1200 calories a day and I feel terrible!!! Advice????



  • JackieMarie1989jgw
    JackieMarie1989jgw Posts: 230 Member
    lexylondon wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lexylondon wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lexylondon wrote: »

    Or she could eat more satiating food at a higher calorie goal that is a more reasonable deficit for her size...

    Don't get me wrong I love my coffee but using caffeine to stave off hunger doesn't seem like a very healthy approach...

    A few cups of coffee a day have been proven to be good for your health. As long as the other meals are nutritious and your drinking water I think it can be healthy and helpful!

    To replace food with coffee when you are hungry?

    When you want to OVER eat. Can't see it as a terrible thing, as I said, as long as your getting your protein, essential fats, antioxidants and so forth in your other meals...

    I sometimes drink tea in the afternoon when I get the munchies, the caffeine helps stave off the hunger till dinner. There is nothing "unhealthy" about that as long ad you are still eating a reasonable amount.of total calories. I don't think anyone is suggesting people starve themselves and drink nothing but coffee all day.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    lexylondon wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lexylondon wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lexylondon wrote: »

    Or she could eat more satiating food at a higher calorie goal that is a more reasonable deficit for her size...

    Don't get me wrong I love my coffee but using caffeine to stave off hunger doesn't seem like a very healthy approach...

    A few cups of coffee a day have been proven to be good for your health. As long as the other meals are nutritious and your drinking water I think it can be healthy and helpful!

    To replace food with coffee when you are hungry?

    When you want to OVER eat. Can't see it as a terrible thing, as I said, as long as your getting your protein, essential fats, antioxidants and so forth in your other meals...

    But she obviously isn't getting what she needs from her other meals, she said she is hungry and feels terrible.

    The OP had too aggressive of a deficit set (2 lbs/week) for her goal of losing 15 lbs. She isn't over eating, she's under eating. Instead of advising her to set a more reasonable goal, to find more nutrient dense foods or play with her macros to find foods that would be satiating to her, you are suggesting she just drink coffee, a stimulant, when she feels hungry.
  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    edited June 2016
    People who don't eat much vegetables are always going to struggle to keep to 1200 calories, which is so low to begin with - definitely look at adjusting to a slower weight loss rate, at least in the short term. My diet is heavily fruit/veg based, and is pretty much the only way I can keep eating the 'nice' things, without overloading on calories. If it's a taste thing (as it is with most people, rather than texture), start with sweeter vegetables - red/yellow bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, butternut squash, sweet potato, beetroot, fresh peas. You can also go for the blander green stuff - celery, lettuce (most salad leaves are mild), cucumber etc - and then move onto the stronger tastes of things like spinach, kale, chicory, broccoli etc. Slowly expand your palate, and try something new every week. I've always loved vegetables but, as a kid, used to hate cauliflower. Now I love it because I kept experimenting with ways to serve it.

    As for your exercising not giving you numbers you want to see, perhaps look at some different kinds of exercise, and finding a couple that are high-cal burners. My go-to for 'bang for my cardio buck' is spinning, which can easily burn over 500 calories per hour. Swimming is also brilliant for that! But, sometimes, it's not about cardio numbers, and a good strength training session, whilst not appearing to deliver the big numbers on your calorie deficit, can often produce fantastic results on the scale.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Buying a grill basket too! lol, why did I never think of that? Good way to get tasty veg made.
  • sbrya03
    sbrya03 Posts: 40 Member
    Try 1300
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    edited June 2016
    I just dont understand!!! I try to eat more vegetables too because I know they are low cal and healthy but I honestly just hate vegetables..I can eat canned green beans or steamed carrots but I dont really want to eat them every day of my life lol?

    Ive only been really working at this for a couple weeks so will it get easier as my body gets used to this? I feel so stressed out about food now its ridiculous..I get so anxoius to see results and I havent lost anything so far...Ugh not sure what Im doing wrong!

    Any advice would be great!
    OMG...if the only vegetables I ate were canned green beans and steamed carrots, I'd hate vegetables, too. Canned green beans should be banned, IMHO.

