Hello my name is Katie and i'm addicted to Diet Coke



  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I just read this article and thought I would come back and pass it along. Motivation!

  • jbinga
    jbinga Posts: 38 Member
    I used to be SUPER addicted! I gave it up cold turkey for 3 months straight about a year and a half ago. Then, I slowly added it back in so that now I only have it once or twice a week (instead of once or twice a day). I do love the taste and so now it's become a little bit of a treat. I drink plain ol' ordinary water the rest of the time. Go cold turkey. It's like a band-aid...rip it off! :) Good luck!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm not addicted to diet coke, but I do love the occasional bottle (20oz). I also like diet mountain dew - yum!! What I try to do is limit myself to only one or two a week. I know, if I can limit like that, I could give it up. And, I know I should give it up. But, I like it and it's my "treat". Moderation in all things.

    If you get headaches, try substituting the caffeine until you can ween yourself off. Tea or coffee. Even if you put calories into your tea or coffee, you may see weight reduction because of the amount of water you may be retaining due to the sodium in diet soda. Once you get past the headache stage, you should find it a little easier.

    Good luck!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I'm an addict, too. I think we need a support group!
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    Addict here also.. although I have moved on from diet coke to coke zero.. which has essentially the same stuff in it just a different levels lol. Anyway I would say start limiting yourself... so if you drink 4 a day, then maybe say ok this week I'm only gonna have 3.. then the next week only 2. I try and only drink one a day now. I found it's not really the coke for me as much as having a carbonated beverage.. so I can NOT soda if I can have say a carbonated flavored water. Awhile back I decided I as going to go on a no caffeine kick.. cold turkey. I think I went like 4 weeks before I had any again.. again I just needed the fizz so diet sprite or carbonated water was fine... I get super bored with water and I don't like coffee or tea so unless I want to drink calorie laden juice.. soda is all I got.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I drink water with crystal lite in it. Then I will drink a soda at lunch and one in the afternoon. I drink more water, then another diet soda. My vice is dt mt dew, dt dr pepper and dt coke. Love them all. I make sure I have 96 oz of water (with crystal lite in them!) and then I feel like I can have as much dt soda as I want. Don't let the scares of artificial sweeteners scare you. They are ok. Some people choose to lose weight w/o the help of artificial sweeteners and some choose to have the help. I personally need the help b/c I have a sweet tooth. It helps me enjoy low calorie food and helps me keep my weight off!! Start rotating the water and the diet coke. You can still drink diet coke, just make sure you have enough water!!

    Good luck!
  • ellie403
    ellie403 Posts: 6 Member
    As I sit here reading your post and chuckling, I am drinking my 2nd diet coke of the day. I am so glad some of you share my problem. I like some others force myself to drink one more 16oz glass of water and then, if I still really have an urge then I just do it. I know all the health concerns surrounding artificial sugar, and quite frankly, it doesn't bother me. Other things that I do to limit myself are to make sure my water is TASTY. I keep bags of lemons around so that I can add them to water....makes it so much better. Lastly, I know it's not the same, but I make huge pitchers of decaf. iced tea (in my brewer). I sweeten it with truvia and it replaces my urge for diet coke - no artificial sugar, no caffeine....you never know.
  • SkinnyBitchMode19
    SkinnyBitchMode19 Posts: 34 Member
    at suzooz ... DCA! Diet Coke Anonymous
  • senatorkatie
    senatorkatie Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Katie and I was once addicted to Diet Coke too! I really liked drinking out of a can more than anything. I replaced the Diet Coke can with a sparkling water can. Yes, not as good but healthier. I stopped Diet Coke cold turkey and had some nasty headaches. Work through them for a couple days and you'll be fine. It is just a bad habit that can be changed - you can do it!!!
  • stephgreene
    stephgreene Posts: 143
    I used to drink at least one a day and usually more. I decided right before New Years that I was going to do something and really stick with it. I decided to cut out all soda (with the exception of the occasional ginger ale or carbonated thing from Sonic) and I really just used will power.

    I love the diet Arizona iced teas, I like hot tea, I'm drinking more natural fruit juice, and lots and lots and lots of water! If you want to spruce up the water there is this thing called "Mio" that you squirt into the water (it has NO calories) and it gives it a nice taste! Also, you could get a big pitcher and throw different fruits into the water to have fruity water (the acidity of lemons is supposed to be able to literally cut through fat particles and help to diminish them... if that's not motivating to drink water then I don't know what is!)
  • I was addicted to zero coke n from now on I used to drink americano
    If you like the sweet taste, I think it's better to drink mixture of 1/3 fruit juce and 2/3 plain soda(no sweets added)
    I stopped drinking zero coke this way easily:D
  • spark1377
    spark1377 Posts: 4 Member
    I just stopped buying it and then I gradually lost the taste for it. I hated spending the money on it...$5 a case adds up! Now, when I have one it usually tastes pretty bad. I stick to iced tea with splenda when I go out and water at home.
  • I used to be addicted to Diet Coke too. I stopped buying it and started only having it out, and yes you will have a headache for a couple days. Once you get passed it you are there.... it is not easy but I feel so much better not drinking soda like I did. It actually bothers my stomach now if I drink a soda. I will still occasionally have one out if I have no other choice, but I usually pay for it later.

    Good Luck! Find whatever substitute you can (healthy) to get past the soda addiction. :)
  • MrsT_2009
    MrsT_2009 Posts: 90 Member
    I used to be addicted to Diet Coke too but now I can't stand the taste. The only soda I remotely like any more is Diet Root Beer. To kick the habit I started drinking 1 energy drink per day. Xs brand has no carbs, no sugars, 8 calories, and only as much caffeine as 1 cup of coffee. You get the energy from B vitamins so they are way healthier than other brands. Cranberry Grape is my favorite flavor - it gives me the fizz and the energy boost that I need without the scary stuff in regular soda.
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