Anti histamines effects on losing weight

mjvdz Posts: 12 Member
Hey everyone! I've been trying to lose weight for 1 month now..i'm trying to lose 20 lbs, and I haven't lost a single pound. I know all about calories and workouts i should do. I do strength training and cardio i eat 1200-1500 cals a day. Although i have some cheats from here and there and sometimes go over board but i always make up for that by working out harder i use polar to monitor my heart rate to see if i'm making my heart rate up and also the calories i burned. Weighing 150 lbs i burned about 900 cals for 85 mins session of workout i do this 3 times per week. But i still can't seem to lose weight. Now this is when anti histamines comes in, i read a lot of articles that taking anti histmines can hinder your weight loss. Has anyone of you taking anti histamines but manage to lose weight? Now i'm thinking that maybe it's the anti histamine that causes me to not lose weight but still seems impossible. I admit i don't have a perfect diet but i'm sure that i'm creating a caloric deficit. It really discourages me to continue because i'm working my *kitten* off and actually don't even have the social life anymore because of dieting. But this *kitten* happens after all tye sacrifices and sweat you make. I also missed my period this month. Not really sure what is happening. Thanks in advance.


  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I take them every single day just about. Lose weight exactly as I should.

    Your burns seems high. Are you weighing solids and measuring liquids? How often are you cheating and are logging those accurately? You could easily wipe out a deficit with that.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I take two antihistamines twice a day and lose weight the way I should based on my numbers. I also take a third antihistamine every so often when really bad (along with steroids) and I still lose weight.

    Sounds like you arent logging accurately, especially the cheat days.
  • chel325
    chel325 Posts: 199 Member
    weigh your food, don't eat over your recommended calories. Don't eat your exercise calories back or eat 1/3rd of them, your burns seem high.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Yeah, I'm 170lbs and 1.5 hours of intense exercise (if I hadn't dropped dead) would only give me about maybe 600 calories. Someone smaller is going to have a smaller burn.
  • girl_inflames
    girl_inflames Posts: 374 Member
    mjvdz wrote: »
    Hey everyone! I've been trying to lose weight for 1 month now..i'm trying to lose 20 lbs, and I haven't lost a single pound. I know all about calories and workouts i should do. I do strength training and cardio i eat 1200-1500 cals a day. Although i have some cheats from here and there and sometimes go over board but i always make up for that by working out harder i use polar to monitor my heart rate to see if i'm making my heart rate up and also the calories i burned. Weighing 150 lbs i burned about 900 cals for 85 mins session of workout i do this 3 times per week. But i still can't seem to lose weight. Now this is when anti histamines comes in, i read a lot of articles that taking anti histmines can hinder your weight loss. Has anyone of you taking anti histamines but manage to lose weight? Now i'm thinking that maybe it's the anti histamine that causes me to not lose weight but still seems impossible. I admit i don't have a perfect diet but i'm sure that i'm creating a caloric deficit. It really discourages me to continue because i'm working my *kitten* off and actually don't even have the social life anymore because of dieting. But this *kitten* happens after all tye sacrifices and sweat you make. I also missed my period this month. Not really sure what is happening. Thanks in advance.
    I don't know if someone mentioned this to you yet, but with all that working out you may have some water weight from your muscles recovering. Also...are you taking body measurements? Muscle weighs more than fat. You could have gained muscle.
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    Do you have a scale? Are you using accurate database entries?
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    mjvdz wrote: »
    Hey everyone! I've been trying to lose weight for 1 month now..i'm trying to lose 20 lbs, and I haven't lost a single pound. I know all about calories and workouts i should do. I do strength training and cardio i eat 1200-1500 cals a day. Although i have some cheats from here and there and sometimes go over board but i always make up for that by working out harder i use polar to monitor my heart rate to see if i'm making my heart rate up and also the calories i burned. Weighing 150 lbs i burned about 900 cals for 85 mins session of workout i do this 3 times per week. But i still can't seem to lose weight. Now this is when anti histamines comes in, i read a lot of articles that taking anti histmines can hinder your weight loss. Has anyone of you taking anti histamines but manage to lose weight? Now i'm thinking that maybe it's the anti histamine that causes me to not lose weight but still seems impossible. I admit i don't have a perfect diet but i'm sure that i'm creating a caloric deficit. It really discourages me to continue because i'm working my *kitten* off and actually don't even have the social life anymore because of dieting. But this *kitten* happens after all tye sacrifices and sweat you make. I also missed my period this month. Not really sure what is happening. Thanks in advance.
    I don't know if someone mentioned this to you yet, but with all that working out you may have some water weight from your muscles recovering. Also...are you taking body measurements? Muscle weighs more than fat. You could have gained muscle.

    It will not be water weight after a month. Eat less, move more.
  • _emma_78
    _emma_78 Posts: 64 Member
    I think if ANYTHING they can make you super tired and not want to do much in that way, hahaha. If that's the case I really get where you're coming from, it's hard to excersize if you're napping! If they don't make you tired then I don't see the problem! Try allegra, that's always worked for me without the side effects of getting tired.
  • mjvdz
    mjvdz Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you fot all your answers. To answer all the questions about how often i cheat and if i log it YES i do log it even if after logging a 2 cups of ice cream gives me depression or anxiety YES i do log it. I cheat almost everyday but not to the point that i get all my calories from junk. I eat 80% clean and 20% JUNK. I don't think i can be perfect everday. BUT i do LOG ALL my meals. I have a sedentary lifestyle but i do make sure to stand up on my desk rather than sitting all day.

