Scale Numbers

How did I gain 5kg in a week? Please explain?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    How did I gain 5kg in a week? Please explain?

    Are you going to give us any hints?
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Normal variation in water, sodium, and poop? My weight fluctuates easily 5 - 6 lbs. Give it a couple of days
  • DonutToes
    DonutToes Posts: 1 Member
    Weight fluctuates greatly for everyone! It could be as simple as how much water you drank one day in comparison to another. (Are you drinking enough water? Getting enough rest?) Could be the time of day you're weighing. Could even be whether or not you've used the bathroom!

    Try to use other indicators like taking your measurements, or noticing how your clothes are changing. Some people lost a lot of weight, but lose a lot of muscle along with the fat. Weight isn't THE most important or only factor. Don't fret!
  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    um I don't think being cold would really affect much. The reason for weight fluctuations have already been listed.
  • Annahbananas
    Annahbananas Posts: 284 Member
    How did I gain 5kg in a week? Please explain?

    Not a whole lot to go on....

    Could be too many calories, incorrect assuming of caloric intake, a whole pizza, too much salt, weighing in the morning and then this reading you weighed yourself at the end of the day, aliens, etc, etc.

    You have to be very specific
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    How did I gain 5kg in a week? Please explain?

    This morning you said this would be the first time you weighed in over 3 weeks. You also asked about weighing in after a workout, so I'm wondering if you've done that today?

    An incomplete list of things that can cause scale fluctuations:
    Recent increase in exercise
    Recent increase in sodium
    Recent increase in carbs
    Recent increase in food volume
    Weighing in later in the day
    Weighing with different clothes/shoes on than normal
    An inaccurate or uncalibrated scale

    I know there are others I'm forgetting. Anyone have one to add?
  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    You haven't really answered anyone's questions, OP. Look through @diannethegeek 's list. It covers basically everything I can think of
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    How did I gain 5kg in a week? Please explain?

    This morning you said this would be the first time you weighed in over 3 weeks. You also asked about weighing in after a workout, so I'm wondering if you've done that today?

    An incomplete list of things that can cause scale fluctuations:
    Recent increase in exercise
    Recent increase in sodium
    Recent increase in carbs
    Recent increase in food volume
    Weighing in later in the day
    Weighing with different clothes/shoes on than normal
    An inaccurate or uncalibrated scale

    I know there are others I'm forgetting. Anyone have one to add?

    Chugged a gallon of water shortly before stepping on the scale?

    But really, one weigh in, on one day, on one week isn't enough to make any definite statements.

    I am also curious how this happened in a week because I also saw the post saying you hadn't weighed in for three weeks.

    I feel like you mostly post to attention seek.