One more squat question...if you don't mind



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    KDar1988 wrote: »
    Instead, I've been doing landmine squats and progressing through adding weights. I'm up to 85lbs now and i'm finding that picking the bar up off the floor is a workout in itself. At some point soon I'm not going to be able to lift it up in the air. Any suggestions on what I should do next?

    Barbell squats, like this. Arms parallel and between knees, not in front of them. If the weight hits the ground, stand on plates. :+1:


    I'm not sure what you call that exercise, but it looks painful.

    I'd call it a sumo deadlift for the most part, although I'd prefer to see a bit more external rotation at the feet and femurs.
  • Giants5611
    Giants5611 Posts: 2 Member
    could be what I have,which is shoulder impingement syndrome doctor eventually gave a cortisone shot did the trick for me good luck
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    So if you don't have an injury or a medical reason to avoid back squats, have you considered just adjusting your grip width? At least, while you work on addresses the mobility issue? Some people with flexibility problems (commonly injury-related) squat with a grip width that is insanely wide. I'm talking, hands pressing on the collars of the bar, like so:


    Obviously an extreme example but it's may be worth experimenting with to find a spot that's comfortable? Ideally I'd want to be as narrow as possible while maintaining good form and comfort but a few inches may make all the difference in the world. Also experiment with thumbs-over or thumbs-under grip too, the angle changes may help.

    I have but not that extreme. I am heading down to the gym this morning and will try it.
    The only comfortable way I can hold the bar is with it on the back of my neck, not good! I just can't get it rolled down to where it is supposed to sit.