Please help!! Gym routine needed

MKQ77 Posts: 4 Member
I need help with a workout routine I can do at the gym. Currently I go for 1 hour 4times a week. I start with the elliptical for 30mins then a squats routine with light weights I then move on to weight machines then finish off with a short cardio set. I currently weigh 220lbs which isn't healthy, I'm watching what I eat taking green tea and cla and seeing no results. I've been doing this for almost 2 months so far and this is beginning to weigh in my psyche. Please tell me what gym routines you've followed to see results.


  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Weight loss is due to calories in. You can not out exercise a calorie high diet. First, you must monitor your intake to see how high it is. Then you must decrease you intake to give you a calorie deficit to lose weight. Down load the app; establish your calorie goal; weigh, measure and log in your food; log your exercise and start your new life style at a calorie deficit.

    There are many, many internet sites with exercise routines you can follow, do a search, pick and follow one. Exercise is secondary to calorie intake when it come to weight loss, however.

    Without weighing and measuring, accurately, your food, it is REAL easy to over eat when you are exercising. Over estimating calories out and under estimating in is very easy and common.

    Sorry to say that I don't think the problem lies with your exercise routine. "Watching what I eat" usually is not quite enough. Weigh, measure and log to be more sure.

    All the best.
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    You loose weight with your diet, exercise is for overall health. If you are not loosing weight, you need to look at your diet first.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    MKQ77 wrote: »
    I need help with a workout routine I can do at the gym. Currently I go for 1 hour 4times a week. I start with the elliptical for 30mins then a squats routine with light weights I then move on to weight machines then finish off with a short cardio set. I currently weigh 220lbs which isn't healthy, I'm watching what I eat taking green tea and cla and seeing no results. I've been doing this for almost 2 months so far and this is beginning to weigh in my psyche. Please tell me what gym routines you've followed to see results.

    Drop the CLA and green tea, they won't do anything for you. If you aren't losing weight, it's because you are either 1. Not accurately tracking calories (are you using a food scale?), 2. Not consistently tracking calories (do you log every day?) or 3. just eating too many calories.

    Also, I would follow a structured program:

    These programs are proven and focused on compound lifting. StrongCurves and NROL4W tend to be favorites and they are very long and complete programs.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Have you considered eating less? Green tea isn't going to wipe out the calories you are eating.

    It's not impossible to lose weight just by increasing exercise but it's very, very easy to eat enough to negate exercise calories burned. I did it for twenty years!
    Included an extended spell of training extremely hard for eight to ten hours a week - got much fitter/stronger but stayed fat.
  • tillerstouch
    tillerstouch Posts: 608 Member
    What everyone else has said, tracking calories and maintaining a deficit is key to weight loss, get a food scale.

    To answer your questions though cardio can help you increase your deficit. Weight training will help you retain muscle mass. is a good place to find routines.
  • MKQ77
    MKQ77 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone I think the consensus is track calorie intake. Sad part is I'm barely eating(I know my body is storing the fat) I'll revise my mind set and eating and hopefully see some results. I'm desperate
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    MKQ77 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone I think the consensus is track calorie intake. Sad part is I'm barely eating(I know my body is storing the fat) I'll revise my mind set and eating and hopefully see some results. I'm desperate

    Do you know how many calories are you eating?
  • MKQ77
    MKQ77 Posts: 4 Member
    1500-1700 per day, according to this and other apps I should be eating 2200 calories per day
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    MKQ77 wrote: »
    1500-1700 per day, according to this and other apps I should be eating 2200 calories per day

    Are you use a food scale and tracking daily?
  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 195 Member
    Food scales are the way to go. You have to track everything - if you have a glass of red wine, know how many ounces you poured and track it. Do you get a frappe on the way to work from Starbucks? Track it. Be accurate. There are very, very, very few people on the planet with metabolic disorders that disrupt how calories affect their bodies in very significant ways. If you are eyeballing foods, you are underestimating.