Mommies losing the pregnancy weight?

I've gained upwards of 50lbs with pregnancy and the birth of my daughter, as well as now staying home with her! Would love some other mom friends who are dealing with it as well!


  • cphixo91
    cphixo91 Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me! I had baby #2 3 months ago and gained 45 lbs and now have 15 left to lose. I'm a stay at home mom as well and it's so hard to find time and energy to exercise.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Baby #2 one month ago and have 10 pounds to lose from that pregnancy but about 50 more from my 1st pregnancy! Working on tracking calories first then cleaning up my diet and working in exercise when I am cleared by my doc next month. Add me! :)
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    baby number 2 as well. Got sick and tired of clothes feeling tight! Always tired with my 4yo and 1yo - but determined to make a change!! I found exercising in the mornings has worked and pre logging. feel free to add me :smiley:
  • momofamadhouse
    momofamadhouse Posts: 197 Member
    Baby #4 is 16 months old. I didn't gain any weight with him until after he was born and then I packed on 40 pounds. So now I'm working on getting back to prebaby #1 weight and beyond. (And could kick myself for waiting so long...)
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    There's a group fit fabulous postpartum
  • lilcharmer214
    lilcharmer214 Posts: 75 Member
    OK, I am 3 years post-partum and still dealing with baby weight. But I honestly just kept putting off the exercise and I think I got too comfortable at one point. Also, we've been trying to #2 for 7-8 months so I didn't see the point and after month 6, I finally said I need to focus on something else. I want to lose 15 pounds. I mainly have the "mommy pooch".
  • linzwithrow117
    linzwithrow117 Posts: 1 Member
    I did fertility treatments to get pregnant with my almost 6 month old, and gained weight from the treatments alone. Then I got pregnant and gained more, of course. Have lost weight before, but could use some motivation as well!
  • Watch_Me_Shine416
    Watch_Me_Shine416 Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a stay at home mom looking to lose this baby weight too
  • bdhigdon858
    bdhigdon858 Posts: 146 Member
    Add me. Baby #2 killed me! Gained 150lbs and had a 10lb.11oz. 22in boy. I have lost everything but 30lbs... I'm also a stay at home momma of 6yr and a 10mth old.. Shew
  • meganmurray217
    meganmurray217 Posts: 19 Member
    Baby #2 6 months ago. Gained 30 pounds. I'm down 11 so far but have 20 to go. I'm at stay at home mom now and need mommy friends on here!
  • UnicornAmandaPanda
    UnicornAmandaPanda Posts: 161 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I am a mom to a five year old boy and a one year old girl. I have lost 50 lbs but would like to lose 30 more