I hate this

I can't seem to lose more than five pounds. I stick to a plan, get motivated, then for some reason my weight rockets back up.

I am so discouraged, and so angry. This was never this hard.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,030 Member
    edited June 2016
    It's in your head...obviously.

    "I hate this."

    "I can't..."

    "I am so discouraged, and so angry. This was never this hard."


    Change your thoughts, change your life.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    That "some reason" is called eating anything you want and all you want whenever you want. Thing is, I also eat anything I want, all I want, and when I want, but I've learned to control my wants within the limits of healthy eating. This site gives you the tools and knowledge to become master of your wants.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I can't seem to lose more than five pounds. I stick to a plan, get motivated, then for some reason my weight rockets back up.

    I am so discouraged, and so angry. This was never this hard.

    Figure out what that reason is. There is always a reason. Sodium, carbs, TOM, etc. Or you're eating too much.

    Once you figure out the reason, fix that (if you can) ... then keep going and wait. Patience.

    Ain't gonna happen overnight.

  • kitkatlp
    kitkatlp Posts: 93 Member
    I can't seem to lose more than five pounds. I stick to a plan, get motivated, then for some reason my weight rockets back up.

    I am so discouraged, and so angry. This was never this hard.

    Are you being coached? How are you keeping track of your calories intake? Macros? Are you on a low cal diet?
  • Obnoxa
    Obnoxa Posts: 187 Member
    edited June 2016
    Well, I'm a firm believer in CICO, with that said there has to be something causing that. What is your total weight loss goal? Are you weighing your foods for accuracy? When you lose those few pounds how long are you sitting at that weight before you feel like you're not seeing any more results or the weight creeping back?
    I ask because any one of those could be the root of your dilemma. If you need to lose 20 and have your goal set for two pounds per week that's to aggressive. It's super easy to eat a lot more calories if you aren't counting every single thing with precision (measuring is not very accurate, weighing is the only true way to control right down to the last calorie) or not logging everything you put in your mouth. Weight loss isn't linear, I've had weeks with the scale not moving an ounce, and then a few weeks later I'd drop 4 or 6 pounds across the week.
    Of course, there's not counting any alcohol, having a "cheat day", and many other variables that may be hindering you more than you realize. So sit down and really take stock of what you're doing/eating, if you are logging everything go back and study your diary; the answer to why you aren't seeing more success is in your actions, you just have to figure out what exactly it is.
    Good luck!
    (Edited because my phone thinks it knows what I want to say more than I do :P )
  • gillie80
    gillie80 Posts: 214 Member
    There could be a number of reasons why you're not losing. are you logging accurately? do you weigh your food? how long have you been on the journey as it wont happen overnight? are you drinking enough? water retention is a big deal for me as i'm really bad at drinking fluids. Now i'm running it helps, as i always drink when i run.

    be methodical in your logging for a few weeks, literally everything that crosses your lips, weigh everything, measure everything, even sauces and see how you get on. if after all that you're still not losing, there might be something else in play. process of elimination. you'll get there, it's a process. don't lose hope. good luck xx
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,339 Member
    Your body hears everything you tell it....therefore, if you decide you 'can't" lose weight, you absolutely won't. Someone above mentioned change your thinking, and they nailed it. It won't happen fast, or easily, but if you STICK TO THE PLAN, even when the scale appears to be going up slightly, then your body can't help but to respond. You will see results eventually, just gotta STICK TO THE PLAN, and have FAITH in yourself! xo
  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    I never realized how many calories were in stuff until I started paying attention, keeping a food journal, logging what I ate, etc. It's super easy to think you're under your goal, but in reality be way over.

    What are you doing for exercise?