    About the scales i do have a regular scale

    About the calories i burned during exercise YES it's pretty high but i make sure that it's all pure exercise without chit chatting on the gym. In fact i don't go to the gym, i workout in a field and do mostly plyos and calisthenics workout for 50 mins and then run for 30-40 mins. I also can't believe that i burned 900 cals on that session but that's what my monitor says and i use a polar heart rate monitor with chest strap. I'm not fit like athlethes but i can do mostly all intermidiate workouts.

    Not sure what it is on why i'm not losing weight but glad to hear that most of you managed to lose the extra weight while on medication.

  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Antihistamines have no effect on weight. Can you unlock your diary? Maybe we can take a look and let you know how you can tighten up your logging, if possible.
  • scoii
    scoii Posts: 160 Member
    Does the heart rate monitor give you a readout graph of heartrate during the session. I've never used one so have no idea how they work but it could be misreading i.e. it's double counting so thinks your working twice as hard. Maybe try comparing the monitor to the old fashioned method.
  • Dove0804
    Dove0804 Posts: 213 Member
    mjvdz wrote: »
    Thank you fot all your answers. To answer all the questions about how often i cheat and if i log it YES i do log it even if after logging a 2 cups of ice cream gives me depression or anxiety YES i do log it. I cheat almost everyday but not to the point that i get all my calories from junk. I eat 80% clean and 20% JUNK. I don't think i can be perfect everday. BUT i do LOG ALL my meals. I have a sedentary lifestyle but i do make sure to stand up on my desk rather than sitting all day.

    About the scales i do have a regular scale

    About the calories i burned during exercise YES it's pretty high but i make sure that it's all pure exercise without chit chatting on the gym. In fact i don't go to the gym, i workout in a field and do mostly plyos and calisthenics workout for 50 mins and then run for 30-40 mins. I also can't believe that i burned 900 cals on that session but that's what my monitor says and i use a polar heart rate monitor with chest strap. I'm not fit like athlethes but i can do mostly all intermidiate workouts.

    Not sure what it is on why i'm not losing weight but glad to hear that most of you managed to lose the extra weight while on medication.

    It does not matter if your calories come from "junk" or "clean" food (whatever that is). If you are cheating every day and consuming too many calories to eliminate your deficit, you won't lose weight.

    Are you weighing your food? Looks like you're mentioning things in "cups". Weighing is more accurate.

    Also- are you eating back your exercise calories? You're probably overestimating how much you burned, even if you use monitors- a lot of people on the boards eat back ~50% of estimated exercise calories.

    Finally, it's not the antihistamines. You can find an article out there linking pretty much every drug to hindering weight loss, but most of it is bullpucky.
  • SallyKaPow
    SallyKaPow Posts: 61 Member
    My suspicion is that your heart rate monitor is leading you to believe you're burning more calories than you actually are. If you're eating them back, that would explain why you're not losing.
    I appreciate that everyone is different but I really doubt that the workout you've described would burn 900 kcal. ... I'd guess at more like 350 tops. As a comparison, I burn about 6000 kcals doing an ironman which is a 2.4 mile swim, then 112 miles on the bike and then a marathon.
  • pzarnosky
    pzarnosky Posts: 256 Member
    mjvdz wrote: »
    Thank you fot all your answers. To answer all the questions about how often i cheat and if i log it YES i do log it even if after logging a 2 cups of ice cream gives me depression or anxiety YES i do log it. I cheat almost everyday but not to the point that i get all my calories from junk. I eat 80% clean and 20% JUNK. I don't think i can be perfect everday. BUT i do LOG ALL my meals. I have a sedentary lifestyle but i do make sure to stand up on my desk rather than sitting all day.

    About the scales i do have a regular scale

    About the calories i burned during exercise YES it's pretty high but i make sure that it's all pure exercise without chit chatting on the gym. In fact i don't go to the gym, i workout in a field and do mostly plyos and calisthenics workout for 50 mins and then run for 30-40 mins. I also can't believe that i burned 900 cals on that session but that's what my monitor says and i use a polar heart rate monitor with chest strap. I'm not fit like athlethes but i can do mostly all intermidiate workouts.

    Not sure what it is on why i'm not losing weight but glad to hear that most of you managed to lose the extra weight while on medication.

    If what is bolded is true then the answer to your absent weightloss is obvious. You say you eat 1200-1500 cals a day but then you say you cheat almost every day. We also don't know any of your stats but barring any unknown/undisclosed medical condition (very few actually have any effect on metabolism), if you're not losing, then you are doing something wrong. Sorry, but it's that simple.

    I was where you were for quite awhile. Exercising like crazy and I *thought* I was eating 1400 cals a day. It wasn't until I spent $20 on a food scale and started weighing everything that I realized I was going over my calories. It was all nutrient dense options, but a calorie is a calorie (for the most part). I started meal prepping on Sunday, weighing EVERYTHING, and the weight started to come off.
  • dredremeg
    dredremeg Posts: 202 Member
    I take an antihistamine daily and sometimes twice a day and I have loss 48 lbs.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    edited June 2016
    My wife and I take them daily, we're old and lost a combined 105 pounds. Additionally wife is on a medication that's 'impossible to lose weight on', her doctor was shocked to see her after losing 50 pounds. I don't believe any meds make you gain, yes some change your appetite, but it's your choice to eat or not. Some may slow your metabolism like the one my wife still takes, but you're still eating every calorie, your choice! BTW my wife tells everyone she's never been hungry while dieting.

    Bottom line, you're probably not logging properly(food scale) or overestimating your calorie burn. You aren't the first person to do that and won't be the last. Good luck, you can do it!