    People usually hate vegetables because they were introduced to poorly prepared vegetables in the first place. Many vegetables are delicious raw, such as summer squash, celery, cucumbers, bell peppers and tomatoes. They have carried me through many a mid-afternoon slump. Potatoes boiled or baked without a lot of fat are relatively low calorie. The bioavailability of nutrients in many vegetables are increased when you add fat, such as olive oil. I prepared a tray of roasted summer squash and onions the other day with just enough olive oil to coat, balsamic glaze, and other seasonings. It's one of my favorite ways to prepare vegetables.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm a total omnivore, and I've lost weight without cutting out any major food groups, and once I reach goal, all I have to do is add a few more calories. There will be no huge change in my eating habits.

  • alkav1
    alkav1 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with most people here! I changed my goal to 1500 from 1200 because with only 1200, I am starving! And then more likely to overeat or ditch the diet Bc I am starving all the time. Even though I've increased my caloric intake to 1500, I am still losing about 1.5-2 pounds a week. Good luck with whatever you choose!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    edited June 2016
    Increase your calories. If that means moving your body more to accommodate, do that too...1200 is really low for most people, doable, but low (and obviously torturous!) Why punish yourself if you don't have to? Ooo...and one more thing. I just took another look at your post, if you were my daughter, I'd sit you down and let you know I think you don't need to lose any weight at all. You're beautiful, and your body looks nice and healthy. There's a chance you could lose that healthy look if you lost too much, j/s....now, if you're anything like my daughter, you'll tell me to get a life, you're gonna do whatever you want anyways...lol You have that right too! xo
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've had my best success eating as MANY cals as I can while still losing. And as many others have said, 1200 is probably too low for you. For me, I can eat 1800-2000 cals a day, and as long as I'm active, I lose. And I'm a 48 year old, 5'8" woman who works out 5-6 days a week (most of the time) - I lost 25lbs about 3-4 years ago and have kept it off.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    edited June 2016
    Roasted veg is good. And crunchy raw veg. There's no law that says you have to eat plain steamed veg. Adding it to other dishes to make them go further is a good move, too - add extra carrots and peas to mince or chilli, for example, or replace part of a pasta portion with veg, stir it through rice - you get the idea.
  • Caroline393
    Caroline393 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm doing 1200 calories a day, and at first it was super hard and I went over almost every day, but it's gotten easier as I've learned more and gotten used to it. For me, I skip breakfast because I find I don't need it and it's just wasting my calories. The whole "your body will go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast" seems to be mostly bs to me. For lunch I eat about 300-350 calories usually with a sandwich (either peanut butter or deli meat, a slice of cheese, and lettuce on a whole grain bun) and 1 serving of low-cal chips. Drink LOTS of water. It keeps you full longer and helps satisfy the satiety sensors in your brain. If I do snack, I eat some beef jerky (lots of protein and pretty low-cal), a few almonds, or a square of dark chocolate. For dinner, I eat chicken in some form or other almost every night. Lean protein keeps you feeling full way longer and satisfies you way more than stuff like pasta or salads I've found. I can eat so much less meat and feel much more satisfied than if I ate pasta (which then has the added effect of making me feel bloated afterwards). But I do love my pasta, so I've started making zucchini noodles instead to satisfy those cravings. As for the veggies, I've never liked them either. But I've found for me that my hatred of vegetables has stemmed from a thing I have with textures. Most steamed or cooked veggies have a squishy, bland texture and taste, which I hated. So instead, I sauté stuff like green beans with a little olive oil and salt. They're so much better because they keep some of that crunch. And this can be applied to all sorts of veggies. So try cooking a different way maybe, and that might help.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    edited June 2016
    Your goal is way too aggressive for someone as small as you are, and with so little to lose.

    As a smaller person, your TDEE is already quite small to begin with. 1200 calories/day is the lowest MFP will allow you to go - the reality is that to achieve the deficit necessary to actually lose 2lbs/week at your size, you would need to dip very, very, very dangerously low. I don't suggest you do that. You will still likely lose weight at 1200 cal/day, but it's probably not the 2lbs/week you're hoping for.

    Change your goal to 0.5lbs/week and nom accordingly. This equates to about 2lbs/month, so about 7 months. It's slow... but the time is gonna go by whether or not you chose to lose weight. Focus on strength training, if you like, but please do not rush the process.