybe I could lose a kilo a week, so thats 27 kilos by the end of the year! That would make a huge difference for me. I have trouble moderating treats, so I am cutting out all junk food, fast food and soda until I have lost a significant amount of weight, because they throw me off track. By the time I've lost the 27 kilos, I should be able to manage small portions of treats because I would have gotten used to not eating them at all.

    I could probably eat 5000 calories a day without batting an eyelid. What has helped me is to avoid situations where there is food. I mean, I usually sit at home all day, where the kitchen is only a few feet away. I've started walking my niece to school every day, attending Weight Watchers meetings and seeing a trainer. When I sit down to eat, I dish up smaller portions than I usually would, because I'm eating for energy, not comfort or enjoyment.

    I love food and comfort, but if left to my own devices, I would eat a lot more.

    Most people here say to start in the way you want to finish your life, make a lifestyle change, something you can stick to, but different things work for different people. I will return to having treats in my diet eventually, but I am very all or nothing, and found myself hugely overeating every day and not getting the results. I have only been doing this seriously for 5 days and I have dropped 2.8kg (probably mostly water).