Anyone else gained weight due to loneliness?



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Goblet, I knew of this one girl was who said she was depressed a few years ago here at MFP. And when she'd come home from her counseling appointments she would stop at Woolworth's and buy a plastic baggie full of goldfish and bring them home with her to her apartment building. Then she'd put the goldfish in the pool and swim with them because it helped her forget about her depression. She'd always dreamed of doing that and she finally made that dream a reality. She posted about it here once and a lot of people were yelling at her about being mean to the fish because there was chlorine in the pool and she didn't take that into consideration. But she said the fish seemed to be fine and she thrived emotionally as she was able to forget about her depression during those fun swims. It was very therapeutic for her depression. Plus, if you want to lose 10 pounds and be more attractive to men, swimming might be the way to do it.

    I'm sure the apartment maintenance peeps just *loved* picking the dead fish outta the skimmer all the time. :D

    Gotta admit that at first I thought you were gonna say that she ate them. :disappointed:

    If I remember correctly, her boyfriend said she was fat and also cheated on her and wasn't returning her phone calls. So, in desperation, she sought out some unconventional treatment for a situational depression. I don't know if she thought it through to its most logical cause-and-effect conclusion. I guess that's why she posted about it here at MFP. So the community could help her along.

    But she's never been on a date? I'm so lost...

    No, no that was this other girl. Not GobletofFlames. I think her name was Transatlantic_001 or Bright Crystal or something like that. I just thought GobletofFlames could relate to the story about depression and boyfriends and loneliness and such as, coincidentally, those other gals had similar difficulties and were looking for advice about them here.

    Actually, I think Transatlantic_001 was using some kind of pet therapy too. She had a beagle, and, although she was depressed - she made herself socialize and brought the beagle with her everywhere. She was going perfume shopping before a wine tasting on a rooftop in Hong Kong and she brought the beagle along. I believe she decided upon Calvin Klein's Euphoria after discussing her many perfume options with the community at MFP.

    Even though we said she shouldn't do it, she dabbed some perfume behind the beagle's ears and brought him to the wine tasting. Apparently her and the dog were a big hit and everyone loved how the beagle smelled and her outfit was well received. Although some MFPers were very upset about the idea of perfuming a dog against his will and they didn't hesitate to let her know.

    She was undaunted by the criticism however, and later in the month she flew first class with her beagle - from Hong Kong to Paris - to shop for haute couture. The couturiers in Paris turned a blind to the beagle and allowed her to enter the premises with him. They knew she was buying, not just eyeing, as her father was a wealthy industrialist and was pleased to pick up the tab for whatever made Transatlantic_001 happy. People were yelling at her here, saying she was spoiled and shallow and bad. But she was very gracious about the onslaughts and just redirected the comments to the larger issue. The alleviation of atypical depression through unconventional means.

    Yes but did the designer D&G shirt arrive on time or not? I do remember there was some concern about the shipping
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Also while we're on the topic of therapy animals to treat depression and anxiety- was the beagle a trained service animal or not? If not then I'd suggest getting the beagle certified . Wasn't the beagle under fed at one point?
  • TehLaughingDog
    TehLaughingDog Posts: 200 Member
    Also while we're on the topic of therapy animals to treat depression and anxiety- was the beagle a trained service animal or not? If not then I'd suggest getting the beagle certified . Wasn't the beagle under fed at one point?

    If in the United States there is no legally accepted certification for service dogs. They are all scams - read the ADA. Instead, per the ADA, the animal needs to be proven to have been trained in a task they will perform to handle/help a legally disabled person. You must be considered legally disabled not simply having anxiety or depression. There may be extra requirements per state. You can be taken to court and fined a hefty amount of money if you're caught trying to impersonate being disabled and passing off a service dog.
  • indiecupcake89
    indiecupcake89 Posts: 26 Member
    I could have written this post myself! After I graduated from grad school last May, due to life stressors and loss of my core group of friends I gained 25 lbs in the last year due to depression. This is after I lost 180lbs naturally. I'm a binge eater and with depression it makes it really hard for me to maintain my weight unfortunately. I'm thinking of making an appt to see a psychiatrist and therapist this week to start the process of getting my mind healthy again. Then hopefully that will give me a push to get my body healthy again.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited June 2016
    newmeadow wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Goblet, I knew of this one girl was who said she was depressed a few years ago here at MFP. And when she'd come home from her counseling appointments she would stop at Woolworth's and buy a plastic baggie full of goldfish and bring them home with her to her apartment building. Then she'd put the goldfish in the pool and swim with them because it helped her forget about her depression. She'd always dreamed of doing that and she finally made that dream a reality. She posted about it here once and a lot of people were yelling at her about being mean to the fish because there was chlorine in the pool and she didn't take that into consideration. But she said the fish seemed to be fine and she thrived emotionally as she was able to forget about her depression during those fun swims. It was very therapeutic for her depression. Plus, if you want to lose 10 pounds and be more attractive to men, swimming might be the way to do it.

