I need help losing weight

I am 19, 5'2 and currently 112lbs. However, a year ago I was anywhere from 103-105lbs very easily. I could maintain that with ease but I gained weight when I came to college. I need some tips on how to lose 9-12 lbs and any success stories for those with similar stats like mine. What kind of diet did you do? What types of exercises and how often did you do them? Thank you... I really need help


  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 109 pounds; I weighed 139 pounds at this time last year. All I did was eat at a calorie deficit and exercise almost every day. C25K three days per week and weights the others. Now I'm doing a resistance training/cardio hybrid program. I still run in the park when the mood strikes. I walk a lot too. To be honest though, the deficit is the most important part of it. You don't have to ban any foods, you just have to eat at a deficit of around 250 per day. Don't try to lose more than half a pound per week, as you don't have much to lose to begin with.
  • Hawthornemom
    Hawthornemom Posts: 2 Member
    Few suggestions. No eating after 7 pm. Eat breakfast around 10am. No junk, no pasta, no chips, no sweets, no ice cream. Watch it on bread, one serving a day. Don't go crazy on yogurt. What to eat- eggs- all ways, veg omelet. Tomatoes ,fruit, avacado (half of one ) nuts (1/4 cup) hummus -few tbsp, Fish. Salad, edamame, chicken, all vegetables - toss raw either olive oil, salt /pepper and roast them at 425 for 20 min, including potatoes. Put this on salad. Salad dressing - lemon juice and olive oil. Walk, move. Weight will fly off. Cheat one meal once a week. Put scale away and check in every 4 days. This is not a diet, it's a healthy way to eat. Diets will crush your metabolism. You are a healthy weight now, be careful not to be obsessed being too thin. That is a rabbit hole you really don't want to hop in. Excersize, try kick boxing . Splurge try peanut butter and marsh mellow sandwich- high protein low fat food. Pop a probiotic everyday. Nothing processed ever. Cook. You will not be hungry if you max out on vegetables and add protein. Do not eat those protein bars , very fattening. Look at food labels, if it says 24% sugar do not eat it. No frappachino. No soda. Boil water and make iced green tea/ huge pitcher, toss in 4 bags. Green tea increases ones metabolism. You will be your goal weight soon.
  • tamrachristensen
    tamrachristensen Posts: 1 Member
    No fruit mentioned???
  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    No fruit mentioned???

    No one needs fruit. Many like it, however.
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Few suggestions. No eating after 7 pm. Eat breakfast around 10am. No junk, no pasta, no chips, no sweets, no ice cream. Watch it on bread, one serving a day. Don't go crazy on yogurt. What to eat- eggs- all ways, veg omelet. Tomatoes ,fruit, avacado (half of one ) nuts (1/4 cup) hummus -few tbsp, Fish. Salad, edamame, chicken, all vegetables - toss raw either olive oil, salt /pepper and roast them at 425 for 20 min, including potatoes. Put this on salad. Salad dressing - lemon juice and olive oil. Walk, move. Weight will fly off. Cheat one meal once a week. Put scale away and check in every 4 days. This is not a diet, it's a healthy way to eat. Diets will crush your metabolism. You are a healthy weight now, be careful not to be obsessed being too thin. That is a rabbit hole you really don't want to hop in. Excersize, try kick boxing . Splurge try peanut butter and marsh mellow sandwich- high protein low fat food. Pop a probiotic everyday. Nothing processed ever. Cook. You will not be hungry if you max out on vegetables and add protein. Do not eat those protein bars , very fattening. Look at food labels, if it says 24% sugar do not eat it. No frappachino. No soda. Boil water and make iced green tea/ huge pitcher, toss in 4 bags. Green tea increases ones metabolism. You will be your goal weight soon.

    I like to know who awesomed this post!!

