Question about the 30DS

I want to give this popular 30DS thing a go :P Except I had a breast reduction a few months ago and the internal stitches are still healing, so I'm careful not to lift heavy objects or work out the muscles in that area, though I have started swimming again (I used to be a competitive swimmer, so I try to do my practices like I used to as long as it doesn't bother my boobs :P)

Will it be possible for me to complete the 30DS ? I heard you need weights for it. Is it possible to do it without them ?


  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    You do light hand weights a few times during the program. Some say you don't HAVE to use them. There is a lot of jumping jacks and movements of the sort. Are you okay doing that?
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    While the exercises show how to do with weights, by no means do you have to use them! Do what you can without weights and add them in later (maybe start at 1 or 2 lbs) when you're ready to build up to that point. Enjoy and good luck!
  • bwyne03
    bwyne03 Posts: 137 Member
    Jillian says it can be modified to not use the weights, but there's a lot of jumping around, like jumping jacks and butt kicks which may put a lot of stress on your chest. I know I wear 2 sports bras when I do it (a little bigger chested and have had 2 kids, so not so perky anymore :) ) There may be some moves you would be comfortable doing, but honestly, I would wait maybe until you are completely healed. I know alot of people lose inches doing the Shred rather than pounds. I've not completed it for 30 days so I am just speaking of what I have read on here. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do!!
  • jmessgirl
    jmessgirl Posts: 18 Member
    Level one has chest flys with weights so you should probably either skip that part or try it without weights. Good luck!!! :]
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    My suggestion would be to wait til you are completely healed, just to be on the safe side. You don't want an injury to delay your working out even longer because you rushed it....just my opinion though.

  • anskibonbanski
    anskibonbanski Posts: 7 Member
    I had a breast enlargement a few years back and that is not anywhere near as painful as a reduction... judging on how I felt after my surgery I would say definitely do not do the 30 day shred until you are fully healed. Maybe at least another month or two just to be on the safe side. I'm currently on day 2 of level 2 and it's pretty tough on the arms and chest. Even on level one there are lots of push ups and so many jumping jacks... I only have D cup boobs and have a pretty hefty sports bra but even with that they are out of control while doing parts of the 30DS lol. You could maybe give it a go if you are already swimming but I'd definitely not use weights and don't set your goals on doing all of it to start with.

    Take care of yourself! x
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Thanks for the great input everyone ! Guess I could take it for a "test drive" and modify it for my needs. I'm sure doing some of it would be better than not doing anything ? xD