    I'm sure the apartment maintenance peeps just *loved* picking the dead fish outta the skimmer all the time. :D

    Gotta admit that at first I thought you were gonna say that she ate them. :disappointed:

    If I remember correctly, her boyfriend said she was fat and also cheated on her and wasn't returning her phone calls. So, in desperation, she sought out some unconventional treatment for a situational depression. I don't know if she thought it through to its most logical cause-and-effect conclusion. I guess that's why she posted about it here at MFP. So the community could help her along.

    But she's never been on a date? I'm so lost...

    No, no that was this other girl. Not GobletofFlames. I think her name was Transatlantic_001 or Bright Crystal or something like that. I just thought GobletofFlames could relate to the story about depression and boyfriends and loneliness and such as, coincidentally, those other gals had similar difficulties and were looking for advice about them here.

    Actually, I think Transatlantic_001 was using some kind of pet therapy too. She had a beagle, and, although she was depressed - she made herself socialize and brought the beagle with her everywhere. She was going perfume shopping before a wine tasting on a rooftop in Hong Kong and she brought the beagle along. I believe she decided upon Calvin Klein's Euphoria after discussing her many perfume options with the community at MFP.

    Even though we said she shouldn't do it, she dabbed some perfume behind the beagle's ears and brought him to the wine tasting. Apparently her and the dog were a big hit and everyone loved how the beagle smelled and her outfit was well received. Although some MFPers were very upset about the idea of perfuming a dog against his will and they didn't hesitate to let her know.

    She was undaunted by the criticism however, and later in the month she flew first class with her beagle - from Hong Kong to Paris - to shop for haute couture. The couturiers in Paris turned a blind to the beagle and allowed her to enter the premises with him. They knew she was buying, not just eyeing, as her father was a wealthy industrialist and was pleased to pick up the tab for whatever made Transatlantic_001 happy. People were yelling at her here, saying she was spoiled and shallow and bad. But she was very gracious about the onslaughts and just redirected the comments to the larger issue. The alleviation of atypical depression through unconventional means.

    She also had some trouble with taking the dog to the gym. They wouldn't let her bring him inside. Poor puppy, some mean boys moved him while she was working out.
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    A lot of people have provided some great advice. I just wanted to extend my support to you in this tough time. Every storm runs out of rain<3
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2016
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    JaneSnowe wrote: »
    Osiris275 wrote: »
    You sound just like me. I fact, I could have written that. Which is why when I got to 252lbs I figured nothing is ever going to change but I can lose weight and be happier! Vie lost around 85lbs now. Still not perfect and I want to lose another 25lbs. Already I feel happier and have more confidence. I'm hoping once I get to my goal I will have more confidence to go out and make some friends and maybe even a relationship (although at my age that terrifies me!). Weight loss has without a doubt been hard but if I get to feel 'normal' then its all been worth it. I was painfully shy before and weight didn't help.

    Honestly, give it a shot. The way I saw it was I had nothing to lose. If you want to add me as a friend, please do so! Good luck.

    This is very good advice, but it's worth noting that in another post OP said she's 5' 3" and weighs under 100 pounds already.

    Also, her profile says she is 35 years old, but on her post here she is suddenly 28. Confusing...

    Yep her profile still says 35, and she is 5'3" and 97 pounds. There is something really dark and depressing about this and the other thread created by OP.

    From her other post:

    [/quote] I really like what you said about a true friendship being a treasure. I definitely come across as desperate because I usually ask out guys after knowing them for 5-15 minutes, but the thing is no guys have asked me out. I tried not asking guys out for 3 years since at the time I was really focused on work but again no guys asked me out. I wasn't living under a rock either, I was socially active and all that jazz.

    I was thinking instead of giving myself a hard time for putting on weight (for years my weight was 77-86 lb) to 97 lb (which makes me uncomfortable to be 10 lb heavier than how you used to be for years), I should actually be kinder to myself. OK so I haven't lost the weight. Well I am extremely lonely, while other people are holding hands and talking to their partners, I am sitting here by myself. I should be proud of myself and patting myself on the back for the fact that I have managed to stay under 100 lb in spite of being so lonely and excluded from a societal thing that others experience. And I haven't stayed under 100 lb by not eating either just to be clear; I eat normally but I walk over 10 miles a day uphill. When my weight was 77-86 lb in the past I was eating 2,000-3,000 calories a day, I just walked 10-20 miles a day because I am addicted to exercising.[/quote]