Calories burned in yard work???

Does anyone know the calories burned digging holes, shoveling dirt or rock, and a whole lot of scraping the ground? The general gardening category might work but I don't know if the shoveling and digging gets more than scraping with a hoe etc.


  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I've always used the general gardening category for any yard work I've done. There is a shoveling snow category that might get you closer though.
  • Lanceeee
    Lanceeee Posts: 6 Member
    I think it will burn many more calories as that is hard work. Last summer I dug up old rock and put new rock down. I moved a couple of tons of rock and dirt around by wheelbarrow. It is definitely more of a work out than general gardening, riding a bike, or hiking.
  • fitrobb
    fitrobb Posts: 16
    I use that as well, but I have no idea if the calories are right. All the people who are serious about tracking their calories talk about HRM's (heart rate monitor, I had to look it up.) I think they run from $40-$90 for entry level model from what I have read.
  • taurus39
    taurus39 Posts: 26
    I was outside for around 5 hrs. in 95 degree weather working on putting in an electrical fence. Not hard work but I was standing and walking the whole time I was out there. Wondering where I would put that under what category.
  • fitrobb
    fitrobb Posts: 16
    Taurus39..first of all can I hire you ;) I would go with mowing lawn, but you've probably already picked one. All the walking and pushing should be a good ball park for all the other stuff you did like dig post holes. If it was not that intense, you could go with gardening (general)