just starting out

So I have been looking for simple but effective workouts at home for weight loss. Yes I know I could go on youtube but honestly I dont even know where to start. Does anyone have suggestions?


  • mjennifer1990
    mjennifer1990 Posts: 11 Member
    Have you tried finding a good solid at home workout program like a DVD with a plan. I know YouTube has tons but when I tried looking one up on YouTube I could never find a consistent program I loved and wanted to do.
  • amandajoy21
    amandajoy21 Posts: 18 Member
    My aunt sent me a video for beginners cardio. I did it this morning and its fairly easy for starting its about a half hour. So Ihave that but in just trying to see what works for all you guys.
  • amanda000002014
    amanda000002014 Posts: 73 Member
    I started off with just keeping track of my calorie intake.for a week;without changing anything. The site of how much I was going over shocked me. The following week I began to walk for at least 20-30mins a day while I cut down on the food (not cut out). I then started adding to my water intake ( I was addicted to Mountain Dew3-4 20 oz a day). As I drank more water I noticed how to sweet the soda tasted. I am finally off the soda and sometimes drink 1-2 small cups of black coffee a day and because I stopped drinking soda the want for fast food or chips seem to have disappeared. I have lost 10lbs. since May 19 by making small changes. I have replaced my fast food with home cooked and feel 100% better. There are changes I am still making as I go towards a healthy lifestyle. I have also added strength training (I started this a week ago). I weigh 167 lbs and would like to get back down to 135-140 range.
  • amandajoy21
    amandajoy21 Posts: 18 Member
    Thats awesome! Thats similar to me. I was/am addicted to mtn dew I feel like. Ive given up for the most part and also am getting my portions under control. The last couple months I've spent working on finding a good diet plan for myself and I think I found a good selection of foods for me. So im about a week and half of dieting and excercise. Sunday will be my weigh day. I hope ive had some progress!!
  • mjennifer1990
    mjennifer1990 Posts: 11 Member
    Really fine tuning my diet has made a big difference. Defiantly cutting out the soda, drinking my shakes to make sure I get the correct nutrients in the morning instead of grabbing crap and running out the door. I started with t25 and then moved on to 21 day fix I found because they both were very structured and I had a good support group I was able to get I to them.
  • amandajoy21
    amandajoy21 Posts: 18 Member
    Right now Im just on whatever works. So grapes strawberries carrots lots of veggies. Some nuts or popcorn. Even those fiber one bars for 150 or 90 calories. Of course theres more but thats like all I eat for snacks. No soda. Or very little. Ill try to just stay away from that
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    I agree with @mjennifer1990, finding a structured plan has been important for me. You can get them out of health magazines, I'm sure Shape or Women's Health has them (Men's Health always has these 4 week or 8 week plans to "Get Back in Shape!", etc.). Also search the internet for workouts that meet your goals. Remember though: you can't outrun (or out lift, or out exercise) a bad diet. Most if not all your gains (or losses in this case) will be from your calorie deficit. Focus your attention there, and you'll win. Exercise will play a big part in how your body looks once the pounds come off!

    Good luck!
  • jdoubleu1224
    jdoubleu1224 Posts: 13 Member
    If you like quick and at home I love the beach body workouts insanity, p90x, etc. or daily burn which you can get on Apple TV or online. I also love Trx but can be pricey to get bit it is versatile and quick.
  • trish4life
    trish4life Posts: 2 Member
    I am also looking to take control of my weight.
    i just completed day one of Julian Michaels Ripped in 30. It kicked my butt but i continued to the end as it was 24 mins. Its a 3-2-1 interval system: 3 mins of strength, 2 mins of cardio and 1 min of abs.
  • amandajoy21
    amandajoy21 Posts: 18 Member
    I had one video that was all cardio I think. It was 35 minutes of different sets. So 3 30 second workouts and 15 seconds rest. I kept up with it pretty well. Are the beach body or p90x good for beginners?
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    I bought 30 day shred and then ripped in 30. They are now on YouTube. I don't know what you mean by needing a whole plan. My plan is to pick a workout each day and do it. I don't like to do the same thing every day, either.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    I really don't like working out at home, but I will occasionally do videos from these two:
    Fitness Blender: https://fitnessblender.com/
    Blogilates/Pop Pilates (there are monthly calendars you can follow with the workouts scheduled each day, and a beginner plan): blogilates.com/

    If you don't literally need to work out in your home, you could run outside, bike, or walk. Couch to 5k is a popular beginner plan that will get you to 3 miles: coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
  • mjennifer1990
    mjennifer1990 Posts: 11 Member
    I had one video that was all cardio I think. It was 35 minutes of different sets. So 3 30 second workouts and 15 seconds rest. I kept up with it pretty well. Are the beach body or p90x good for beginners?

    Yes they have quite a few different programs for beginners. I found 21 day fix which is 30 min long to be more structured for beginners. Insanity was a bit more hard core t25 is in between i started with that one and modified for awhile until I was ready.
  • amandajoy21
    amandajoy21 Posts: 18 Member
    Ill check some of them out then, thabks for the suggestions!
  • Rose1010203
    Rose1010203 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been loving doing Zumba videos on YouTube. I totally get what you mean though. I always get a little anxiety when picking out a video because I don't want to not enjoy it. But so far I've picked good ones and now I'm just rotating through the ones that I like.
  • amandajoy21
    amandajoy21 Posts: 18 Member
    I might try zumba. I need good calorie burning ones for beginners.