Thunder Thighs???



  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    Running and squats are a great idea but my knees are crap. :-(
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    OK.I found another pair of Joe's Jeans that look awesome. They are the Muse high waist ones. I even bought a lower size. I could have gone 2 less actually but they were pretty tight. I found them at Holt Renfrew last call store. Price was $79.99. They are awesome quality. Don't stretch and last for a very long time.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I also have this problem. And yes, personally doing weights without over fat loss seems to make MY thighs bigger. Even at my lowest weight I felt my upper body was almost 2 thing but my thighs still had more fat than I liked. I decided just to live with it. No one is perfect. They looked good under clothes and that was good enough.

    Keep shopping for pants/shorts that fit. They are out there. Another option is also to buy pants big enough for your thighs and then have the waist tailored. When I was at my goal weight I bought a suit. Luckily they sold the pieces separate. I bought a size 4 jacket ,and size 10 pants just to fit my thighs. I was going to have to have the waist tailored to fit (but then I got pregnant again...).
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Oh yeah, for brands, I really like Liz &Co Chealsea jeans from JC Penney, they are $25. And honestly Lee Rider shorts from Wal-Mart (I know they are evil...). Old Navy is the WORST fit possible, I think, for our body type.
  • karlafales
    karlafales Posts: 10 Member
    I am a pear too but a little more bum than thigh and my thighs are strong from softball and training for a bad knee. I found that nothing helped unless I was combining cardio with strength training. Yes, lunges, squats and mountain climbers build muscle, but muscle is leaner and looks nicer. I have muscle but I don't look like a bowl of jello in the legs anymore. My recipe (developed with the help of a personal trainer) is:

    3-4 days a week I do cardio - walk/jog 3 miles (wogging I call it) sometimes a little zumba, step class or eliptical for variety so muscles don't get use to what I'm doing - also vary the intensity - fast/slow, fast/slow

    4 days a week of strength rotating muscle groups:
    Day 1 chest and triceps
    Day 2 legs and shoulders (this is your lunge and squats day)
    Day 3 biceps adn back
    Day 4 everything

    Also, make sure you are eating enough, especially protein - starvation mode will have your body storing fat where it is comfortable (the bottom of the hour glass - lol)

    I have tried for years to lose weight and have been over weight since fore ever.....I've lost 43 lbs with My Fitness Pal and the exercise program.....finally
  • walking/running, squats, Arc trainer
  • duneboyd
    duneboyd Posts: 1 Member
    Pilates, swimming, or cycling! You can use a kick board in the pool to work your legs. Pilates is a great toning workout without adding bulk. I like to use an exercise bike and keep it on a medium resistance. I have the same thunder thigh problem so I know exactly what you're talking about!
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