Gym classes - are they worth it?

Hey, I've just joined a new gym and they offer a lot of free classes, many of them inductions to other classes and I was wondering if it's worth giving them a go? I usually just do whatever in the gym but I was wondering if maybe some classes in a week may help motivate me to go more often


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    It depends on if you like them. I used to love a class at my old gym that was some sort of Latin dance-inspired cardio with a bit of step and hand weights. I also really liked kick-boxing with this one instructor, but when she left and we got another, I didn't enjoy it as much. So, yes, give them a try to find out what you enjoy.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    You might enjoy them. You'll never know unless you try :)
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    I love group classes. I pretty much just take classes (mainly spinning, mat pilates, reformer pilates, barre, TRX, and yoga) and run. That being said, I've found the quality of the instructors at gyms to be very hit or miss. I just take classes at studios now.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Definitely try them and go at your own pace - what do you have to lose?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    When I started going to the gym I liked them a lot. It's more motivating to go to the gym knowing you have a goal or plan, which for a beginner, a class can provide. I also find that if I want a cardio workout the class is longer than the amount I'd ever do on my own on an elliptical.
  • Thowe92
    Thowe92 Posts: 109 Member
    Since they're free I'd say why not. You may learn something useful and enjoy them. Triple whammy!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Thowe92 wrote: »
    Since they're free I'd say why not. You may learn something useful and enjoy them. Triple whammy!

    Exactly- you are already paying for them as part of your gym membership, might as well go and try any that sound interesting.
  • KetoTeacher
    KetoTeacher Posts: 163 Member
    If they are free. Go for it. I love them ;)
  • katandwaves
    katandwaves Posts: 67 Member
    I love group classes. If I'm in spin and want to leave I'll push through if only because I don't want to be that one person who cuts out early. I like not having to plan it out - other than just deciding which class to take. Have fun!
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Classes are great if you need to cross-train and want to try something new. The only thing to watch out for is the closet competitor in you that may come out. For years I would intermittently decide 'okay, I am going to try this,' and get invigorated by all the energy in the room (exuded by people who were actually good at the sport) and try to do all the moves perfectly the first time. Inevitably I overdid it and got so sore I could not go back. Don't be worried everyone else will consider you wimpy if you take it slow. Save a little something for the next time. :)
  • Ffiffion
    Ffiffion Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you everyone. I will see which ones sound good for me, I've never been one to enjoy group sport/exercise but just looking to see how it will help in the long run in helping me lose weight. :smile:
  • KetoTeacher
    KetoTeacher Posts: 163 Member
    At my gym, they say to try a class at least 3 times before you hate it :wink:
  • runlong16
    runlong16 Posts: 14 Member
    I really enjoy going to classes even though I've been working out on my own regularly. It can keep you accountable and encourage you to try something new. For me I know I'm less likely to work out in the evening if I'm the only person keeping myself accountable, so on the days my schedule makes me likely to skip I will go to classes.
  • gonetothedogs19
    gonetothedogs19 Posts: 325 Member
    If they have spin class, I strongly suggest you try it.

    You set the resistance on the bike, so the first time or the first few times you can make the workout very easy. If you like it, you can begin to increase the resistance, and within a month or two, you may be doing exactly what the instructor says.

    The lights are low, and you can pick a bike in the back row and in the corner if you are self-conscious.

    Enjoy! I go four times a week. And it's hard to hurt yourself.
  • diwijo13
    diwijo13 Posts: 106 Member
    Ffiffion wrote: »
    Thank you everyone. I will see which ones sound good for me, I've never been one to enjoy group sport/exercise but just looking to see how it will help in the long run in helping me lose weight. :smile:

    That was me also. When I first started to lose weight in 2013 I only used exercise DVDs, but this time around I decided to try group classes and I absolutely love them. At first I was a little self-conscious but that didn't last long. I also burned more calories than I ever did doing zumba at home. I say give it a try!
  • christineeong
    christineeong Posts: 5 Member
    I love gym classes so much! They're really motivating because I won't feel like I want to quit in the middle of a class. I still remember the first time I went into a body combat class. Man was it tiring and I was breathing so hard. But the energy from everyone else kept me going :)
  • lexylondon
    lexylondon Posts: 89 Member
    I love gym classes, they're fun and they keep you accountable, you can't just take it easy like you might on the treadmill if you didn't feel that motivated.. they also generally work all areas of your body. I love boxing class...our instructor is an actual boxer and by god he' is tough and strict! But you feel so great after
  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    they actually aren't free, you are paying with them in your membership! so best you utilize what you are paying for. Classes are great to round you out, we all get stuck in our routines, they can teach you new exercises. Yoga is so not my thing but every now and then i'll go to a class and it will feel great
  • KatrinaGrey
    KatrinaGrey Posts: 101 Member
    you won't know until you try. if they're free, it's a great way to meet people and perhaps try something new. Plus classes can be very motivating. Try the class a few times. If the instructor is open to all fitness levels, you will know after about 2 or 3 times. I once took a class, many many moons ago, at my old gym where the instructor rolled her eyes at me all the time when i couldnt keep up. At my current gym, my boot camp instructor is awesome and helps all fitness levels out by challenging the more fit and helping the less fit with modifications until they become stronger.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Definitely give them a try.
    Try different ones.
    I love Zumba and some yoga class.

    Here's my lessons learned: do weight training to sculpt your body, instead of just spinning your wheels burning calories so you can eat more, but never looking HOT naked!

    I spent many years doing mainly cardio:
    -- zumba
    -- step classes
    -- even weight training classes that I thought were weight training, when in fact, they were more cardio, since I wasn't loading up on the weight.

    I would try some weight training but didn't have my food intake in control, so I would look bloated/fatter (as my muscles develop under the layer of fat). So I would stop w/ weight training because I didn't want to become "huge"!

    So I went back to my hamster wheel of cardio cardio cardio.
    But I didn't LOOK any better for years!

    Finally made the decision 3 years ago to focus mainly on heavy lifting, and I loved it!
    It's not until now that I'm taking control of my crazy eating that I'm starting to see the lean muscle being revealed.
    I started Kettlebell training and I am loving the results.

    Last year, I got down to my lowest weight ever, and I STILL didn't look Hot!

    My goal now is to lose body fat, not just weight.
    I'm 43 years old; it's taken me THIS long to learn all this.
    Hope this post helps save people a few years by learning from my mistakes.

    Good luck!