Eating clean???

Hey guys, I have just filled my diary in for today and I actually was feeling a bit guilty because im having pizza and a couple of drinks tonight. I know that people will view my diary, and for those that eat "clean" will maybe think im not taking MFP seriously. I know that we are all eating differently, and with a family, I struggle to eat clean(ish), I do try, and even make myself different meals to my kids and OH some of the time, or "tweak" my meal so its a bit healthier, but does it make a massive difference if you do stick to your cals but dont eat clean? I can tell the difference when I have eaten cleanish, I feel less bloated for sure. Its not practical in my life to be able to do this all the time, and to be honest I want to have the odd "treat" like pizza with the kids, and chinese takeaway once a week with my hubby and friends, and I have been under cals or dead on the whole six weeks since joining. I guess Im just asking if you think I will lose the same weight with the food I am eating, even though Im sticking to 1200 cals, or would I lose more if I made more of an effort to eat cleaner? Sorry for the rant but I put 2lbs on this week (bringing me back down to a loss of just 6lb), after going back to an active job after 6 months off and eating what I thought was really well, and put blumming 2lb on!!! So feeling a little disheartened xx

Eills xx


  • EyeCanSeeYou
    What's wrong with treats? A lot of people will say it actually helps you in weight loss.
  • nurse_carolyn
    I think that we are all human and we need to eat pizza every once in a while. If you know you are going to have a fairly high caloric dinner maybe try and sneak in an extra workout that day or the next day. But don't stress about it unless it is happening regularly (and I know it's not) Enjoy Ellis:)
  • ghessit
    ghessit Posts: 4
    Having a day out of the week to splurge a little is ok. As long as it doesn't become habit. Are you weighing-in weekly or daily? A slight fluctuation of a pound or two from day to day is ok as well. The body may retain more water than usually depending on each day. Keep focused on your eating plan and treat yourself every now and then. Look at it as a gift to yourself.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    If I deprive myself of things I want I will just go on a binge latrler on and regret it horribly. So I think it's totally fine if you don't eat clean all the time. Make sure you watch your sodium though. If I have wsy too much of it I get bloaded & feel like crap the next day
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    enjoy the pizza, , dont worry about what others think its really not about how clean it is , its about how your log closes out at the end of the day
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    this is my opinion and I've seen people struggle with it on MFP....
    If our bodies are used to the unhealthy foods, and we flat out stop eating it, we're asking for trouble, unless we have a really strong will and are able to stick to it. Because we may crave the junk or have a bad day and just eat & eat the unhealthy stuff.
    If we have it once in a while or slowly wean ourselves off of the unhealthy things, our bodies will better adjust to the healthy food.
    Besides, you can always make your own veggie pizza. =)
  • Revolutionwithin
    Revolutionwithin Posts: 47 Member
    If I deprive myself of things I want I will just go on a binge latrler on and regret it horribly. So I think it's totally fine if you don't eat clean all the time. Make sure you watch your sodium though. If I have wsy too much of it I get bloaded & feel like crap the next day

    I'm in agreement with this idea really. There are nearly always alternatives too that make a big difference. For example yesterday we had Canada day celebrations and all day I resisted the yummy going on around me, and ended up for dinner saving up enough so I could order a veggie burger when I was there. It was awesome and better than ordering fries, onions rings and a hamburger. I also know if my TOM is coming, you can just forget clean eating lol. Why not try one clean week and one week that is down and dirty! ;) Lol
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Celebrity trainer Jackie Warner has a book called "This is Why You're Fat," and in it she advocates having a "treat day" once a week, provided you're exercising and eating right the other days of the week, so enjoy it (and track it!) :)
  • colbydanielle
    Eating Clean is tough no matter what life stage you're a recent college grad I'm trying to navigate similar territory...It seems like all social activities revolve around drinking copious amounts of beer/other alcoholic drinks and eating, and the type of food people want to meet and hang out around is definitely unhealthy stuff like pizza, burgers or huge brunches....I have managed to cut my drinking down a lot (what's sad is when I say a lot I mean down to about 4 drinks a week) and am trying to eat at home more and create social activities that aren't going to the movies....the good news is that I'm still definitely indulging (i've been having a dessert...usually frozen yogurt/a cookie but sometimes heavier stuff like pizza) every day and I'm already half way towards meeting my goal of losing 10 lbs!!! I put my happiness first in a lot of ways and I guess I just wouldn't be happy without some of those indulgences no matter how much weight I lost....I guess it's clean eating in moderation for me and gradually replacing some of my not so healthy choices with cleaner ones....but the key word is gradually...Also keep in mind that if you're putting on some weight after first starting to become active you may be putting muscle on!!! So don't be too disheartened!!!!!!
  • h64em
    h64em Posts: 64 Member
    I have been on here since Feb this year and for a long time I just calorie countered, eating mainly my usual foods but modifing the portions etc. Recently I have been changing the type of foods I eat, I am trying to "go clean". I think its a long process, you need to change a few things at a time, get used to them before changing more foods, that way you stand a better chance of keeping up with a clean diet. Its a life style change and cant be done overnight. i also cook for the family, we always eat together, so they too are slowly changing what they eat, they just dont know it yet!! Keep up the good work and feel free to add me if you want. :)
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I personally prefer eating clean. I feel better, I have more energy and I can eat bigger portions because clean foods in general have less calories than junk. However, I relax a bit on the weekends. I agree that you shouldn't deprive yourself completely, but eating more fruits, whole grains, veggies and lean protein is a GOOD thing and your body will reflect that. I am getting close to middle age (yikes), so I am trying to focus on being healthy overall, not just calories in vs. calories out.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Im the same. I try to eat clean but its not practical for me all the time with my income. If u have pizza and chinese, and days with high sodium like that, its even more so important to get ur water...not just 8cups a day, but the right amount for ur body weight... half ur body weight in ounces of water a day...and then if u have high sodium, alot of excercise, caffeine, u need to be drinking even more water to compansate. My number is 17cups a day, but I shoot for a minimum of 20cups just to be sure im getting enough. Water flushes out not only toxins and sodium but fat cells as well, helps ur skin not only with blemishes but with elasticity and shrinking back down...

