WarriorDash challenge?

Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
Who all has done the warrior dash, and was it worth the money to sign up?
Looks pretty fun, how is it? Would you do it again?


  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    My friend is doing it this year, but it falls on my anniversary and hubby can't run so I'll let her be the guinea pig and I'll maybe do it next year. I AM going to do the Pineapple Classic in North Bend this November. It looks like WD "Light".
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    Signed up for it this year! First time though. I've talked to a lot of people who said they had a blast. I also found an online coupon for $5.00 off. It's activewd521. I can't wait!
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm doing the January 2012 in Central Florida! Can't wait!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    An absolute blast! Did it last year and doing it again this year. Would pay double to do it!
  • pjrisher
    pjrisher Posts: 152
    I'm going to do the 2012 New England one! I can't wait for next years information to be announced!
  • Emmy_Ann
    Emmy_Ann Posts: 60
    My first one will be in September, however I've talked to a few people I go to school with and they've said it was a blast and definitely worth doing!
  • Emmy_Ann
    Emmy_Ann Posts: 60
    My friend is doing it this year, but it falls on my anniversary and hubby can't run so I'll let her be the guinea pig and I'll maybe do it next year. I AM going to do the Pineapple Classic in North Bend this November. It looks like WD "Light".

    North Bend, OR?????
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I did one in March of this year. I had a lot of fun and felt it was worth it...for the fun and unusual experience. It's a great festival atmosphere.

    I didn't find the obstacles difficult, but I also wasn't racing. I really just did it with some friends to enjoy the experience. I did work out to prepare for it, but, again, the obstacles weren't hard. The running 3 miles was my issue. :sad:

    If you're looking for a fitness challenge, look at a Metro Dash or Tough Mudder. Those are more demanding physically.

    Again, I really enjoyed it and thought it was worth the entry fee.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Who all has done the warrior dash, and was it worth the money to sign up?
    Looks pretty fun, how is it? Would you do it again?

    Yes, yes, yes and YES!

    I loved every second of it. :smile: And that post-run euphoric high? Lasted four days.

    The only problem... it ruined me for normal running. Now I'm not happy unless I hit trails and mud.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    My friend is doing it this year, but it falls on my anniversary and hubby can't run so I'll let her be the guinea pig and I'll maybe do it next year. I AM going to do the Pineapple Classic in North Bend this November. It looks like WD "Light".

    North Bend, OR?????

    North Bend, WA. :)
  • Emmy_Ann
    Emmy_Ann Posts: 60
    My friend is doing it this year, but it falls on my anniversary and hubby can't run so I'll let her be the guinea pig and I'll maybe do it next year. I AM going to do the Pineapple Classic in North Bend this November. It looks like WD "Light".

    North Bend, OR?????

    North Bend, WA. :)

    Oh lol.. didn't realize there was one up there.. was gonna say hey! I live there ;)
  • clevengerd1844
    Im doing one in September in Tn. Did the MetroDash in june in Florida...well worth it...great challenge.