Intermittent Fasting Buddies needed



  • misschip1983
    misschip1983 Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me I've lost 28lb so far doing this. My time window is 12pm until 8pm . this really is working for me , I've also found I have much more energy.
  • whit4288
    whit4288 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me! I've been doing a 4:20 version of IF and have really seen my weight loss pick up. Would love friends who are on a similar journey :)
  • adawn1981
    adawn1981 Posts: 32 Member
    Add me! I'll be starting 18:6 tomorrow!
  • loobe1066
    loobe1066 Posts: 206 Member
    When drinking during the fasting can you add a small amount of skimmed milk to a mug of tea?
  • mdwillsjr
    mdwillsjr Posts: 1 Member
    I've actually committed Intermittent Fasting to may daily life just recently. I started mid to late May of this year and so far have gone from 305lbs to 275lbs. With a workout 4-5 times a week and a 8:16 protocol. (8 hour eating window and a 16 hour fast.) Most days recently I've been doing 6:18 because I usuay eat at 12 or so and stop at 6 p.m. no matter what time I started that day.
  • acmorris77
    acmorris77 Posts: 80 Member
    I do 17/7 pretty much and lost 35 since March.
  • alltheweigh170
    alltheweigh170 Posts: 287 Member
    Today is my first day on 16:8. Please add me!
  • e_baqi83
    e_baqi83 Posts: 7 Member
    Seriously began 17:7 a week ago! I workout at lunch time, eat a protien-heavy lunch right after my workout and thats usually 1pm. I continue eating till 8pm (just healthy normal food) and start the 17 hour cycle fast at that time (8pm). Between 8pm and 1pm the following day I drink water, coffee and tea without sugar/cream. In a month's time I will weigh myself again. Is there a group for IF on Myfitnesspal or just this thread? If yes, please add me.
  • reine76
    reine76 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, this is my first time on MFP and the forum. So, excuse me if I miss any protocol.
    I've been thinking about giving IF a try lately. I haven't figured out which method to use. I think I might try 16:8. Did anyone have any side effects when they first began?
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    Add me! I love IF . I have been doing IF for a few months. I also walk 3x week to get extra calories to eat. I need to manage my macros better though.
  • tifflong109
    tifflong109 Posts: 40 Member
    How do i start IF and where can i learn more about it?
  • Bassma2015
    Bassma2015 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I do intermittent fasting 16:8 .
    I lost 11 lbs so far and still going strong.
    Add me if you want, I'll be happy to support you.
  • Cailleach_Anna
    Cailleach_Anna Posts: 20 Member
    I have been doing 16:8 for two weeks but didn't realize it had a name.
    Feel free to add me.
  • vmin95z
    vmin95z Posts: 2 Member
    Only way I can successfully diet. I fast after waking up and have a meal structure. Just started this week
  • maezombiegirl
    maezombiegirl Posts: 21 Member
    I usually push my first meal 4-8 hours after waking up, then feasting on a 1200 calorie meal lol

    What do you eat for the 1200 calories? I am really stumped with getting enough fat/protein and calories in daily ( I can only do a small amount of dairy, beef and eggs).
  • maezombiegirl
    maezombiegirl Posts: 21 Member
    loobe1066 wrote: »
    When drinking during the fasting can you add a small amount of skimmed milk to a mug of tea?

    I think technically if it has calories, then it breaks the fast. I have recently developed a taste for peppermint tea with NO sweetener lol.
  • kissedbythesunshine
    kissedbythesunshine Posts: 416 Member
    19/5 here. Loving it.
  • Flugelblues
    Flugelblues Posts: 19 Member
    Resurrecting this thread as I need fasting buddies too!! I'm doing 5:2 with three days at 1600 Cals added and not counting at weekends (but being mindful of portions etc). Last week was my first week and I lost 4lbs - expect it to slow down from now on. I've done 5:2 in the past and love the flexibility - you can add an extra fast day if you need it or change your days around. I also like that it teaches me I don't need to have a biscuit with coffee or that hunger isn't as scary as you think it's going to be!!
  • BarbellzNBrotein
    BarbellzNBrotein Posts: 306 Member
    This is basically my holy grail. It's engrained in me now. I usually have my first meal around 2/3 pm the stop eating around 10 give or take. Not always BANG on time.. I'm not a slave to the clock but generally that's how I eat. I always. Get shredded with this especially if I incorporate fasted HIIT cardio... It's a wrap. I encourage anyone thinking about it to just give it go for a week. I can't see how you won't like it.
  • AllanJacquesMFP
    AllanJacquesMFP Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys, add me too!