I screwed up - but I learned a valuable lesson

Now that summer is here, I don't drink much coffee. So, over the past several days, I have been making iced coffee drinks in the morning to replace my normal coffee. Problem is, I drink regular coffee black, but the iced drinks have sugar and milk (I like the real stuff, not low cal or artificial). That might not sound bad, but in looking back, I have been adding them to my regular calorie intake, not taking anything out to keep my calories down. Now, I have gone over my weight range. Not much and not extended period of time to make it real weight gain, but enough to make me stop and think. So, now I will replace my coffee with water, and only have an occasional iced coffee, but make sure it fits into my allotted calories.

Live and learn. I am just glad I now have to tools to make corrections before things get out of hand.


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Great you learned that. It's the small things that make a difference.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I understand lessons learned well.

    However, is there anyway to work the iced coffee into your calorie goals?
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I hardly ever drink soda anymore - used to be ALL I wanted on a hot day!
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,004 Member
    Live & learn. No biggie! The important thing is you realized your mistake & didn't ignore it.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    When I REALLY want it I'll do iced coffee with skim milk and sweet 'n low. I know artificial sweeteners aren't for everybody (and some say they shouldn't be for anybody...) but it hits the spot on a hot day.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    I'm the same way. Black for hot coffee, milk/sweetener for iced. I started using torani sugar free syrups and almond/coconut milk for my iced coffee and I have a nice big glass for under 50 cal.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    I start every day with 32-ounces of iced coffee (half-caf). It's just black coffee with ice in it, and sometimes a little soy milk.

    Why not just make yours without the sugar or milk?
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    Have you tried your iced coffee black? I actually really enjoy my iced coffee black now, perfect for summer.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,011 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I understand lessons learned well.

    However, is there anyway to work the iced coffee into your calorie goals?

    I agree. I drink my coffee with 2 tsp sugar and 2 tablespoons half and half. Each cup is 70 calories and I work in 2 cups everyday. For me it is worth giving up 140 calories somewhere else.
  • Fridaywed
    Fridaywed Posts: 10 Member
    A lot of my prior weight gain was from tea, So I understand completely. I now drink mine with one teaspoon of sugar and two tablespoons of milk if I feel like it and I limit it to two-three times a day so it only adds up to an extra hundred at most so I just pass on snacks now to make up.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Run a couple extra miles, or whatever your exercise of choice is, to fit in your iced coffees :smiley:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Run a couple extra miles, or whatever your exercise of choice is, to fit in your iced coffees :smiley:


    I can drink a Pepsi/Coke or wine with lunch on weekends because I have more time to do more running/walking.

    I do enough exercise every day to fit in a chocolate milk before bed, as well as some form of dessert.

    The rest of the time, I eat what I most feel like that day, and all within my calorie limit.

    Glad you (OP) made the realisation before things got too out of hand. Good job.
  • lizzy_satellite
    lizzy_satellite Posts: 112 Member
    Managing my iced coffee habit was one of the first things I tackled when I decided to take the weight off last year. I love sweet iced coffee (in contrast to my usual unsweetened black java), and I either work it in, or talk myself out of it. If I manage to get up early and run off a couple of hundred calories before work, I'll pick one up on the way in and have a smaller breakfast. So basically this means I'm down to one a week :)
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    It's funny how little things can make a difference. If I want something like iced coffee with sweetener and some form of milk, I just delete some other calories from my day or put in extra time at the gym. It really all depends on what you want ... we don't have to give up everything as long as we adjust for it. On the other hand, if it's a habit you want to break, that's another story and go for it!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I use sweetener, and not much milk, in mine. keeps calories down.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Weird. I drink my hot coffee with half & half or whole milk, but my iced coffee I take black with Splenda.