Stuck trying to lose the last 6kg/13lbs. Would like to buddy with people in similar situation

waffle92 Posts: 6 Member
edited December 2024 in Motivation and Support
Hi Everyone,

Im at a point where ive gained weight over the last 2 years and want to shift the 6kg ive put on. Im finding it so hard to get going and every time i try, i slip back and binge or start getting caught up in vicious cycle of negative thoughts because i can't get my old jeans on any more.

Can anyone help with motivation or tips on how to get through the first few weeks, until i start seeing results?

I know how i need to do it (eat right, get workouts in etc...) but i am sabotaging myself by eating junk and ive gotten so lazy with workouts i can't seem to find my motivation to start again.

Im feeling really down that i have so little weight to lose and can't seem to get myself to a place where i start to see results.

It all feels so difficult and my self esteem is going down. Im looking at my body and all i can see is the extra weight around my thighs, bum, hips and stomach.

Is anyone else experiencing similar? Im not obese or majorly overweight, im just an average sized woman with a few inches to lose but they seem like the most stubborn few inches ive ever had and i just want to get rid of them fast.

Thanks for reading :)


  • Calei123
    Calei123 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there, I'm in a similar boat, I changed jobs and put on some weight, now I need to shift 6kg to get to my goal weight.

    Happy to buddy up? I could use some fitspiration!

  • valantofv
    valantofv Posts: 2 Member
    Hey!! I know how you feel.. I am in the same procedure .. I have to get rid of my last 4kg.. The last two years i gain a lot weight .. before 4 month i was 74kg.. now i am 61kg.. I only lost this way by dieting and only in this last kilograms i am trying to pass throw excercise to tone my body and lose cm around the hips and thighs.. I have to tell you that I am eating a lot of dry goji berries after my meals.. This is my secret do a research about that!! Sorry about my English..Be strong cook delicious healthy food and you will succeed!!
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    Sup! So, why are you binging? I am going to assume that when you start to diet or eat healthy you ban/elimate all the bad foods, like sugar, cookies, fatty foods, etc?

    So if this is true...why does this happen? It stems from this mental thought, that sh** needs to be perfect to achieve results. I am not sure, where this mindset is developed, but I believe it to when I was a binge eater. Like, its well known that the key to success is being consistent, just as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, LeBron, Derek Jeter, etc...its not perfection. All those people showed up day after day, and were consistent. The didn't just work when it was perfect.

    What "diet" are you currently following? Is it a restrictive meal plan? Happy to field some questions/answers with you.

    Most likely your binge eating is correlated with this, in some fashion. Here are some tips though....

    First, admit there was a problem. For three going on four years, I blamed externals, my drive, and my dreams for my actions. Ignoring people in my life hinting at me that I may have a problem, including family, close friends, and girlfriend. I lied to myself, rationalizing it with the mask of a cheat meal. As the punishment for binging increased so did the amount of times I binged. At first once a week, then every couple days, every other, until it consumed my thoughts. At times I would drive to Walmart just to eat it all before coming home. Chances are if you are reading this it is because you are looking for help. Good for you, you are lightyears ahead of where I was!

    Second, I learned to love myself for me, as a matter of fact I am still learning how to do this. Today, the emulated physique is seen as happiness. It is published on social media, magazines, and posters as the symbol of happiness. I believed it, I chased it and chased it. I had it for some time and I was still just as miserable. How you look will not make you happy! Now don’t twist those words as an excuse to just let ourselves become overweight. Chances are you will break step 1 which is lying and rationalizing it. We have to learn to accept our imperfections. We all have them and everyone tries to hide them. Here are my flaws (some I can fix, others are what they are):
    Relationships: I am aweful. I wrecked a 15 year friendship with a highschool sweetheart, I was selfish and an *kitten*. I can also be abrasive and brutal with little to no compassion. However ever since I shared this personal story, I have gotten better. Although I am by no means finished working on this.
    Skin Damage: I never wore sunscreen as a kid. Now I have moles, freckles, and scars. Some I wish weren’t there. Some girls won’t talk to me because of them. I am not “sexy” enough. They aren’t “interested”.

    Don’t let your imperfections stop you from loving yourself. You are the only you this world will ever see, embrace yourself. Perhaps the worst thing about this cycle was I hated myself, I hated my life, I did not want to look in the mirror, I thought I was a failure that I would never make it, I contemplated suicide. When I would binge, I would punish myself. Don’t do that we are human, life is meant to be enjoyed. Life is much too short to never treat yourself to what you love to eat whatever that maybe for you. Look yourself in the mirror directly into your eyes saying “I LOVE myself” at least 10 times a day, if not more. P.S. try not to smile when you say this (harder than you think).