    U didn't go up two pounds, u just need more water and it'll go back down!!
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    to be perfectly honest if all I ate was fruit, veg and healthy stuff 24/7 I'd be bored silly, miserable and feel deprived! I think a little bit of what you fancy does you good so long as it's in moderation. Perhaps you just had a bad week; you have a new routine and your body isn't used to it and might be trying to hold on to more calories to compensate for the sudden increased activity.....don't change too much, give it another week and if things haven't improved then think about changing something. Give yourself a chance to settle into your new lifestyle and continue to monitor what you're eating/drinking and prepare to tweak it if need be :)

  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    Having a day out of the week to splurge a little is ok. As long as it doesn't become habit. Are you weighing-in weekly or daily? A slight fluctuation of a pound or two from day to day is ok as well. The body may retain more water than usually depending on each day. Keep focused on your eating plan and treat yourself every now and then. Look at it as a gift to yourself.
  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    Oops!!! Think I did that wrong haha x To the above post, I do weigh myself every day, but I know from experience how much it can fluctuate so only take note of it once a week xx
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    P.s. I've lost 42lbs in 16weeks by not eating perfect...I've went out for drinks, I've had fish and chips once, and a chicken strip/fry basket on vacation, I've went out to resturants as much as 4x a week, usually only 2, etc... its all about portion control, counting calories, water/sodium levels, and trying to be mindful of other categories such as fat. I don't count carbs cuz it makes life to difficult, I eat all my calories, plus my excercise calories, and I've lost more weight then anyone on my friends list the same size as me that joined around same time.

    When I go to chinese I don't get anything fried...I get steamed rice with something like chicken sub gum (with no noodles) or chicken brocolli, etc, and when ur out at dinners, drink as much water as u can, ask for water with a straw so u can drink it faster. I always empty 5 to 6 glasses of water during dinners out. (Which is bout 10cups of water depending on glass size).. as far as pizza goes, I try to get chicken garlic with thin crust and extra veggies, like double mushrooms, add spinach, etc...thin crust cuts calories down dramatically.
  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    Thanks guys, I will take your advice and have the odd "treat" and I think because I am having that night off as such, even staying under cals, it doesnt seem like im being deprived. Also I know I have lapsed on my water, and that defo helps, so will be upping that xx I think your right with your advice to change a little at a time, I am feeling tons better eating my new "cleaner" diet, not as bloated, but I need to watch my salt intake as you say xx Thanks a million guys, just these little tweaks that all of you fantastic people have suggested will hopefully make a difference xx

    As usual, you guys are so supportive and helpful xx

    Eills x
  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    And Anna, thanks for that last post, you have just made me change my pizza order, to thin crust veggie pizza , you right you can still have cheat stuff but just tweak it xx Thanks hun xxxx
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Hey guys, I have just filled my diary in for today and I actually was feeling a bit guilty because im having pizza and a couple of drinks tonight. I know that people will view my diary, a
    nd for those that eat "clean" will maybe think im not taking MFP seriously.

    Who cares what they think? You can still take things seriously and have pizza
  • crazymama2two
    block your diary and screw what others think. this is for YOU, not for THEM. you can have things you enjoy in moderation or if you binge, well, hell, get to that exercise and move on. you can't change your past mistakes, you leanr from them or blah blah know by now that this is for life, not for the moment.