I gained 10 pounds in a week !



  • rennickm1986
    rennickm1986 Posts: 70 Member
    Unless you are a competitive eater it's mostly water weight. Women tend to have much more fluctuating weights due to water retention and their feminine cycle.
  • TheRootofGroot
    TheRootofGroot Posts: 118 Member
    Just water retention likely due to a sudden increase in carbs and sodium.
    Friday the 10th of June I weighed 180lbs.
    On the 11 and 12th it was a college reunion and I did not shy away from pizza, beer and treats.
    Monday the 13th I was 188lbs.
    I just ate normally.
    Tuesday I was back down to 184 and Wednesday back down to 180.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Did you weigh on the same scale at the same time of day under the same conditions? Because you will weigh differently at different times of day, on different scales, after eating, etc and it can be a big difference.

    I don't like deadlines for weight loss. Just choose a reasonable goal like 1 lb a week and eat the amount MFP tells you. Be as accurate as you can with your logging. You may or may not lose as much as you want by December. Weight loss is not linear. It takes time for sustainable healthy weight loss.
  • seachelle76
    seachelle76 Posts: 27 Member
    edited June 2016
    I gained 8 lbs overnight....right before my period hit! You could have shoved me over!!
    Here's the thing: A water weight gain of around 8 lbs., as you're talking about, is the upper limit of 'normal'. It usually resolves in a day or two. When people are talking about a sudden weight gain of 10-14 lbs. in a week or two that can't be contributed to diet (i.e. consuming lots of calories), then it absolutely ISN'T normal.

    People on this thread are not getting it. A weight gain like this is indicative of a health problem and it needs to be checked out. What you don't do is sit at home and think you'll be fine. Source: Working in healthcare and dealing with patients with fluid overload on a regular basis (CHF, kidney failure, et cetera).

    I know more than one person that would have died had they listened to some of the advice on this thread (i.e. the you'll be fine stuff).
  • Mixedcoffees
    Mixedcoffees Posts: 20 Member
    Hey you guys , so today I weighed myself and it spiked up 10 pounds out of no where ... wondering what could make your weight jump up that fast so quick ...

    I also was wondering what's the best way to loose 30 pounds by December just by diet , Thankyou !

    Carbing up and starching up can make you gain a ton of water weight. Sodium in egg drop soup a big bowl a spaghetti a large serving of ice cream can all make you gain a ton of water weight overnight.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I gained 8 lbs overnight....right before my period hit! You could have shoved me over!!
    Here's the thing: A water weight gain of around 8 lbs., as you're talking about, is the upper limit of 'normal'. It usually resolves in a day or two. When people are talking about a sudden weight gain of 10-14 lbs. in a week or two that can't be contributed to diet (i.e. consuming lots of calories), then it absolutely ISN'T normal.

    People on this thread are not getting it. A weight gain like this is indicative of a health problem and it needs to be checked out. What you don't do is sit at home and think you'll be fine. Source: Working in healthcare and dealing with patients with fluid overload on a regular basis (CHF, kidney failure, et cetera).

    I know more than one person that would have died had they listened to some of the advice on this thread (i.e. the you'll be fine stuff).

    The "you'll be fine" stuff is the most advice people can give based on their own experiences with the limited information the OP chose to give out to begin with. Recommending someone see a medical professional should not always be the first thing people recommend and even then, as we're all adults, people need to be responsible for themselves when it comes to whether or not they choose to see a medical professional. People wouldn't die by listening to the advice here; they'd die because they chose to ask the internet instead of a doctor.
  • KiwiAlexP
    KiwiAlexP Posts: 185 Member
    Have you moved the scale or changed the batteries (need to change)? Your scale may be faulty - I get very strange weights when the battery is going flat and when it's moved it needs to recalibrate by standing on it a few times