    Thirdly, there is no such thing as good food, bad food. Placing labels on food, leads us to ban them from our intake. We say, “No, No, No, No, No…” We push for the perfect diet, once we eat this food that does not fall into this neat diet box; we throw our hands up, saying we failed so now is the time to eat everything we can. This leads to punishment. Which leads to more restrictions. This is the vicious cycle we as binge eaters face. I used to believe it myself, that there was clean food and bad food. It simply is this manifested idea. If you ask a vegan, he/she will say animal based foods are not clean. Someone who is a vegetarian will disagree, and say it is just animal products that are not clean. Then a paleo guy runs in screaming about how meat is clean, but grains aren’t. So someone has to be right? They are all wrong. Instead, adopt my grandmother’s wise old adage of “everything in moderation.” AKA IIFYM

    Fourth, going along the lines of moderation. You can eat whatever you want just not all at once. I believe I heard Layne Norton say this, I believe this, like the 11th commandment, in fact it should be an amendment to the constitution. When I first began to escape cycle, I would eat one “treat” at every meal. Nothing crazy, but it will allow you still get your “fix” but you won’t binge on it. Any action in the right direction gave me more motivation and encouragement to keep improving. The small wins kept snowballing into large victories later that slammed the door on binging. Disclaimer, it is wiser to eat this food item from a plate not from the container. Don’t test your will to fight binging if you do not have too. As the old saying goes, “work smarter, not harder.”

    Fifth, no more crazy spreadsheets and tracking of nutrients line item by line item like an accountant. I did not worry about counting calories and the works. I would instead eat (3) meals, breakfast, lunch and supper possibly a snack if I was hungry. I would eat slowly, and as I began to feel fuller I would stop eating. You may be like me and scared that you’ll get fat. Well what is our other choice? We can keep binge eating which is not working, because you wouldn’t be reading this. Or we can reach out and try something new. I need to be conscious of my eating, instead of speed eating (still struggle at times).

    Sixth, 180, 190, 160, 225, 200…what number was it going to be today I thought I as I closed my eyes scared to look down at the scale after a night of binging (these were all weights I reached during this cycle). You do not need a scale to help you. It’s about small wins, small wins, they add up trust me; I have been there too. Most people overestimate the damage of a binge. You need to eat in excess of 3500 calories over your normal intake to gain a pound of fat. It is not as bad as we create in our minds. Additionally, when we stand on the scale after a binge our body is bloated, full of food, sodium, and other goodies. This only compounds the guilt feeling.

    It is your lucky day! I said six, but here is a seventh tip. So, what about eating at restaurants and parties? Parties were my kryptonite, the amount of food that I saw and I thought I had to eat three people’s worth of everything. What helped me to win at parties was I made this a game in my head (who cares no one else now you know I did it). I am very competitive; I hate losing even if it’s go fish with a girlfriend (I will be a terrible father I will never let my kids win). Since eating slower and not getting seconds was a struggle at first. The game I created was to be the last one done eating, and the last one to get seconds. This helped me in many ways, first to help me eat slower I talked with people, this helped to repair the relationships I had damaged in the past, plus I was not over eating (win/win). Which is why I was last to get seconds, so often I would eat so quick that my stomach didn’t even know it was fed until I was already 4-5 plates of heaping food deep.

    Make that eight, workout for fun! For so long in this process I trained for results no I do not mean goals; I simply worked out to look good that’s it! It was the complete wrong direction, it made training no fun, I dreaded every gym session, and was having a miserable time. It doesn’t matter if you are into bodybuilding, figure, physique, cross fit, powerlifting, strongman, marathons, etc. just train for fun, train to get better and challenge yourself. For me this was powerlifting.

    Supporting you:))
  • waffle92
    waffle92 Posts: 6 Member
    thanks for the reply - youre so right, its all about mental attitude and not trying to be perfect.

    i guess i just start off too militant about it, then adopt the 'have a treat you dont have to be perfect' mindset but i let it go too far.

    moderation is my problem, i seem to be all or nothing and i havent yet figured out a way to retrain my mind to be accepting of moderation and not to let myself slip back again.

    looking in the mirror and accepting whats there is hard, especially when i have the memory of what was there before. its a reminder of whats gone wrong, and the frustration is not being able to put it right as fast as i want to.

    ive stopped seeing change and it makes me feel like i dont have control over my situation or my body. which is stupid, because nobody else has control - only me!

    i can see the goal, see the tools to get there and see the way to do it but the struggle is picking up the tools and being consistent for long enough to see a change.

    5 or 6 days in and i start to wobble and cant seem to push through those first mindblocks that tempt me back into a mindset of 'its fine just eat what you want and stop beating yourself up about it'.

    it sounds so silly writing it down, and so easy to fix if i just make the effort. so why does it feel so hard!
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    waffle92 wrote: »
    thanks for the reply - youre so right, its all about mental attitude and not trying to be perfect.

    i guess i just start off too militant about it, then adopt the 'have a treat you dont have to be perfect' mindset but i let it go too far.

    moderation is my problem, i seem to be all or nothing and i havent yet figured out a way to retrain my mind to be accepting of moderation and not to let myself slip back again.

    looking in the mirror and accepting whats there is hard, especially when i have the memory of what was there before. its a reminder of whats gone wrong, and the frustration is not being able to put it right as fast as i want to.

    ive stopped seeing change and it makes me feel like i dont have control over my situation or my body. which is stupid, because nobody else has control - only me!

    i can see the goal, see the tools to get there and see the way to do it but the struggle is picking up the tools and being consistent for long enough to see a change.

    5 or 6 days in and i start to wobble and cant seem to push through those first mindblocks that tempt me back into a mindset of 'its fine just eat what you want and stop beating yourself up about it'.

    it sounds so silly writing it down, and so easy to fix if i just make the effort. so why does it feel so hard!

    I got your back:) We will work this out together, I know how much this cycle sucks, trust I spent years in it.

    Have you heard of or tried IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros)?
  • waffle92
    waffle92 Posts: 6 Member
    No, i've never heard of IIFYM. How does that work?
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