    Seriously! LOL
  • FitnessGirl11mfp
    FitnessGirl11mfp Posts: 232 Member
    Few suggestions. No eating after 7 pm. Eat breakfast around 10am. No junk, no pasta, no chips, no sweets, no ice cream. Watch it on bread, one serving a day. Don't go crazy on yogurt. What to eat- eggs- all ways, veg omelet. Tomatoes ,fruit, avacado (half of one ) nuts (1/4 cup) hummus -few tbsp, Fish. Salad, edamame, chicken, all vegetables - toss raw either olive oil, salt /pepper and roast them at 425 for 20 min, including potatoes. Put this on salad. Salad dressing - lemon juice and olive oil. Walk, move. Weight will fly off. Cheat one meal once a week. Put scale away and check in every 4 days. This is not a diet, it's a healthy way to eat. Diets will crush your metabolism. You are a healthy weight now, be careful not to be obsessed being too thin. That is a rabbit hole you really don't want to hop in. Excersize, try kick boxing . Splurge try peanut butter and marsh mellow sandwich- high protein low fat food. Pop a probiotic everyday. Nothing processed ever. Cook. You will not be hungry if you max out on vegetables and add protein. Do not eat those protein bars , very fattening. Look at food labels, if it says 24% sugar do not eat it. No frappachino. No soda. Boil water and make iced green tea/ huge pitcher, toss in 4 bags. Green tea increases ones metabolism. You will be your goal weight soon.

    No. Just no!!

    OP all you need to do is eat at a deficit. Buy a food scale and weigh and log everything. Also, being that you don't have much to lose, keep in mind that the most you should lose is .5 lbs a week.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Few suggestions. No eating after 7 pm. Eat breakfast around 10am. No junk, no pasta, no chips, no sweets, no ice cream. Watch it on bread, one serving a day. Don't go crazy on yogurt. What to eat- eggs- all ways, veg omelet. Tomatoes ,fruit, avacado (half of one ) nuts (1/4 cup) hummus -few tbsp, Fish. Salad, edamame, chicken, all vegetables - toss raw either olive oil, salt /pepper and roast them at 425 for 20 min, including potatoes. Put this on salad. Salad dressing - lemon juice and olive oil. Walk, move. Weight will fly off. Cheat one meal once a week. Put scale away and check in every 4 days. This is not a diet, it's a healthy way to eat. Diets will crush your metabolism. You are a healthy weight now, be careful not to be obsessed being too thin. That is a rabbit hole you really don't want to hop in. Excersize, try kick boxing . Splurge try peanut butter and marsh mellow sandwich- high protein low fat food. Pop a probiotic everyday. Nothing processed ever. Cook. You will not be hungry if you max out on vegetables and add protein. Do not eat those protein bars , very fattening. Look at food labels, if it says 24% sugar do not eat it. No frappachino. No soda. Boil water and make iced green tea/ huge pitcher, toss in 4 bags. Green tea increases ones metabolism. You will be your goal weight soon.

    Disregard all of this. This info is incorrect
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Hey, welcome to MFP!!

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  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    Hi. I am 128 lbs and 5'0. I'd like to get down to around 100 lbs. Add me if you'd like. :)
  • godlikepoetyes
    godlikepoetyes Posts: 442 Member
    I think, because you maintained the lower weight easily before, it might be helpful for you to figure out what changed. Are you very stressed? Stress alone can cause weight changes. Did you start moving less? If so, then you may just need to add that movement back in and give things some time. It is true that you will lose weight if you stay in a deficient, but with so little to lose, it may be very hard for you to cut your calories by very much.

    Here are some questions to ask yourself--Did you start eating some particular foods that seem healthy but maybe have a lot of calories and you don't realize it--like yogurt and granola? Have you started snacking at night, when you never did this before? Have you started eating donuts for breakfast instead of oatmeal? Have you been eating on the go?--this one can really add up. It has become customary to eat everywhere, anytime. "Grabbing" something on the way out and eating in the car, or library, or wherever, can push your weight up without your realizing it. Then the next thing to do is to track for a week without making changes so you can find out how much you're eating. Then you can address your food with more information in hand.

    I say all this because you are already at a healthy weight and you are very young. I'd hate for you to focus too much on ten-ish pounds. This is what I did at your age. Now I wish I'd just focused more on healthy choices. But I didn't and I set out on a path of yo yo dieting and deprivation that made me miserable and wrecked my health. If I had focused on movement when I was your age, and made exercise a part of my life FOREVER, I would have been ahead of the game all these years--chances are I would have never gained all this weight in the first place.

    Whatever you do, please be kind to yourself. If you treat yourself, and others, with kindness, it will make all the difference in your life. I know this sounds fluffy and maybe silly, but it's the lesson I've learned the last couple of years. I wish someone had stressed this to me way back when.

    Be Well.
  • sonia9240
    sonia9240 Posts: 140 Member
    Wow girl that's skinny . How much u wanna weigh.. Well I hope u don't get Anemia cause that's bad ..